spring break car accident tips

Tips To Protect Yourself From A Spring Break Accident in South Florida


Every year between late February and early April, traffic fatalities rise in certain areas of the country.

Why? What’s happening?


Two words: spring break.


Those findings are from a new study that illustrates the spike in deadly auto accidents specific to “spring break destinations.


  • Traffic fatality rates in these areas during this time rise significantly for
    • Drivers under the age of 25
    • Among those who travel from other states
  • No increases are noted for areas that are not destinations for spring break



Below, we’re going to detail how Florida personal injury claims work if you are hurt in a spring break car crash.


Filing a Florida Claim after a Spring Break Car Crash


If you’re injured in an auto accident, the first thing you need to do isn’t file a claim, but seek medical care. Not only is this a good way to make sure your injuries get taken care of and that you aren’t hurt more than you realize, it increases your chances of winning compensation as well.

Your medical record will be a key piece of evidence in proving that the crash caused your injuries and that you deserve compensation for your medical expenses.

Next, your best course of action is to consult with a knowledgeable Florida injury attorney. He or she will be able to evaluate your case, and will make sure that you adhere to and understand the process.


Some important things to know:


  • Florida’s Injury Statute of Limitations.
    Under Florida law, you must file an injury lawsuit no more than four years from the date of the accident. File outside of that timeline and your case will likely be dismissed.
  • Florida’s Pure Comparative Negligence Rule.
    When discussing your possible compensation amounts with a personal injury lawyer, it’s important to know that the amount may be adjusted according to the pure comparative negligence rule. This rule says that winning plaintiffs will receive compensation for their injuries according to their percentage of fault in the accident.


Filing a Florida Claim after a Spring Break Car Crash


For example, if a drunk driver hit you and caused your injuries, but you were speeding at the time of the accident, the court may determine that you are 30 percent at fault for the accident. This means that any compensation you receive will only be 70 percent of the awarded total. If your total award is $100,000, you will be eligible to receive $70,000 due to the 30 percent reduction under the pure comparative negligence rule.


  • Florida’s No-Fault Car Insurance Law.
    In the majority of traffic accidents, each driver’s insurance company will be responsible for up to $10,000 in various expenses like medical bills and lost income – no matter who is at fault for the accident.


It is only when serious injuries occur that you can sue for additional damages. The requirements include the following types of injuries resulting from a car crash:


  • Significant or permanent bodily function loss
  • Significant or permanent disfigurement or scarring
  • Permanent injury


A skilled attorney will know if your injuries meet the serious injury threshold, and therefore will be eligible for greater compensation.


  • Damage Limits in Florida Personal Injury Lawsuits.
    In car accident lawsuits, Florida courts set limits on the amount that can be compensated for punitive damages, which often apply to non-economic damages like pain and suffering.


You can file for the greater of either triple the amount of damages or $500,000. This normally applies only to extreme cases where the behavior of the driver was exceptionally reckless or dangerous.


How a Florida Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Fight Back


If you are hurt in a Florida spring break car crash due to another’s negligence, you shouldn’t be stuck with all the bills for a serious injury. Unfortunately, dealing with insurance companies is often a tough challenge, and you have additional hurdles if you were injured on a visit to Florida as so many spring breakers are.


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A skilled Florida personal injury attorney can ease your burden in dealing with all of this and help you fight to get the compensation you deserve. Reach out today for a free case review. We will look over the details of your situation and let you know what options are available to you.



When your life has been turned upside down due to another’s negligence and you are drowning in bills and struggling to recover, you want to make sure you work with the best law firm you can find.

What is the difference between a high-quality injury firm and one that will only do the bare minimum? The people who work there. That is why The South Florida Injury Law Firm is made up of some of the most well-respected and successful injury attorneys around.

Our lawyers have more than 60 years of combined injury law experience, and they have handled just about every type of Florida injury case you can imagine. They are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an elite group of attorneys who have helped settle injury cases worth more than a million dollars. They have been named to Florida Trend’s Legal Elite. They are recognized by the Florida Workers’ Advocates group.

Perhaps even more importantly, they have received glowing reviews from clients – and they get results.




accidente motorcicleta attorney injury law firm

5 Common Ways Motorcycle Accidents Happen

Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating. The roar of the engine provides the soundtrack for flying down the open road – just you and your bike. But riding a motorcycle can also be dangerous. The thrill of riding a motorcycle can quickly become risky if you’re not careful or riding safely.


If you’re going to take a motorcycle on the road, you should complete a basic motorcycle rider course and know the Florida motorcycle laws, in addition to being equipped with the proper safety gear.


What kind of safety gear?

Helmet, gloves, protective eyewear, boots, leather clothes, and body armor. This kind of gear can both make riding a motorcycle more comfortable and help to protect you from injuries if you are involved in an accident.


But the best thing you can do is try to avoid accidents altogether.
To help you do that, here are 5 of the most common types of motorcycle accidents and how to prevent them.


  1. A car turns left in front of you.

    This is probably the most common motorcycle accident. Why does it happen? Lots of reasons. A car might not see you or can’t correctly judge your speed. They might also be distracted or driving recklessly. Additionally, cars waiting to turn at intersections are particularly dangerous, as are gaps in traffic at an intersection, parking lot, or driveway.


As a motorcyclist, you need to be prepared for these kind of mistakes. Drivers might display certain signs that can foreshadow their turning in front of you. One thing to look for is the direction of cars’ wheels. The direction of a car’s wheels is the first sign of what the car might do next.


Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer



  1. You turned too fast into a corner.

    You’re going too fast into a corner and you realize you might not totally make it. What do you do? Well, first of all, you shouldn’t be going too fast. You should also be paying attention to visual cues from the road to know what’s coming up ahead.


If you’re in that situation though, try to ride it out. Don’t slam on the brakes or do anything that may cause a loss of traction. Lean into the corner and be in control of the bike.



  1. A car suddenly changes lanes into you.

    Motorcycles can easily fit into a car’s blind spot, so unfortunately it’s easy for a car to drift into your space.


As a motorcyclist, you should know this and be aware of where blind spots are and avoid riding into those spots. A good note: if you can see a driver’s eyes in their mirror, they can see you too. You should also be watching the road to see if cars will need to be changing lanes quickly.


Also watch for signs a car might be changing lanes:

    • Turn signals
    • Turning wheels
    • A driver is checking their mirrors
    • A driver’s head is moving


5 Common Ways Motorcycle Accidents Happen 1 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm


  1. A car hits you from behind.

    With cars, fender benders are the most common accident. But a fender bender with a motorcycle could kill a motorcyclist.

Avoid this accident by using other cars as barriers. When you stop, politely pull in front of another stopped car to cushion yourself from any cars coming up behind you. Or pull in between a line of cars.

If there aren’t any stopped cars, stop to the side of your lane instead right in the center. Flash your brake lights and be aware of what’s happening behind you in case you need to quickly get out of the way.




  1. A car opened its door.

    If there are parked cars on the side of the road, never ride between them and an active lane of traffic. Even if there’s a ton of extra room. Car doors can open. Pedestrians can step into the road. Cars can pull out. And so on. Motorcyclists and bicyclists call the area next to parked cars The Death Zone for this very reason.


If, however, you end up in this situation, brake as hard as possible to avoid a collision. If a collision is going to happen anyway, you can at least decrease your speed.

Hopefully, when you’re on your motorcycle, you ride safely and exercise caution while on the road. If for some reason you or a loved one is injured in a motorcycle accident, seek medical attention immediately. Then contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who can look at the facts of your case and determine if you’re entitled to any damages.





semi truck accident attorney injury law firm south florida_0002_bigstock-Shiny-American-Semi-Truck-On-A-287455885

What Are Your Rights When Involved In A South Florida Trucking Accident?


Nowadays, many more trucks are entering our roadways, sharing the same space we use in our everyday life. Product demand has significantly increased, and so does the congestion of commercial trucking. Unfortunately, with the increased numbers of trucks entering service they bring with them an ever-increasing number of accidents and resulting injuries.

A central question in most truck accident cases is whether the trucker’s actions violated their duty of care. Some trucking accidents make this question abundantly clear: if a police officer cites a trucker for speeding, failing to yield, or carrying too much weight, the law assumes that the trucker is at fault for any ensuing accident. However, in other cases, a more in-depth investigation is required to prove trucker fault, for which a South Florida truck accident attorney can provide significant assistance in collecting evidence.

Trucking Accident Common Factors


Poor Vehicle Maintenance


Ensuring that a vehicle is maintained correctly is essential for every driver, and it’s vital to the safety of commercial truck drivers. Commercial vehicles experience more wear and tear than ordinary cars as trucks are driven for hundreds of miles every day. If routine maintenance is skipped, it could lead to mechanical problems or equipment failure that could lead to an accident. Something as simple as a worn brake pad could be the difference between stopping in time and causing a multi-car pileup. Victims of a commercial trucking accident should have the company’s maintenance records checked to see if repair negligence contributed to the collision.


Incentivize Programs that Promote Unsafe Truck Driving


While it’s easy to blame the driver involved in the accident, looking at the underlying issues may solve the root problem.  Shippers and logistics firms may inadvertently create dangerous driving conditions by the way they pay drivers. For example, some compensation programs encourage faster vehicle speeds or more hours of continuous vehicle operation than would usually be unadvisable. Giving drivers unrealistic schedules encourage drivers to hurry, despite the safety risks involved.

Improper Cargo Loading


Commercial trucks carry so much cargo that weight imbalances can significantly affect the safety of the vehicle. Cargo that has been loaded incorrectly can cause accidents in several ways.

The shipment could fall off and become a hazard to other drivers, and the cargo itself could affect the vehicle’s steering. To prevent these issues, truckers and cargo loading teams have to abide by industry-specific rules when it comes to loading the bed of a commercial truck.

These rules determine limits for weight, size, length, width, and load height. The rules also specify special methods of securing cargo for transportation.

What Are Your Rights When Involved In A South Florida Trucking Accident? 2 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm 

South Florida Truck Accident Laws


Truck drivers have the same responsibilities under Florida law to drive their vehicles in a safe manner as all other motorists. This includes a duty to protect all other people they may encounter while behind the wheel. This extends to:

  • Other drivers
  • Passengers in other vehicles
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists

If a truck driver fails in this responsibility, and someone is injured, that person can file a lawsuit alleging that the driver’s negligence caused their injuries. Unfortunately, even the clearest example of truck driver negligence may fail to bring compensation if a plaintiff does not act in time.

According to Florida Statute §95.11, plaintiffs must file a case within four years of the date of the accident if they hope to collect compensation. Insurance companies may break off all settlement negotiations if this time has passed. This makes it important to act quickly when considering a claim.

What Are Your Rights When Involved In A South Florida Trucking Accident? 3 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmCommon Injuries related to South Florida Truck Accidents


Even truck accidents that occur at low speeds place great strain on the bodies of the occupants of smaller vehicles. Even if their bodies do not come into direct contact with the truck, their car may be subjected to significant force or perhaps even crushed.

This can result in life-threatening injuries. It is not uncommon for the victims in these accidents to suffer:

  • Broken bones
  • Separated joints
  • Severe cuts
  • Burns
  • Concussions
  • Paralysis

Any form of physical injury is enough to make a claim. A complete claim should also demand compensation for lost wages and mental anguish. A truck accident law firm in South Florida can work with clients to understand the full impact of the accident on their lives and receive the compensation they deserve.



Far too often injury attorneys treat trucking accident cases like car accidents.  One can easily understand the force from a 60,000 pound truck striking a family vehicle are significantly higher than the force from a 7,500 pound pickup truck or 3,500 sedan traveling the same speed.  This difference in force often results in much more serious injuries, even death.

Attorneys specialized in trucking accidents know that car accidents and trucking accidents are not the same.  Beyond the federal regulations that apply to commercial trucking, drivers must also undergo extensive training.  18-wheelers simply do not operate the same as family-size passenger vehicles. They are harder to maneuver and some operations that can be done in family passenger vehicles are strictly prohibited by 18-wheel operators.


Post-Accident Checklist


After any type of traffic accident, you should run over a checklist of information to get from other drivers or passengers who were involved: insurance information, injuries, names and contact information of witnesses, etc.


Hopefully, knowing this information and practicing safer driving will help you reduce the chances of getting into a truck accident. But if you or someone you love is injured in a crash with a truck due to another’s negligence, you should know what to do next. The first and most important thing to do is check to see if you or anyone around you is injured and, if so, instantly seek medical attention.


The next step you take should be contacting a skilled Florida accident attorney who will look into the incident. Your lawyer will likely have to ask you a lot of questions, so it’s helpful to prepare yourself ahead of time.


Researching and slogging through legal meetings may be the last thing you’re interested in doing after getting hurt in an accident, but it’s worth it. Medical bills can pile up fast, and that’s not even dealing with money you lose due to not being able to work and other expenses. These are things that can seriously derail your life, and if someone else is responsible, you shouldn’t have to pay for their mistake.

car crash home miami dade gardens attorney law firm accident

Car Accidents At Home

Car Accidents At Home 4 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Car accidents can happen anywhere. Especially where you least expect it. Parking lots, driveways, parking garages, and drive-thrus are well-known for accident scenes.
Even your own living room.


On Wednesday, August 21st, an accident involving two cars ended up crashing into a Miami Gardens home. One of the drivers was air lifted to a nearby hospital.

The resident, who was inside his home at the time of the crash, stated:

“This isn’t the first time something like this has happened”


He’s right.  In just the last few months of 2019, there have been multiple car accidents in South Florida that have also caused damages to a home. In March, a driver smashed into a house in North Lauderdale in the middle of the day.  Another driver was hospitalized in April after crashing into a house in Lauderhill. Another driver attempting to avoid a collision drove straight into a Miami home in May.


Unfortunately, these instances are becoming too common throughout Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. It’s important to pay attention while on the road and arm yourself with knowledge, whether you’re the driver or passenger in a car accident or inside a home and have sustained damage or injuries from a car collision.

Know Your Rights


Under Florida Law, you may be entitled to monetary damages if you have been injured through the negligence or recklessness of another person. Damages may include reimbursement or compensation for:


  • Past and future medical costs
  • Home damage liabilities
  • Pain, suffering, and inconvenience
  • Lost wages or economic opportunities
  • Funeral expenses
  • Grief and suffering


A Personal Injury Case Begins Before You Leave the Scene of a Crash


While the circumstances behind each of these accidents are different, one fact holds true for all—the time immediately following the crash can be stressful and confusing.


Here are the seven most important things to do if you are involved in a South Florida auto accident.


  • Remain at the scene.
    If an accident has occurred, it is essential for you to remain at the scene. It is your legal obligation to stop if you collide with anything, even if you do not think there is any damage.
  • Prioritize safety.
    Take steps to ensure the safety of you, your passengers, and other drivers. If your vehicle is causing a major traffic obstruction, move it out of the road to a safe location and turn on hazard lights. Check for injuries and determine if anyone needs major care.
  • Contact the police.
    Even if the accident is minor, call the police. When cops arrive at the scene of the accident, request that a police report be filed and get the names and badge numbers of the cops involved.
  • Document information.
    Document as much information about the accident as you can while limiting discussion of the incident with the other driver.
  • Report the incident to your insurance company.
    Notify your insurance company as soon as possible. Many insurers have a policy that requires you to report the accident within a certain time frame in order for the incident to be covered.
  • Seek medical attention.
    Even if you do not notice any serious injuries at first, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is particularly true if you notice any pain or strange effects in the aftermath of an accident, but it’s not uncommon to begin feeling more pain a day or two after a car collision, and you don’t want to wait that long if you can help it.
  • Consult with an auto accident attorney.
    Even if your case seems straightforward, it’s highly advised to consult with a car crash lawyer after an accident. Working with an attorney can improve your odds of obtaining the maximum amount of compensation. If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will be ready to take your case to court.


Find out more on what do after a car accident in South Florida


Help protect your friends and family by giving them the one essential tool they need to drive safely—knowledge.


Get The Help You Need


If you’ve been hurt in a vehicle accident in a parking lot, drive-thru, parking garage or inside a home where an accident has occurred, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries. The South Florida Auto Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers understand your needs and dedicated to helping their clients get the maximum compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.


Schedule a free consultation by calling (954) 488-JEFF (Fort Lauderdale), (954) 488-JEFF (Boca Raton & West Palm Beach), or 877-566-8759 (toll-free). You can also fill out this online form to set up your case evaluation. We’re a dedicated team of personal injury lawyers who work on a contingency basis and will take your calls at any time, on any day of the week.

826 expressway modifications being made

826 Palmetto Expressway and I-75 Lane Closure and Construction Schedule 2019


Dade and Broward county roads are about to become a bit more confusing and request drivers to be more attentive to the road and the scheduled construction plans on the 826 Palmetto Expressway and I-75 throughout August 2019, while making room for a new Express Lane on the 826 Palmetto Expressway.

As auto accident attorneys with years of experience winning cases throughout South Florida, we know how important it is to constantly be aware of all new laws affecting drivers. We’ve put together a list below that outlines the lane closure dates and available detours provided by the Florida Deportment of Transportation (FDOT) to help you plan ahead and avoid potential hazards.




August 8th , 11PM to August 9th 5AM

  • On I-75 two southbound outside lanes will be closed between NW 170 Street and SR 826/Palmetto Expressway.
  • On I-75 two northbound outside lanes will be closed between SR 826/Palmetto Expressway and NW 170 Street.


 August 8th , 9AM to August 9th 4PM

  • On SR 826/Palmetto Expressway the northbound and southbound outside shoulders will be closed between NW 25 Street and NW 103 Street/West 49 Street.


August 8th  10PM to August 9th 5AM

  • On I-75 two southbound inside lanes will be closed at SR 826/Palmetto Expressway.


 August 8th  9PM to August 9th 5AM

  • On SR 826/Palmetto Expressway one northbound inside lane will be closed between West Flagler Street and NW 25 Street
  • On SR 826/Palmetto Expressway one southbound inside express lane will be closed at Okeechobee Road.


August 9th  9PM to August 12th 5AM

  • On SR 826/Palmetto Expressway, the entrance ramp from southbound I-75 and westbound SR 924/Gratigny Parkway will be closed.

Available Detours:

  • Take the northbound SR 826/Palmetto Expressway entrance ramp
  • Exit NW 154 Street westbound
  • Take the entrance ramp to SR 826/Palmetto Expressway


August 9th  10PM to August 10th 5AM

  • On West 20 Avenue one northbound lane north of West 44 Place will be closed.


August 12th  9AM to August 16th 4PM

  • On SR 826/Palmetto Expressway the northbound and southbound outside shoulders will be closed between NW 25 Street and NW 103 Street/West 49 Street.


Stay alert when driving and especially through these areas.  Avoid any driver who is obviously not paying attention to the road. Never get into a car driven by someone who has been drinking and watch out for traffic from local bars and/or clubs. Steer clear of any driver who refuse to yield the right-of-way, don’t obey traffic signals, tailgate or pass improperly.

In the event you are involved in an accident, know what to do and your rights. With the help of an attorney, you can hold the guilty party responsible

Find out more about what to do after a car accident in South Floridatruck accident attorney law firm


Always remember that how you respond following an accident can be the difference between being properly compensated for all damages or potentially not obtaining what you deserve in terms of a financial settlement. Auto insurance companies deal with accident claims daily and the claims adjusters are obligated to the company and their client first. Always select a law firm that specializes in auto accidents with a solid track record of results for their injured clients to make the most impact to your claim. A skilled attorney can help you obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and overall pain and suffering.

The South Florida Injury Law Firm is a trusted car accident law firm serving Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. We’re proud to provide each of our clients with high-quality legal representation. We’re committed to helping you receive the compensation that you deserve and owed. Helping you stay on the right track and safe on the road.

Got into a Memorial Day Weekend Crash in Florida? You're Not Alone

Got into a Memorial Day Weekend Crash in Florida? You’re Not Alone

Got into a Memorial Day Weekend Crash in Florida? You're Not Alone

Memorial Day offers a  time to celebrate loved ones lost. It also signals the beginning of another Florida summer which often means road trip! In either case, we all find a reason and a way to cut loose.

Unfortunately, these celebrations also lead to an uptick in car accidents.

The primary causes? More cars on the road plus the sheer increase in motorists choosing to drive drunk – a dangerous, even deadly, combination.

In today’s post we share the hard numbers on Memorial Day car crashes, and offer some insight into car accident liability in this state.

Florida Memorial Day Crashes: The Hard Numbers

If you were injured in a Memorial Day car crash, you’re far from alone. In fact, Americans are four times more likely to die on the road on Memorial Day weekend than any other regular weekend.

Nearly 43 million Americans travel during this time, and every year over 300 fatal accidents occur. Many thousands more serious injuries occur, which can be permanently debilitating.

Florida’s waterways invite abundant Memorial Day festivities, so the state is actually one of the most dangerous places to be on the road over the holiday weekend.

Florida Car Accident Laws

Being involved in a Memorial Day car accident can leave you facing major financial concerns such as costly car repairs, medical bills and lost wages. This can place a major financial burden on your entire family.

When the crash isn’t your fault, you have the right to seek damages for your injuries. This holds the responsible party accountable for their negligent actions, which can also bring you some sense of closure.

However, if you plan on filing a claim, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. There are four key elements you should understand about Florida car accident liability – including the statute of limitations – which we cover below:

Reporting a Florida Car Accident

If you’re involved in a Florida car accident and the crash resulted in serious injury, death or over $500 worth of damages to the vehicles, the accident must be reported to the local police department.

This report should be made immediately following the accident, as it will be an important piece of evidence later in determining fault.

Florida’s No-Fault Car Insurance Laws

Florida has a no-fault car insurance scheme. This means that injured drivers and passengers first turn to their own personal-injury protection car insurance to get compensation for medical bills, lost income and other expenses, regardless of who was at fault.

A claim against the responsible party is only possible if the victim sustained a serious injury. This includes significant disfigurement, broken bones, permanent limitation of a bodily organ or limb, or full disability for at least 90 days.

Statute of Limitations

You will have four years from the date of your crash to file suit for damages. Cases filed after this statute of limitations will probably be dismissed.

Professionals recommend filing suit much sooner, though, as the seriousness of your injuries may fall under question when you wait several years to file suit.

Comparative Negligence

In the majority of car accidents, both drivers are at some degree of fault. When a serious injury has been sustained, Florida follows a “pure comparative fault” rule.

This means a jury is asked to calculate both the percentage of fault that belongs to each party, and the monetary value of the damages sustained by the plaintiff. The plaintiff’s damages are then reduced by the percent equal to their fault.

Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorneys


Seeking damages for a Florida car crash is an often-complex undertaking, but may be necessary to help you recover from your injuries and get your life back on track.

Knowing what to do after a car crash and seeking out the advice of an attorney if necessary can help get you the compensation you deserve.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for the South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.


Keep Your Teens Safe: Alternatives to Driving to Prom

Keep Your Teens Safe: Alternatives to Driving to Prom

Keep Your Teens Safe: Alternatives to Driving to Prom

In the height of prom season, across the country, local police and first responders work with surrounding schools, survivors, and other drunk driving prevention organizations to reenact realistic reminders of why teens in their communities shouldn’t drink and drive.

One survivor in Illinois recounted his experience of being ejected through a car window after plowing into a telephone pole following a night of drugs and alcohol, and the time it took afterward to re-learn the basic functions of walking, talking, and feeding himself. He also revealed that of the two who were with him, one was in prison, the other dead.

Closer to home, Palm Beach County first responders partnered with the Health Care District and Royal Palm Beach High School SADD members to present “Shattered Dreams,” a prom night car crash reenactment complete with real police and firefighter rescue.

Despite these tragic true stories, far too many teens innately believe that “it won’t happen to me.”

So, one way parents can further ensure their teens’ safety this prom season is to provide them with transportation options to and from the festivities – and require that they decide well before prom night.

Today’s post suggests some fun and flashy alternatives to driving that are way more stylish than that tired, played-out limo rental or letting one of their friends drive them as part of a group.

Party Bus Is the New Stretch

These vehicles offer standing room and the ability for folks to move around a lot easier than a packed limo – when it’s stopped, of course. They also boast a dedicated area to stock non-alcoholic refreshments and snacks, and usually have great sound systems wired to Bluetooth in passengers’ own playlists. They fit way more people than a limo, too.

The more party people in the bus, the less there are on the roadways alone. This is a great option for that high school crew looking for rock star treatment.  

Take the Trolley

A dozen or more of your teen’s closest friends packing a trolley – what could be more fun (and safe) than that? It may take a little research, but depending on your location, where prom takes place, and trolley run times, this could be one of the most cost-efficient and exciting adventures of the evening for them!

One of the many, many people who don’t live in an area with an actual, working trolley system? If everyone wants to invest a bit more, there are also a few charter trolley rentals around the South Florida area you can check into.

Romantic Ride-Sharing

Ride-sharing has hands-down been one of the most quickly-integrated technologies of the last decade – you, your teen, or both may have already used ride-sharing services on different occasions.

Think ride-sharing doesn’t seem very “prom”? Fair enough, but you may not be aware of some of today’s available service upgrades. We suggest looking into UberSelect, UberBLACK and UberSUV options in your local area. These are luxury livery services, offering commercially registered and insured SUV and luxury sedans complete with uniformed drivers.

A Walk in the Moonlight

What about a leisurely stroll to and from the event? It’s a sure-fire way to avoid a traffic accident, and a sweet opportunity to extend a perfect evening.

You can sell it to your little lovebird as a chance for them to spend time alone with each other – but in public, close to home, and with pre-approved check-ins or curfew time so you can reasonably know they’re safe.

Teen Car Accident Lawyer

If your teen does decide to drive, recommend a combination – maybe suggest driving to prom and then taking a safer alternative home. If they insist on driving round trip, there are other safety tips you can offer to limit distractions, such as keeping it to one couple per vehicle to avoid over excitement and reduce overall number of people at risk of being hurt in an accident. Also, don’t hesitate to remind them that the primary way they can prevent a DUI accident is simple: don’t ever drink and drive.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for the South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.

What Happens If You Get Into a Florida Car Crash with a Wild Animal?

What Happens If You Get Into a Florida Car Crash with a Wild Animal?

What Happens If You Get Into a Florida Car Crash with a Wild Animal?

Just under a year ago, a Florida mother and her two toddlers suffered a fatal auto collision with an alligator in South Carolina. According to police, they struck the animal and skidded off the road, smashing into a tree. The vehicle burst into flames upon impact, killing all three.

Unfortunately, if you live in Florida — or anywhere along the Gulf of Mexico — this probably isn’t the first story you’ve heard about an auto accident involving one of these larger-than-life reptiles. In fact, the USDA reports about a billion dollars annually in collision damage due to alligators and other wildlife.

If you have recently experience this kind of accident, and aren’t sure what happens next, an experienced Florida auto claims attorney can help. In the meantime, we’ll share how to avoid animal-vehicle collisions, reduce impact when you can’t, and what happens afterwards if the accident was unavoidable.

Avoiding a Wildlife Accident in Florida

Three common-sense concepts are the most likely way to get you where you need to be without colliding with part of the animal kingdom:

  1. Drive Undistracted. We can probably all agree that you can’t avoid what you don’t see. With technology at our fingertips — some of which is specifically designed to make our driving experiences more enjoyable — accidents due to distracted driving have risen drastically over the past several years. Even if you think you’re alone on the open road – just you, your GPS app, and your playlist – know that you’re not. The primary way you can help yourself avoid a wild animal collision is to keep your eyes on the road.
  2. Know Your Roads. Understanding what wildlife populates your areas, during which seasons, and their basic life habits will help when navigating various landscapes on your regular routes — particularly over hills and at crossing points. Additionally, you should use auto safety features like adaptive headlights to see better. Wild animals are generally most active at dusk and dawn, so you want to be on heightened alert during those hours. Finally, living where alligators are abundant means learning to keep your eyes lower than someone watching for, say, deer.
Avoiding a Wildlife Accident in Florida
  • 3.)   Keep to Posted Speeds. You may not be aware, but roadway engineers consider every aspect of the environment when developing recommendations for speeds. They look at physics and velocity around curves, distances of straight-aways before drivers become drowsy — everything. Sometimes those low speeds are in place to allow you enough time to brake for local wildlife. 

When you do have to stop suddenly, quickly tap your brakes several times to signal drivers behind, lay on your horn to frighten the animal, and then simply brake – do not swerve. You may be able to stop short of an accident, and swerving often leads to greater damage than the actual impact.

Otherwise, braking in the way described will at minimum reduce animal-vehicle impact and associated damage. From there, a few key steps will ensure swift and proper processing of your auto accident claim.  

After an Animal-Vehicle Collision Occurs in Florida

Your comprehensive coverage insurance plan protects your vehicle against physical damage from a car crash not caused by a stationary object or another vehicle. That includes wildlife-vehicle collisions as long as your claim meets a few standard requirements.

Generally speaking, you should take these steps:

  1. First make sure that you and any other people involved are okay. If there are serious injuries, reach out to emergency services immediately.
  2. If possible, pull over and do what it takes to make yourself and the scene visible: put on your hazards, and light a couple of flairs if you’ve got them.
  3. Next, call the police to report the accident. Although there is no law in Florida against leaving the scene of an animal-related accident, staying until authorities arrive to let them know whether the animal is alive (in which case they can safely put it down) is the humane thing to do.
  4. Last, if you’re able, take photos. Document the scene, the animal, the damage to your vehicle, and any visible injuries sustained by yourself or any passengers.
South Florida Car Accident Attorney

Nearly all animal car accidents are handled the same by car insurance carriers. Knowing what damage to look for and how to handle an animal damage claim can save time and money.

About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for the South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.


Worried about Florida Road Rage? How to Stay Safe Around Angry Drivers

Worried about Florida Road Rage? How to Stay Safe Around Angry Drivers

Worried about Florida Road Rage? How to Stay Safe Around Angry Drivers

No turn signals, sudden stops, swerving – driving on the road in Florida can feel like an accident waiting to happen. Even if you’ve lived in the state your whole life, it can be incredibly frustrating to drive here. Worse, the blame is shared between retirees, tourists, and just downright bad drivers.

Unfortunately, it appears that some Florida drivers can’t let these frustrations go, which has led to the Sunshine State being a leader in road rage cases throughout the country.

Between 2014 and 2018, Floridians reported over 277 cases of road rage. We don’t just mean 277 horns honking or obscenities out the window, either. These cases involved guns, and 20 people have died at the hands of a gunman due to road-related events.

Hopefully, it goes without saying that pointing a gun at another driver doesn’t solve road rage problems. It only puts you at risk of an arrest (or of getting a gun pulled on you!).

Even if you are a Florida driver who doesn’t experience road rage yourself, you may still find yourself at the center of an accident with an angry driver. Use these tips to stay safe while driving on the I-4 and beyond.

Don’t Engage

Road rage incidents typically don’t start with a gun in your face. Most drivers will honk or yell first.

Here’s the good news. Often, you can stop road rage here. Just don’t engage with the driver, even if they start to insult you or start tailgating your car. Get out of their way (safely) and avoid eye contact. Change lanes or slow down in another lane if possible.

Most likely, the driver will continue to move forward and eventually cool down. The more you respond, the more riled up they will get.

Whatever you do, don’t pull over. This gives the driver a reason to get out of the car and confront you.

Know Where Your Local Police Station Is

If, for any reason, you do have to stop while someone is harassing you, make sure help is nearby. Pull into a police station, a fire station, or any public place where people in authority can easily help you. This should hopefully intimidate the driver with road rage and encourage them to keep moving.

Boca Raton Personal Injury Lawyer

Even then, once you pull over, don’t get out of the car until the driver leaves. If they get out of their car, do not get out to confront them. You never know if they are carrying a gun.

Concealed carry is legal in Florida, so even if they do not appear to be carrying when you first see them leave the car, stay in your vehicle. Treat each driver with road rage as if they are carrying a gun.

“Siri, Call the Police.”

If a driver starts to make you feel uncomfortable, but you don’t want to pull over, call the police or 911. Calmly explain the situation and share your location. Keep the authorities on speakerphone until you feel safe.

Making a phone call while driving is not illegal in Florida, but things may change soon. (Texting is prohibited, but only as a secondary offense.) Regardless, it’s better to face the repercussions of an illegal call than risk your life with an angry driver.

If you are driving in a different state and run into road rage trouble, know the laws before phoning the police.

Stay Calm

Road rage incidents can be terrifying. They can also make you angry. The driver has no right to tailgate you, cut you off, start throwing things, or yell at you.

Don’t let this affect you. Don’t give in to their jeers and insults. The moment you start yelling back is the moment you could be blamed for the road rage incident.

Also, remember: road rage incidents can escalate quickly. If you start to brandish a weapon or start breaking the law, you could find yourself in jail or slapped with heavy fines. Take a deep breath and remember not to take the driver’s insults or behavior personally.

How to Defend Yourself after a Road Rage Incident

Could you be found at fault for a road rage incident that you didn’t start? The answer lies in the state of Florida’s comparative negligence laws. If a plaintiff files a lawsuit after a car accident, the judge will have to look at how each party contributed to the accident, as well as the damages caused by the accident. The judge will award damages based on each party’s contribution.

For example, say a road rage incident turned into an auto accident. A driver stopped short and was hit by an angry driver that was tailgating them.

Injuries from the accident lead to a lawsuit. The driver in the front asks for $100,000 to cover the damages of the accident. However, as the judge evaluates the case, they discover that the front driver stopped short to aggravate the tailgating driver.

Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney


This has a significant impact in the case. The judge determines that the front driver is 40% at fault for the accident. The front driver only receives 60% of the damages, or $60,000, from the defendant.

This is why it’s so important to stay calm during a road rage incident. Your attitude can keep you safe and prevent you from losing money if the incident results in a lawsuit.



About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for the South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.

Chain-Reaction Crashes in Florida: How Fault Is Determined

Chain-Reaction Crashes in Florida: How Fault Is Determined

Chain-Reaction Crashes in Florida: How Fault Is Determined

Car accidents can result in tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in medical bills, lost wages, and car repairs. How is it decided who will have to pay for these damages and bills?

In Florida, it usually starts with personal injury protection (PIP). If you experience damages that add up to less than $10,000, it doesn’t matter who caused the accident. Florida car insurance will cover that amount and you won’t have to bring your case to court.

Unfortunately, this is rarely the case in chain-reaction crashes. Damages can stay relatively low if only one or two cars are involved. However, when three or four cars are in a crash, there is little chance that that the bills will stay under $10,000.

So, how does Florida determine who is at fault for a chain-reaction crash? They look to see what negligent behavior caused the auto accident.

Negligent Driving Behavior in Florida

It only takes a second for a driver to commit a negligent behavior and put themselves (and others) in danger. What does “negligent behavior” mean in terms of driving, though?

Drivers have a duty to follow certain rules of the road and practice safe driving. If they neglect to stick by these rules, they could have to front the bill for a serious accident.

Negligent behaviors on the road include:

  • Speeding
  • Swerving in and out of lanes without using a turn signal or looking for other drivers
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Driving without lights on at night
  • Texting or talking on the phone while driving
  • Any form of distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Driving a car that has not been inspected

This type of driving may also be called “reckless driving” or “careless driving.”

Negligent behavior only goes so far if it directly causes a car accident. Let’s see how this might play out in a case involving a chain-reaction crash.

Pretend you are Driver A. Driver B is behind you, and Driver C behind them.

Driver C rear-ends Driver B, causing them to rear-end you. The chain reaction crash racks up $150,000 worth of damage and medical bills combined for all three drivers.

In court, it turns out that Driver C was texting when they hit Driver B. Due to Driver C’s negligence, they will have to pay for all of the damages.

Of course, as any experienced Florida injury lawyer can tell you, it doesn’t always work out this way.

Comparative Negligence Could Prevent You from Getting Your Full Amount in Florida

Let’s stick to this example. If Driver C is the only negligent driver, then they will have to foot the bill and cover the damages.

However, what happens if Driver B rear-ended Driver A because they were also negligent? Does Driver C still have to cover their damages?

Not under Florida’s comparative negligence laws. If drivers file a lawsuit for damages, but partially contributed to those damages, they will only receive a portion of the compensation they asked for. For example, if a judge determines that Driver B and Driver C both equally contributed to the damages in the chain-reaction crash, they will most likely have to pay equal amounts of damages to the victims.

Collect All Information Before You Go to Court

South Florida Car Accident Attorneys

Florida’s comparative negligence laws often encourage drivers to point fingers at each other in a crash and try to spread the blame around.

If you are involved in a chain-reaction crash, prepare for this type of finger-pointing and collect as much information as you can to defend yourself. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can get the compensation you deserve for any type of Florida car crash.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for the South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.