Your first step is to seek medical treatment promptly. Then you should get in touch with a Fort Lauderdale Premises Liability Attorney as quickly as possible so evidence can be gathered and preserved.
Although these kinds of accidents often result in just a few scrapes and bruises, that’s not always the case. Brain trauma, fractured hips and other serious injuries can leave an unsuspecting victim with hefty medical bills and significant pain and suffering.
Negligence in a slip and fall lawsuit or other premises liability claim can take many forms.
Accidents can result from:
If you or a loved one suffers from a serious injury because of a property owner’s negligence, you should acquire the services of the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm at 1-800-944-JEFF (5333), which has years of experience navigating premises liability law.
Compensation may be available for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and altered quality of life if fault can be proven, which is no easy task. To prove negligence, it must be shown that:
The property owner created the dangerous condition that caused your accident.
The property owner was aware that the dangerous condition existed, yet failed to correct it
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury because of a property owner’s negligence, call the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm at 1-877-566-8759. We take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.