Law enforcement officers in Boca Raton are seeing increasing incidents of fatigued drivers causing car accidents. This follows a national trend in which drivers who fall asleep at the wheel are causing accidents at an alarming rate. Sadly, when a driver makes the decision to drive while fatigued, innocent victims can suffer injury or even death. Victims of such accidents should contact a Boca Raton car accidentlawyer as soon as they can so that they will have the best chance possible at building a personal injury case.
Safety experts have conducted numerous studies which indicate that driving while fatigued can have the same deleterious effects as driving while intoxicated. Obviously, we know that drunk driving increases the risk of a car accident, but now we are learning that fatigued driving does, as well. Consequently, a driver who gets behind the wheel while suffering the symptoms of fatigue is making the same negligent choice as a drunk driver. Drunk drivers are held accountable for any car accident or subsequent injuries that they cause, and a Boca Raton car accident lawyer can help to hold fatigued drivers responsible in the same way.
If you have been injured in Boca Raton by a driver who caused a car accident after falling asleep at the wheel, a lawyer with the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm can help you to pursue the remuneration that you will need to cover your medical and other expenses. Your Boca Raton car accident lawyer, along with the others at the firm, has countless combined years of experience and success in dealing with such car accident cases and will advocate on your behalf at every step of your case. Contact The South Florida Injury Law Firm today to get the help you need.
When you need a Boca Raton car accident lawyer who can get results, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and handle cases throughout the state including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Martin County, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 or via the web at