You're in a Car Crash – What Florida Law Requires You to Do

7 Most Common Florida Car Crash Injuries

Car crashes happen in Florida every day. Lots of car crashes. Which means lots of people getting hurt in all kinds of ways.

Below we are going to go over seven of the most common types of injuries that tend to occur in automobile accidents. If you are seriously hurt due to the negligent actions of another, you owe it to yourself and your family to fight back.


Types of Injuries You Might Experience If You are In an Automobile Accident


Head injuries. In a car crash, head injuries most often occur when the head makes impact with the windshield, window, or steering wheel. They can also occur if flying debris hits the skull.

It’s in your best interest to seek medical attention for any kind of head injury, no matter how minor. Head injuries can have long-lasting and serious complications, so the importance of a medical exam cannot be overstated.


Dizziness, bleeding, swelling, or temporary blackouts are all reasons to seek emergency medical care. Doctors will run tests to see if you have injury to your brain or if you experienced a concussion. Your medical diagnosis also serves as proof positive in a personal injury lawsuit, so it’s important to seek medical care even if the injury doesn’t seem particularly serious.


Soft tissue injuries. Some injuries due to a car crash aren’t immediately visible, and it may take days or even weeks for symptoms to show up. Whiplash is a common injury in a car crash that produces lingering pain in neck muscles and ligaments, but may not manifest immediately after an accident.


Consult your doctor if your joints are sprained or pain persists in your muscles. Your doctor will investigate the source of your soft tissue injury and recommend treatment. Getting treatment is important so you don’t make yourself susceptible to further injury.


Chest injuries. When the airbag deploys, it can cause bruising or even broken ribs. Seat belts are proven to save lives, but that doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes hurt you. Drivers are most susceptible to chest injuries, because their proximity to the steering column restricts freedom of movement. The steering column itself can injure the driver in a car crash if the impact is forceful enough.



Back injuries. Damage to vertebrae or the spinal column in a car crash can be permanently life-altering, depending on which disks are affected and to what degree damage occurred. Partial or full paralysis may occur from these kinds of injuries. Urgent medical care is essential to determine the level of the damage. Don’t hesitate to rush to the emergency room if you feel any numbness or pain in your neck or back after a car crash.


Abrasions. It’s common to experience bruising, cuts, and scrapes in a car crash. You may be slammed up against the interior or scratched up by the car itself. Also, flying debris like glass, cell phones, drinking cups, purses, and accessories may fly at you at high speed, causing painful bruises or cuts.


Some abrasions may be minor and treatable with a few stitches or home remedies. Others may be more serious and require extensive medical care. Surface abrasions may hide more severe ailments like head injuries or broken bones. If the pain lasts longer than what would occur with a normal bruise or cut, or if other symptoms go along with the abrasions, it is a good idea to get a doctor’s opinion.


Injury to extremities. Broken fingers, arms, legs, and toes can occur as a person is thrown against the vehicle interior or door in a crash. Side impact crashes tend to cause the most damage to limbs. People riding in the front seat may have knee or leg damage when they come into sudden contact with the dashboard. People riding in the back seat may experience damage to extremities as they are shoved into the seats in front of them.



These injuries need to be treated immediately by a doctor. Even if the pain is less than what you may expect for a broken bone, it’s wise to seek medical attention.


Pedestrian injuries. A pedestrian hit in a crash may suffer many of the injuries listed above. One third of non-traffic crashes involve pedestrians and cyclists, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Contact a knowledgeable Florida personal injury lawyer as soon as you’ve sustained an injury to get help building a solid case. Insurance companies often resist paying claims to rightful victims in car crashes, but an experienced attorney will work to fight the insurance companies and help you receive the help and compensation you deserve.


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8 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer

Just as you wouldn’t hire a doctor, contractor, or a therapist who isn’t trustworthy or experienced, you should tread carefully when choosing a personal injury lawyer.


Your attorney will play an invaluable role in your personal injury case, often making the difference between a denied or successful claim.


With you and your family’s health and finances in jeopardy, you cannot afford to work with anyone but the best attorney possible.


But how do you distinguish a mediocre attorney from a great one? How do you find an attorney who is best suited to handle your unique case and accommodate your personal needs, values, and goals? Finding the right personal injury lawyer is no small task, especially since a simple Google search for “Florida personal injury lawyer” will yield thousands of results. Many lawyers claim to offer personal injury representation, but have very little actual experience in the courtroom. Others may not have the time or resources to give your case the individual attention it requires.


To help find the best attorney for your personal injury case as quickly as possible, we’ve included a list of questions you should ask before choosing a personal injury attorney.


  1. What kind of cases do you handle regularly?

Many lawyers who claim to specialize in personal injury are actually jacks of all trades, working in many different areas of the law. But the best personal injury attorneys are the ones who focus their practice on this unique area of the law and handle these types of cases every day. Only an attorney who specializes in personal injury lawsuits will know the unique nuances of personal injury law, and only a personal injury attorney will be able to practice at the highest skill level and obtain the best results for their client.


  1. Have you successfully handled similar cases before?

A good lawyer should be able to point to a track record of successful cases that are similar to your own. Inquire about past cases and results, and ask to speak to former clients. As with the vast majority of practices, experience helps.


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  1. Are you prepared to go to court?

This very important question is often overlooked. If you hire an attorney who always settles and never takes cases to trial, you can be almost certain you will not receive the compensation you deserve. Your attorney should be prepared to take your case to court and not be eager to secure a quick turnover. Lawyers who try to settle personal injury claims in as little time as possible may shortchange their client in their haste for their contingency fee.


  1. Do you have time to work on my case?

Oftentimes, big-name attorneys will sign up clients and wait months before filing the suit as they continue to sign other clients. The longer your attorney waits to file your claim, the longer you’ll have to wait to receive the compensation you need and deserve. Before hiring your attorney, ask how much time he or she plans on devoting to your case, and how many other cases he or she has pending.


  1. How do you handle upfront expenses?

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning they will collect a percentage of the amount recovered and will charge no fee if they lose your case. However, some attorneys will require clients to pay litigation fees upfront. Talk to your attorney about their firm’s unique approach to case expenses so you can understand exactly what you are getting into.


  1. How do you handle situations where you and a client are in disagreement?

Some attorneys may try to demand that you accept a settlement, even if you feel it is not fair or sufficient. While you should never feel pressured to settle a case against your wishes, some attorneys will withdraw from your case if you disagree with them and refuse to accept a settlement. Before choosing a lawyer, make sure your attorney will honor your wishes.


  1. What is my case worth?

You attorney should be able to provide you with a basic idea of how much your case is worth, free of charge. This can be a spectrum based upon unknown factors such as medical complications and liability.
8 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer 1 Personal Injury Claims South Florida Injury Law Firm


  1. How can you help me improve my case’s chances for success?

Your personal injury attorney should invest extensive time, energy, and resources into your case to ensure you are in the best position to obtain a favorable outcome. That means collecting evidence, gathering witnesses, and consulting with experts.


When finding the right lawyer for your personal injury case, time is of the essence. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer today, and find out how an attorney help you get the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs related to recovery.




10 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Personal Injury Case

10 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Personal Injury Case

10 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Personal Injury Case
When you’ve just suffered injury in a traumatic auto accident, it’s understandable that you feel a little shaken, panicked, and perhaps even a bit disoriented. But how you conduct yourself after an accident is a huge determining factor in your ability to file a successful personal injury claim. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common mistakes injured parties make that can result in claims being denied or significantly reduced in value.


Failing to call the police. When another driver causes an accident, he or she may try to convince you not to call the police. However, a police accident report is vital to your personal injury case, since it’s one of the clearest ways to demonstrate that you were not at fault. Without it, the other driver may try to manipulate the truth when speaking to their insurance company in an attempt to appear not at fault. Even in Florida, which is a no-fault state, this can be important for an injury claim.


Failing to seek medical attention. Medical documentation is very important to your injury claim. It’s essential to seek medical treatment after an auto accident as soon as possible—even if you feel your injuries were minor. Oftentimes, car accident injuries don’t fully materialize for days or even weeks after the accident. If you wait too long to see a doctor, insurance companies may argue that you couldn’t have been hurt that seriously, and therefore don’t deserve compensation, or that your injuries were sustained in another way.


Boca Raton Personal Injury Claim

Failing to be honest with your doctor. While visiting a doctor after your injury, make sure to answer his or her questions as honestly as possible. Don’t try to conceal any previous injuries or illnesses, which can both impact the quality of care you receive and harm your legal case. If you supply doctors with false or partial information, you give insurance companies grounds to have their opinions invalidated in court.


Missing doctor’s appointments. Your medical records can be accessed by both insurers and juries. Your records will contain information about any missed appointments, and this information can be used as evidence of your lack of commitment to recovery or the minor nature of your injuries.


Neglecting to take prescribed medications. Much like missing appointments, neglecting to take prescribed medications or follow your doctor’s advice can demonstrate a lack of commitment to recovery, and severely harm your claim.


Ending medical treatment prematurely. If you stop your medical treatment too early, insurance companies may argue that you must be completely recovered from the accident. Similarly, if there are large periods of times between your treatments, insurers may argue that you could have recovered from your initial injury and may now be seeking treatment for an unrelated injury. It’s a good idea to continue treatment until you are confident in your full recovery, or a doctor advises you to do so.


Posting sensitive information online. Insurance companies are likely to search the internet for information that can invalidate your claim. If you use Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites, refrain from posting details or photos of your injuries or the accident online in status updates, comments, or blog entries. Remove previous posts that could limit your claim, such as a post on an old injury.


West Palm Beach Personal Injury Claim

Losing important documents and information. To help your case, it’s highly advisable to keep track of medical treatments, doctor’s orders, and work restrictions. If possible, take photographs of your visible injuries—including scars and bruises—and the damage to your vehicle at the scene of the accident. This information will be invaluable when evaluating your case with your lawyer.


Giving in to insurance companies. To dissuade you from getting an attorney, insurance company representatives may contact you to try and reach a settlement. Without an experienced and aggressive attorney helping you, insurers know they will be able to get away with paying you a substantially smaller settlement. Always remember that insurance companies are first and foremost a business, and their main goal is to secure maximum profit for their company by paying you as little as possible. Never give a statement or sign a document with an insurance company before speaking with a lawyer.


Waiting too long to contact a lawyer. Under Florida law, you only are allowed a brief window of time to file a personal injury claim. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance to consult with an experienced Florida auto accident attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney can help you evaluate the true value of your claim, and keep insurers from bullying you out of the compensation you deserve. With your attorney’s assistance, you can fight for your right to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and overall pain and suffering.