fault accident attorney

Auto Accident Liabilities: Finding Who Is At Fault

Accidents happen every day. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 6,452,000 police-reported accidents in one recent year. That’s an AVERAGE of over 17,000 accidents per day! Thankfully, a great deal of these are minor accidents. Regardless of the severity of the accident, there is one critical factor that all insurance companies will want to know:  Who is at fault?


Determining liability in a car accident—whether pursued through the insurance company’s claim process or through a personal injury lawsuit—will only be paid out if the injured plaintiff can prove negligence.
There are times when the blame is clear, such as in most rear-end accidents. However, there are other times when there is more than one individual at fault.



Here is a look at some common car accident scenarios and the process of evaluation that goes into determining fault.


  1. Left-turn Accidents

    Left-turn accidents occur when one vehicle is going straight through the intersection while another car is making a left turn and collides into the side of the straight-moving vehicle. Like rear-end accidents, liability is generally easy to determine. Left-turning vehicles have a lower priority in this scenario, meaning that—unless there is a green arrow—they must yield to those moving straight through the intersection. A study from the federal government discovered that the left-turning driver most often committed a critical error, such as “turning with an obstructed view,” “misjudgment of gap or speed,” “inadequate surveillance,” or “false assumption of the other driver’s intentions.”These are all errors that place liability for an accident at the hands of the left-turning driver.

    Are there ever cases where the other driver is at fault, though?

    Yes. While rare, the driver of the straight-moving car may incur some liability for an accident. One such circumstance is in the case of an accident in which the driver of the straight moving car was traveling at a speed far in excess of the speed limit, making it impossible for the turning driver to either see him or her in time or to calculate how much time he or she has to complete the turn.

  2. T-Bone Accidents

    In a collision where one vehicle rear-ends another, the driver of the trailing vehicle is at fault far more often than the leading vehicle. Lawyers will look for signs of distraction, speeding, and following too close on the part of the trailing driver, while also keeping in mind that the lead driver could share blame. Mechanical failure can also contribute to these accidents, so lawyers will pay attention to any signs of a defective part.

    Typically, in a T-bone accident, one vehicle comes flying through an intersection without stopping. The driver might miss the presence of a stop sign or fail to notice that a light turned red. Drunk driving or distracted driving can increase the risk of a T-bone accident. Usually, in these scenarios, you might assume the driver who struck the side door of a vehicle bears liability for the accident. However, you should ask several questions to help determine liability in this scenario.Auto Accident Liabilities: Finding Who Is At Fault 1 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

  3. Running The Light

    Which driver ran the light? In an intersection with a red light, consider which driver ignored traffic laws and came through the intersection without stopping for a red light. Usually, other drivers can easily confirm which driver ignored the light.Which driver ignored a stop sign? In an accident at an intersection with a stop sign, the driver responsible for the accident may have failed to stop for the stop sign or came through the intersection after another driver had already started progressing through the intersection.

    Were both drivers moving at the time of the accident?

    Sometimes, in a T-bone accident, one driver might strike another, stationary vehicle. Sometimes, a car might stall in the middle of the intersection or get stuck due to traffic. While drivers should try to avoid sitting in an intersection, sometimes, circumstances make it impossible to avoid it completely. If one vehicle had to stop, and another one strikes it in the side, the driver who moved after the other vehicle stopped bears liability for the accident.

  4. Head-on Collisions

    Perhaps one of the most deadly types of accidents is a head-on collision. Sometimes referred to as a frontal crash, this type of accident occurs when two vehicles strike one another while traveling in opposite directions. When the fronts of two vehicles collide, it is often at high speed.Survival may depend upon the stretch of road, the reaction time of one or both drivers, and the type of vehicles involved. With the front end of the car receiving the brunt of the impact, larger and heavier vehicles protect occupants better than smaller, lightweight cars.

    Consider the weights of the following vehicles and the force of the impact when they meet, head-on, at high speeds:
    Car (SUV): 3,778 pounds
    Pickup truck: 5,217 pounds
    Minivan: 4,485 pounds

  5. Single-Car Accidents

    Single-car accidents occur when a motorist loses control of a vehicle rolls over, drives off the road, or collides with a stationary object. On the surface, one might assume single-car accidents are always the fault of the driver. But that isn’t the case. Drivers in single-car accidents too-often blame themselves for a crash. In fact, as often as not, fault for single-car accidents lies elsewhere.To begin, even without a collision there can still be another motorist who causes a single-car accident. Take, for example, the common scenario in which a car swerves and crashes into a tree or road barrier in reaction to erratic driving by a second vehicle that goes unharmed. In that case, the driver of the second vehicle has fault, even though he wasn’t technically involved in the accident.

Similar to other scenarios above, automotive manufacturers and municipal road contractors may also have fault for single car accidents if their actions create unsafe conditions leading to a crash. Another party who could have fault for a single-vehicle accident is a drug manufacturer, if it markets a medication with dangerous side-effects without warning about them, leading a driver to fall asleep or to become disoriented behind the wheel.



What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident

The most important step immediately after a car accident is to seek medical attention. Even if you feel fine, accept transport to the nearest hospital. Internal injuries are often invisible to the naked eye while causing serious harm to your organs. Only a medical professional can determine the true extent of your injuries.

Do provide as much information as you can to law enforcement. If possible, take pictures of the accident scene and if you are too injured to do so, ask a witness to take them for you. Collect the contact information for witnesses and most importantly, try to remain calm. Do not approach or talk to the other driver.



How a Florida Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Fight Back


As we said at the outset, fault forms the core of the inquiry into who has legal liability for a car accident and the damage it inflicts on innocent victims. Accordingly, lawyers, insurance adjusters, judges, and juries focus a significant amount of effort on determining fault in car accident cases.


Finding fault means investigating facts in detail. An attorney representing a client injured in a car accident will usually try to collect as much evidence as possible about the accident, and then (sometimes with the help of forensic experts) will piece that evidence together to form a picture of whose actions led to the collision or accident. In performing this task, lawyers pursue the facts as far as they go until there is no longer a provable, reasonably foreseeable connection between someone’s actions and the accident and injuries.

The more time and information you can provide to your lawyer to do this work, the better your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve. Once fault has been determined, a personal injury attorney can help you file a personal injury lawsuit and fair compensation.


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A skilled Florida personal injury attorney can ease your burden in dealing with all of this and help you fight to get the compensation you deserve. Reach out today for a free case review. We will look over the details of your situation and let you know what options are available to you.



When your life has been turned upside down due to another’s negligence and you are drowning in bills and struggling to recover, you want to make sure you work with the best law firm you can find.


What is the difference between a high-quality injury firm and one that will only do the bare minimum?

The people who work there. That is why The South Florida Injury Law Firm is made up of some of the most well-respected and successful injury attorneys around.

Our lawyers have more than 60 years of combined injury law experience, and they have handled just about every type of Florida injury case you can imagine. They are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an elite group of attorneys who have helped settle injury cases worth more than a million dollars. They have been named to Florida Trend’s Legal Elite. They are recognized by the Florida Workers’ Advocates group.

Perhaps even more importantly, they have received glowing reviews from clients – and they get results.

car crash home miami dade gardens attorney law firm accident

Car Accidents At Home

Car Accidents At Home 2 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Car accidents can happen anywhere. Especially where you least expect it. Parking lots, driveways, parking garages, and drive-thrus are well-known for accident scenes.
Even your own living room.


On Wednesday, August 21st, an accident involving two cars ended up crashing into a Miami Gardens home. One of the drivers was air lifted to a nearby hospital.

The resident, who was inside his home at the time of the crash, stated:

“This isn’t the first time something like this has happened”


He’s right.  In just the last few months of 2019, there have been multiple car accidents in South Florida that have also caused damages to a home. In March, a driver smashed into a house in North Lauderdale in the middle of the day.  Another driver was hospitalized in April after crashing into a house in Lauderhill. Another driver attempting to avoid a collision drove straight into a Miami home in May.


Unfortunately, these instances are becoming too common throughout Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. It’s important to pay attention while on the road and arm yourself with knowledge, whether you’re the driver or passenger in a car accident or inside a home and have sustained damage or injuries from a car collision.

Know Your Rights


Under Florida Law, you may be entitled to monetary damages if you have been injured through the negligence or recklessness of another person. Damages may include reimbursement or compensation for:


  • Past and future medical costs
  • Home damage liabilities
  • Pain, suffering, and inconvenience
  • Lost wages or economic opportunities
  • Funeral expenses
  • Grief and suffering


A Personal Injury Case Begins Before You Leave the Scene of a Crash


While the circumstances behind each of these accidents are different, one fact holds true for all—the time immediately following the crash can be stressful and confusing.


Here are the seven most important things to do if you are involved in a South Florida auto accident.


  • Remain at the scene.
    If an accident has occurred, it is essential for you to remain at the scene. It is your legal obligation to stop if you collide with anything, even if you do not think there is any damage.
  • Prioritize safety.
    Take steps to ensure the safety of you, your passengers, and other drivers. If your vehicle is causing a major traffic obstruction, move it out of the road to a safe location and turn on hazard lights. Check for injuries and determine if anyone needs major care.
  • Contact the police.
    Even if the accident is minor, call the police. When cops arrive at the scene of the accident, request that a police report be filed and get the names and badge numbers of the cops involved.
  • Document information.
    Document as much information about the accident as you can while limiting discussion of the incident with the other driver.
  • Report the incident to your insurance company.
    Notify your insurance company as soon as possible. Many insurers have a policy that requires you to report the accident within a certain time frame in order for the incident to be covered.
  • Seek medical attention.
    Even if you do not notice any serious injuries at first, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is particularly true if you notice any pain or strange effects in the aftermath of an accident, but it’s not uncommon to begin feeling more pain a day or two after a car collision, and you don’t want to wait that long if you can help it.
  • Consult with an auto accident attorney.
    Even if your case seems straightforward, it’s highly advised to consult with a car crash lawyer after an accident. Working with an attorney can improve your odds of obtaining the maximum amount of compensation. If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will be ready to take your case to court.


Find out more on what do after a car accident in South Florida


Help protect your friends and family by giving them the one essential tool they need to drive safely—knowledge.


Get The Help You Need


If you’ve been hurt in a vehicle accident in a parking lot, drive-thru, parking garage or inside a home where an accident has occurred, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries. The South Florida Auto Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers understand your needs and dedicated to helping their clients get the maximum compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.


Schedule a free consultation by calling (954) 488-JEFF (Fort Lauderdale), (954) 488-JEFF (Boca Raton & West Palm Beach), or 877-566-8759 (toll-free). You can also fill out this online form to set up your case evaluation. We’re a dedicated team of personal injury lawyers who work on a contingency basis and will take your calls at any time, on any day of the week.

Chain-Reaction Crashes in Florida: How Fault Is Determined

Chain-Reaction Crashes in Florida: How Fault Is Determined

Chain-Reaction Crashes in Florida: How Fault Is Determined

Car accidents can result in tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in medical bills, lost wages, and car repairs. How is it decided who will have to pay for these damages and bills?

In Florida, it usually starts with personal injury protection (PIP). If you experience damages that add up to less than $10,000, it doesn’t matter who caused the accident. Florida car insurance will cover that amount and you won’t have to bring your case to court.

Unfortunately, this is rarely the case in chain-reaction crashes. Damages can stay relatively low if only one or two cars are involved. However, when three or four cars are in a crash, there is little chance that that the bills will stay under $10,000.

So, how does Florida determine who is at fault for a chain-reaction crash? They look to see what negligent behavior caused the auto accident.

Negligent Driving Behavior in Florida

It only takes a second for a driver to commit a negligent behavior and put themselves (and others) in danger. What does “negligent behavior” mean in terms of driving, though?

Drivers have a duty to follow certain rules of the road and practice safe driving. If they neglect to stick by these rules, they could have to front the bill for a serious accident.

Negligent behaviors on the road include:

  • Speeding
  • Swerving in and out of lanes without using a turn signal or looking for other drivers
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Driving without lights on at night
  • Texting or talking on the phone while driving
  • Any form of distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Driving a car that has not been inspected

This type of driving may also be called “reckless driving” or “careless driving.”

Negligent behavior only goes so far if it directly causes a car accident. Let’s see how this might play out in a case involving a chain-reaction crash.

Pretend you are Driver A. Driver B is behind you, and Driver C behind them.

Driver C rear-ends Driver B, causing them to rear-end you. The chain reaction crash racks up $150,000 worth of damage and medical bills combined for all three drivers.

In court, it turns out that Driver C was texting when they hit Driver B. Due to Driver C’s negligence, they will have to pay for all of the damages.

Of course, as any experienced Florida injury lawyer can tell you, it doesn’t always work out this way.

Comparative Negligence Could Prevent You from Getting Your Full Amount in Florida

Let’s stick to this example. If Driver C is the only negligent driver, then they will have to foot the bill and cover the damages.

However, what happens if Driver B rear-ended Driver A because they were also negligent? Does Driver C still have to cover their damages?

Not under Florida’s comparative negligence laws. If drivers file a lawsuit for damages, but partially contributed to those damages, they will only receive a portion of the compensation they asked for. For example, if a judge determines that Driver B and Driver C both equally contributed to the damages in the chain-reaction crash, they will most likely have to pay equal amounts of damages to the victims.

Collect All Information Before You Go to Court

South Florida Car Accident Attorneys

Florida’s comparative negligence laws often encourage drivers to point fingers at each other in a crash and try to spread the blame around.

If you are involved in a chain-reaction crash, prepare for this type of finger-pointing and collect as much information as you can to defend yourself. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can get the compensation you deserve for any type of Florida car crash.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for the South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.