How Floridians Can Stay Safe This Holiday Season

How Floridians Can Stay Safe This Holiday Season


We always have high expectations for holidays. After all, they are some of the most fun times of the year. But all the fun makes getting injured or sick during this time of year especially disappointing.


Don’t miss out on the holiday fun or have to remember your 2021 holiday as the time you burnt your house down. Keep these tips in mind to ensure a safe and happy holiday season.



Like Fried Turkey? Have Dinner Out.
It’s stressful enough to make a Thanksgiving turkey in the oven, but frying it can be downright dangerous. If you want to fry your turkey this year, it’s best to leave it to a restaurant or professional chefs.


Using turkey fryers is discouraged by the National Safety Council due to their high risk of fire, burns, and carbon monoxide poisoning. If you must use a turkey fryer, you are encouraged to use it outside, away from your home, and with a fire extinguisher handy.



Eat Leftovers Quickly.

One of the best parts about Thanksgiving is the amount of leftovers: turkey sandwiches for days! But make sure your food is properly handled so you do not get food poisoning or another foodborne illness.


Your turkey should be cut into small pieces – not only is this more convenient when you’re making a quick leftover lunch, it helps to chill the turkey faster in the refrigerator. Any gravy or liquid leftovers should be boiled when you reheat them. And, of course, all leftovers should be consumed within four days of your Thanksgiving dinner.



Check Your Fire Alarms.

Candles and roaring fires in your fireplace are great for setting the holiday mood, but they also put you at risk for a house fire. Check your fire alarm batteries to make sure that your family will be notified in case of a fire. Keep your tree away from open flames, and be careful of the items that you allow around and in the fireplace.


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Stay Away From Hazardous Toys.

Last year, one of the hottest Christmas gifts was a hoverboard. But the gadgets were so hot, they started to catch on fire. Hoverboards were recalled and deemed unsafe quickly after the 2015 holiday season due to their lithium ion batteries, which had a tendency to explode while charging.


Before you buy the gifts on your loved ones’ holiday lists, check to see if any of the products are potentially hazardous. For younger children, be sure to check the product’s age recommendations. For example, toys with small or removable pieces may not be appropriate for younger children who could choke on them. Any product that has been recalled (you can check online) should also be avoided if the issue has not been resolved.



Get a Taxi or Rideshare.

Holiday weekends are a great time to get together and have big meals… with lots of drinks. Unfortunately, holiday weekends are also a big time for auto accidents and fatalities. Also remember that DUI causes up to one-third of all traffic deaths. If you are traveling during Thanksgiving or other holiday weekends, be sure to get a rideshare or choose a designated driver before you reach your destination.


Even if you take every precaution, accidents still happen. If you are injured during the holidays due to someone else’s negligence, make sure you get in contact with a Florida personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.


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