Watch Out for Holiday Dangers at Stores

Watch Out for Holiday Dangers at Stores

Watch Out for Holiday Dangers at Stores
Anyone who has gone to the mall on a Friday evening knows how dreadful and even downright threating the crowds can be—groups of teenagers everywhere, 20-somethings plowing through the crowds to grab the latest fashions for the weekend, parents shopping for whatever relatives have birthdays or parties coming up.


But now that holiday season is in full swing, running the mall gauntlet is riskier than ever. At this time of year, it’s important for consumers and storeowners alike to remember that stores are responsible for the safety of their shoppers—if accidents happen on company property, the storeowner or manager could be held accountable.


Problems to Look Out For


During the holidays, the decorative lengths that some stores will go to for the sake of festivity can sometimes be outright hazardous. Because of this, shoppers should be on their guard even more than usual, and should look out for potentially dangerous situations. Some of these situations include:


Crowds. Of course, there are always crowds in malls and stores. Around the holidays, though, the crowds are bigger, stronger, and more excitable than at any other time of the year. With so many people crammed into such small spaces, it can be easy for consumers to become disoriented and wind up injured. In addition to being hazardous in and of themselves, crowds can be distracting and can divert peoples’ attention away from other potential hazards in the store.


Boca Raton Slip and Fall Lawyer

Potential for slips and falls. Around the holidays, the risks of slip and fall accidents seem to be everywhere. Decorations that some stores place on their floors (e.g., confetti or fake snow) can make floors more slippery and therefore more dangerous. Furthermore, winter weather can sometimes lead to slippery patches on steps or in doorways, which can be extremely risky.


Oversized displays. Certain stores seize the opportunity presented by the holiday season to go above-and-beyond with decorations like giant Christmas trees, oversized menorahs, or enormous “Happy Holidays!” signs spanning entire ceilings. Often, these decorations can be delightful for shoppers and store employees alike—they can be beautiful, fun, and fill shoppers with holiday spirit. But as nice as they are, they can be dangerous as well. If decorations are improperly rigged or positioned incorrectly, they can cause injury to shoppers.


Given all the potential hazards that surround shoppers during the holiday season, it’s important for customers to always be aware of their surroundings and remain on their guard.


What If You’re Injured in a Store?


Duty of care” laws state that retail stores are required to take all possible measures (within reason) to ensure that their customers are kept safe. In the unfortunate event that you sustain injuries in a store, this means that storeowners or managers can be held accountable.


If you are injured in a retail store and decide to take legal action against the storeowner, the first step will be to prove negligence.  To do so, you must prove that the following elements were in place:


  1. Your injuries were caused by dangerous conditions in the store
  2. The store was aware, or should have been aware, of these conditions
  3. The store acted negligently in addressing these dangerous conditions
  4. Your injuries were not your own fault
  5. Your injuries were caused as a direct result of the store’s dangerous conditions
  6. Your injuries are legitimate


Because of the complexities of going to legal battle with stores, store owners, or corporations, it’s always best to consult with a qualified lawyer before taking any action.


Of course, it is best to try to avoid these dangerous situations entirely. While perusing stores this holiday season, remember to use caution. Wear shoes that are easy to walk in, be careful when navigating through the crowds, be on the lookout for potentially unsafe areas that might be slippery, and stay away from decorations that look dangerous, like overly large signs or displays that could fall.


Boca Raton Accident Injury Claim Compensation

Sometimes, though, no matter how careful you are, accidents can find you—even during the holidays and even at major retail stores where things are supposed to be safe and welcoming. Remember that all retailers are responsible for the safety of their shoppers.


If you sustain an injury as a result of a storeowner’s negligence, don’t just assume that the business will do the right thing and pay for your medical expenses while taking steps to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again. Make sure that others are protected and you get the justice you deserve by contacting a qualified legal professional at The South Florida Injury Law Firm as soon as possible.


Florida Cruise Ship Accident Lawyer

Majority of Cruise Lines Don’t Hire Lifeguards

Florida Cruise Ship Accident Lawyer

With temperatures dropping and snow falling in many parts of the country, now is the perfect time for a warm-weather getaway. Each year, about 20 million people go on cruise vacations. Most of these people come away with great memories, glowing tans, and plans to do it again next year. Sometimes, though, cruises can take a nasty turn.


In February 2014, a 6-year-old boy drowned on a Norwegian Cruise ship. Just a few months later, another young life was lost on board a Carnival Cruise ship. Thankfully, tragic stories like these are relatively rare. But when swimming on cruise ships, it’s important to remember the risks of cruise ship drowning incidents—however rare—are still real.


Who’s Watching the Kids?


As Fox News recently reported, most major cruise lines, including Princess Cruises and Norwegian Cruises, do not have lifeguards onboard their boats. This is in spite of the fact that these cruise ships all have pools—and sometimes even large water parks—onboard, which are often major attractions for young children. In place of lifeguards, these ships rely on posted signs requiring parents to be present when children under 12 are in the pool and warning that no lifeguards are on duty.


Usually, parents are given plenty of notice if a cruise ship does not hire lifeguards. And the “No Lifeguard on Duty” signs are probably familiar to most—plenty of private beaches and pools around the country use this system.


Still, without a trained, professional lifeguard on duty, that means one less set of eyes and one less person nearby with the expertise needed to handle emergencies. Although pools aboard cruise ships are usually relatively shallow, young children can drown in even mere inches of water. With so many children aboard a ship and many people swimming in the pool at once, it can be all too easy to lose sight of a child for a short amount of time, which is sometimes all it takes for tragedies to occur.


How to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Pool


Florida Cruise Ship Accident Attorney

If you’re traveling on a cruise ship with young children this winter, keep in mind the following tips from the American Red Cross:


  1. Maintain constant supervision on your children. If it will help, bring a spouse or a friend along with you to so that you will have an extra pair of eyes in case you need to look away. However, you should be careful not to allow your buddy to become a distraction.
  2. If there’s time before the cruise, enroll your child in swimming lessons.
  3. If your child is young, small, or an inexperienced swimmer, make sure they are wearing proper safety equipment (e.g., life jackets), and there is adult in the pool with them at all times.
  4. Have a clear conversation with your child about the dangers of swimming and establish clear rules about what they are and are not allowed to do in a pool.


Hopefully, parents’ and children’s caution will be enough to ensure that families have nothing but the best, happiest, and safest cruise vacations together.


In the tragic event that pool-related accidents do occur onboard a cruise ship, make sure you know what your options are. Speak with a knowledgeable, qualified legal representative as soon as possible to discuss ways that the responsible parties should be held accountable.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his 22-year career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for The South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.

Driverless Vehicles Are Already On Our Roads

Driverless Vehicles Are Already On Our Roads

Driverless Vehicles Are Already On Our Roads

Texting while driving. Falling asleep at the wheel. Driving after a few too many beers.


What do all of these mistakes have in common? They are all common causes of fatal car accidents, and they are all caused by humans.


“To err is human,” as the saying goes. That’s why car accidents frequently occur despite the best efforts of our society and government to prevent them. Nobody’s perfect, so you can’t expect our roads to be—right?


The innovators and engineers at Google and other major car manufacturers are out to change this. Throughout recent years, these manufacturers have been developing and testing fully autonomous vehicles—robotic cars that can navigate without a human driver. These self-driving vehicles use tools such as radar, GPS, and computer vision to navigate and sense their surroundings, identifying roads, obstacles, and traffic signals.


While you can’t go out and buy an autonomous vehicle today, it looks as though it will be a short matter of time before these smart cars appear on the market. The commercial use of these vehicles has already kicked off, with several companies testing out the use of driverless military trucks and mining machines. Many states—including Florida, California, and Nevada—have passed legislation for driverless cars, granting auto manufacturers permission to test autonomous vehicles on their roads.


The Potential Benefits of Driverless Cars


The Potential Benefits of Driverless Cars

According to the Rand Corporation in their report, Autonomous Vehicle Technologies, Liability of Drivers, and Insurance, putting autonomous vehicles on the road in the place of human drivers can reduce the number of auto accidents. “Human error causes the vast majority of crashes today, and, by reducing the risk of human error, AV technologies can reduce the incidence of crashes,” the report maintains. After all, computers do not get sleepy or sidetracked, and will be far more aware of their surroundings than most humans.


And reduced potential for human error is only one of the potential benefits of driverless cars. Autonomous cars may help to prevent traffic jams and congestion, resulting in fewer fuel emissions. No more will drivers have to lose hours to commutes, instead using the time to work or relax. In addition, autonomous cars can provide a means for disabled and blind people to travel safely.


Concerns and Liability Issues


Sounds great, right? However, there are still some concerns surrounding the use of driverless vehicles.


Road planning. Integrating autonomous cars into our transportation system will require extensive planning. For cars to operate without a driver, road safety and driving laws that have been in place for generations will have to be revised. Road and traffic signals must be perfectly planned to the last detail for systems to be able to navigate them without confusion.


Incapacity for human interaction. Simple hand signals from construction workers and police officers will be difficult for cars to interpret. Additionally, the negligent and aggressive habits of the cars’ fellow human drivers might confuse the vehicles’ navigation systems. As executive director of the Center for Automotive Research at Stanford University Sven A. Beiker suggested to reporters in a New York Times article, an autonomous car may be “so polite it might be sitting at a four-way intersection forever, because no one else is coming to a stop.”


Boca Raton & West Palm Beach Auto Accident Lawyer

Technology problems. There’s also potential for technological disasters. Since vehicles will rely on satellite data, they are susceptible to attacks from hackers. Malicious hacking can cause extensive harm to computers and phones, and the potential for harm only increases when large, fast-moving vehicles are hacked. Additionally, autonomous cars filled with explosives could be used as weapons and bombs by terrorists.


Elimination of transportation-related jobs. If autonomous cars become widespread, automobile technicians, public transportation officials, and insurance agents may find themselves without an industry.


Liability and regulation issues. Regulation and liability questions abound. If there’s no driver behind the wheel, who will be held accountable if there is a problem—the person using the car or the manufacturer? What happens if a police officer wants to pull the car over? Will a self-driving car require a special kind of insurance?


Even though these autonomous vehicles can promote efficiency and eliminate human error, they can’t prevent accidents completely. And when an accident occurs, it will be difficult to prove fault if you are injured. When dealing with the complex issue of proving liability after a car accident—whether between two human drivers, a human driver and a robot driver, or two robot drivers—it’s best to contact an experienced auto accident attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you navigate complicated liability laws, protect your rights, and obtain fair compensation after an accident.



Planning a Safe Holiday Party

Planning a Safe Holiday Party

Planning a Safe Holiday Party
It doesn’t matter if a party has exquisite desserts, a spot-on D.J., or unforgettable entertainment—if a guest gets injured, your celebration automatically becomes a tragedy. If you’re throwing a party or hosting a dinner this holiday season, keeping your guests happy, well-fed, and safe should all be top priories.


Unfortunately, ensuring guest safety is not always easy when there’s alcohol involved. If you serve cocktails, wine, or beer at your party, there’s a good chance that a few guests will be a little tipsy by the time they’re ready to drive home. In order to promote guest safety and reduce the number of drivers leaving your party drunk, here are some tips for responsible holiday party planning.


Plan ahead. When your guests RSVP, ask how they are planning to get home from your party. If they don’t have a safe method, suggest options such as local public transportation and ride-sharing services.


Serve plenty of food. If your guests are drinking on an empty stomach, they will absorb the alcohol more quickly into their system. By offering plenty of snacks and treats to munch on throughout the night, you can help slow down this process and keep guests from getting too drunk or sick. Avoid serving popcorn, salted nuts, and other salty snacks—these can make people thirsty and cause them to drink more.


Serve non-alcoholic beverages. You’ll need something to offer the designated drivers, after all. And by encouraging everyone to drink non-alcoholic beverages, you help guests stay hydrated and reduce their chances of becoming ill from drinking too much.  


Monitor alcohol consumption. Keep an eye on guests, and don’t be afraid to speak up if someone has had a few too many. Never push drinks or rush to refill empty glasses—remember, you don’t need alcohol to have a great night.


Limit your own alcohol intake. To be a good host, you need to limit your own alcohol intake to encourage guests to follow suit. Don’t forget—at the end of the night, you’ll need to be clear-headed enough determine who is sober enough to drive home.


Never serve alcohol to minors. If you are found serving alcohol to minors at your party, you can face serious charges. And if minors leave your party intoxicated, you may be held responsible if they are injured in an accident.


Provide non-alcoholic games and entertainment.  Plan activities not centered on alcohol, such as party games, dancing, and karaoke. When you keep your guests engaged with entertaining activities rather than drinking, you can help reduce their alcohol consumption.


Stop serving alcohol towards the end of the night. Most people metabolize alcohol at the rate of one drink per hour. Give your guests plenty of time to sober up before driving home. After you close the bar, offer guests coffee, non-alcoholic beverages, and food to facilitate the sober-up process.


Boca Raton DUI Accidents Attorney

Never let guests drive home impaired. If a guest appears intoxicated, offer them alternatives to driving home such as taking a taxi or ride share. Keep blankets and pillows handy so you can give your guests a comfortable place to spend the night if they can’t find a safe way home.


The holidays are a time for family, friends, and celebration, and it would be devastating if you or someone you care about was injured in an accident. You can reduce the number of drunk drivers on the road and contribute to the overall safety of your community this holiday season by planning your parties responsibly.


Unfortunately, just because you behave conscientiously doesn’t mean other hosts and partygoers will. If you or a loved one suffers harm because of a drunk driver’s recklessness, contact an experienced auto accident lawyer. A skilled and seasoned lawyer can make sure you receive fair compensation, which can cover medical costs and other expenses related to your long-term well-being and recovery.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his 22-year career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for The South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.

Boca Raton Bicycle Accident Attorney

Florida Close Contender for #1 Deadliest State for Cyclists

Florida Close Contender for #1 Deadliest State for Cyclists

With sunny skies and warm weather year-round, it’s no wonder so many Florida residents choose to ride their bikes. But while it may be an excellent source of exercise, a great way to save money on gas, and an environmentally friendly alternative to motor vehicles, recent studies show that cycling can also be very dangerous.


According to a Governors Highway Safety Association report last month, Florida is one of the most deadly states for cyclists in the country—second only to California. Florida also takes first place for the most automobile-related bicycling deaths in the nation.


Six Tips for Safer Cycling


There’s no need to go putting your bicycle into storage forever, however. By understanding the risks and taking steps to prevent accidents, cyclists can reduce their opportunity for injury. Here six tips for safer cycling.


Watch out for car doors. It’s a familiar scene—a biker is cycling down a line of parked cars when suddenly a car door flies open. Even if the biker manages to swerve out of the way in time, they run the risk of veering right into traffic.


To reduce your chances of falling victim to an abruptly-opened car door, make sure you keep at least three feet away from cars when cycling. Stay prepared by looking a few cars ahead, and always be ready to brake quickly.


Stay visible. What’s one of the most common excuses made by drivers who hit bicyclists? I didn’t see them!” Cars are substantially larger than bicycles, and negligent drivers may fail to spot a cyclist even when they are right in front of them.


Protect yourself from visibility issues by being as conspicuous as possible. Wear bright clothing and reflectors, and never ride without a light when it is dark, foggy, or rainy. Try to limit your riding to daylight hours as much as possible—studies show that the majority of motor vehicle-related bicycle accidents occur at night when it is harder for both parties to see.


Boca Raton Bike Accident Lawyer

Steer clear of drunk drivers. Limited visibility isn’t the only danger of riding at night, however. Once the sun goes down, there are far more drunk drivers on the road, and auto accidents are more common.


Avoid alcohol-related crashes by restricting your nighttime riding. You should also avoid riding during holidays and events when there is a higher chance of encountering intoxicated drivers.


Look out for distracted drivers. The advent of smartphones and MP3 players has made mentally distracted driving more prevalent than ever. When drivers avert their eyes from the road for even a moment to glance at their phone or change the music, that’s all the time it takes to hit a cyclist from behind or turn right into a bike’s path.


There’s not much you can do to prevent the reckless, irresponsible, or illegal driving habits of others, but you can protect yourself by maintaining constant awareness of your surroundings when biking. By doing so, you will be better able to identify hazards, regardless of whether those hazards are legal or not.


Boca Raton Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Observe traffic laws. Of course, not all accidents are the motorist’s fault. When cyclists neglect to follow traffic laws—for instance, by ignoring a stop sign or breezing through a red light—they put themselves in great danger. Vehicles are expecting others on the road to follow traffic laws, and when you behave unpredictably, you will take them by surprise and increase your chances for an accident.


Don’t take chances with your safety—always observe traffic laws closely. By doing so, you not only protect yourself from accidents, you also protect your legal rights. If you are negligent while biking, you can severely reduce your chances of receiving compensation.


Follow safety guidelines. Similarly, when cyclists neglect to follow bicycle safety practices, they put themselves at risk for harm. Dangerous behavior—such as riding too fast or not wearing a helmet—can result in fatal injury.


To play it safe, always wear a helmet and reflective gear. Use hand signals to turn, and familiarize yourself with emergency maneuvers. Take your bike to the shop for regular tune-ups, and make sure it’s equipped with a bell, mirror, light, and working brakes.


Of course, even the most responsible bikers can get injured in accidents on the road. Regardless of whether you wear a helmet or follow traffic laws or not, negligent, careless, and irresponsible drivers will always pose a threat. If you or a loved one has been injured due to negligent driving, contact a personal injury lawyer with experience in biking accidents. With the help of a knowledgeable lawyer, you can take steps to protect your rights and get fair compensation.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his 22-year career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for The South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.


Common Holiday Accidents for Kids

Common Holiday Accidents for Kids

Common Holiday Accidents for Kids
With the holidays fast approaching, many parents are looking forward to unwinding, sleeping in, and maybe making an appearance at a few holiday parties. But while you may feel inclined to relax parental supervision and be more lenient with the kids, this might not be what’s best for your children. The holidays come with an increased risk of accidents and holiday related-injuries, particularly for young carousers.


Happily, the chances for such accidents can be dramatically reduced with caution and responsible preparation. Here’s a list of the most common holiday accidents for kids and how to avoid them:


Hypothermia and other illnesses


Thankfully, this is one that Floridians don’t really have to worry about, but it’s still worth considering if you’re going to be traveling north to visit family. Youngsters who spend long hours playing outdoors are at risk for hypothermia, which can occur at temperatures as warm as 40 degrees. Cold weather can also bring about coughs, cold, and the flu.


To reduce risk for such illnesses, make sure children are dressed properly before venturing outdoors. Outfit kids in loose-fitting layers, and be sure to cover heads, hands, and feet. Avoid activities that cause a lot of sweat, as wet clothing allows heat to leave the body more quickly.


Burns and fires


From bubbling pots of gravy to flickering candles to electric lights, the holidays come with countless burn and fire hazards.


To prevent burns, keep children out of the kitchen, and never leave young ones unsupervised with lit candles. Christmas tree lights, decorations, and space heaters can also pose a threat—be sure to examine wires for damage or fraying, and avoid overloading electrical sockets. Always unplug lights before sleeping or leaving the house.




Common Christmas plants—including poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly berries—can be highly toxic if digested. If eaten, these plants can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes.


Keep plants and flowers out of reach of children and pets, and be sure to have the number for your local poison control center on hand.




Children are especially at risk for choking-related injuries, and the opportunity for choking accidents only grows around the holidays. Not only are common holiday foods such as drumsticks, candy, and popcorn potential hazards, non-food items such as ornaments and toys pose dangers as well.


Remind children to take their time and chew their food to reduce potential for choking. Refrain from purchasing small or breakable decorations, and do not allow young children to play with unsafe toys with parts small enough to fit through a paper towel roll.


Car accidents


Boca Raton Car Accidents

When the holiday season rolls around, driving becomes an especially dangerous endeavor.  During this busy travel time, roads flood with drivers—many of whom are tired or impaired by alcohol. What’s more, holiday weather conditions can be treacherous.


To avoid tragedy, never drive under the influence of alcohol, and refrain from driving during bad weather and busy traffic times. Make sure youngsters buckle up, and little ones are tucked safely in car seats.


Even with responsible care and precautions, holiday accidents happen. There is little you can do if a reputable manufacturer allows you to purchase a defective product  or if an irresponsible driver hits your car. If your child or loved one has suffered injury because of someone else’s negligence or carelessness, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. With the help of a knowledgeable attorney, you and your family can receive the compensation you deserve.


Boca Raton Elder Abuse Lawyer

Nursing Homes Need to Take Psychological Abuse Seriously

Boca Raton Elder Abuse Lawyer
There have been a lot of stories over the past several years about how much abuse goes on in nursing homes around the country, and most people are well aware of the fact that many of our seniors are getting mistreated.


But that doesn’t mean you really understand how bad things are. The National Center for Elder Abuse has compiled studies showing that anywhere from 7.6 to 10 percent of all seniors have suffered from abuse. Worse, various studies estimate that only one incident of abuse is reported for every 14 to 24 that occur. And in a study conducted from 1999 to 2001, but only recently reported to the public, researchers found that instances of abuse occur at nearly one-third of all nursing homes in the United States.


If you have an older relative in an assisted living facility or nursing home, this report was probably particularly disturbing, and you may be watching out for signs of physical abuse when you visit. Some of the most common things to look for are bruises, broken bones, clothes that are torn or bloody, marks that seem to be from restraints, and signs of neglect, such as malnutrition, dehydration, bedsores, and a sudden loss of weight. Even excessive injuries from falls, which can be serious or very minor, can be a sign that someone is abusing your loved one.


But while it’s vital that you pay attention to these signs of physical abuse and neglect and report them as soon as you notice them, don’t forget it’s just as important to watch out for signs that your loved one is being psychologically abused.


How Are Seniors Psychologically Abused in Nursing Homes?


There are a number of different ways that seniors can suffer psychological abuse in senior living facilities. Some of them may not even be intentional by the people who are supposed to be taking care of them, but they can still cause lasting harm to your loved one, and caregivers who engage in this kind of behavior – regardless of whether they intended to harm their residents or not – are not living up to the legal obligations of their station.


How Are Seniors Psychologically Abused in Nursing Homes?

Verbal abuse. Some caregivers have been known to speak to the elderly people in their care in a manner that is violent, intimidating, threatening, humiliating, dismissive, offensive, or simply hurtful and can leave the resident anxious or scared. Over time, these psychological symptoms can even cause physical problems to manifest when the abuse is serious enough.


Isolation and neglect. While there can be physical signs of neglect for seniors, emotional neglect can cause big problems, too. This happens when caregivers intentionally or unintentionally leave specific residents out and provide them with a lower level of care than other residents. Even if their physical needs are technically being met, this kind of behavior can leave a senior feeling like they don’t matter and cause them to stop taking care of themselves and sink into a depressive state. This form of psychological abuse is difficult to identify and prove unless there are accompanying physical problems, but it does exist.


Signs of Emotional Abuse in Seniors


If you want to know if your loved one is being psychologically abused, the best thing to do is check in on them more frequently so you can see how they are treated and how they interact with everyone around them at the facility. Often, abused seniors don’t report abuse because they are afraid of retaliation or – worse – that they won’t be believed. Some may even feel the treatment is “deserved” or somehow their fault.


Some common signs of psychological abuse in elderly nursing home residents include:


  • Visible depression that coincides with their time at the nursing home
  • Visible anger that coincides with their time at the nursing home
  • Frequently blaming themselves for problems that are insignificant and/or for which they bear no responsibility
  • Displaying a high level of anxiety or fear whenever they are around certain people
  • “False dementia” – rocking, sucking, and mumbling


Unfortunately, none of these signs are actual proof that any abuse is going on, and can easily be signs of something else entirely. If you notice any of these signs, the first thing you should do is to ask your loved one if anyone is bothering or hurting them. You can also try to talk to other residents who are coherent and staff members that you like and trust.


If it seems like abuse truly is occurring, the first thing you should try to do is move them out of that facility as soon as possible, then talk to the authorities and file a complaint with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. After you’ve removed your relative from the negative situation and brought the problem to the attention of the appropriate people, contact an experienced elder abuse attorney immediately.


Boca Raton Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

There are a wide variety of claims that you can bring against abusive caregivers and nursing homes, including allegations of physical, verbal, sexual, and financial abuse, as well as neglect. There are different things that need to be proven in each type of case, so it’s in your best interest to work with a knowledgeable professional who can guide you through the legal process and make sure that you and your loved one are compensated for what you had to endure, and that the heinous acts that occurred won’t happen to someone else.


Defective Product Lawyer Boca Raton

How Do You Know If You Have a Defective Product?

Defective Product Lawyer Boca Raton

Ideally, all consumer products that go to market have been thoroughly tested to prevent them from unexpectedly harming anyone. But occasionally something slips through the cracks; maybe the marketing team fails to include adequate instructions for the product’s use on its packaging, or a manufacturer just doesn’t realize that a small part on a child’s toy could come loose and become a choking hazard. But since product defects aren’t always obvious, how do consumers know if they have a defective product on their hands?


One of the most straightforward ways to find out if you have a defective product is to pay attention to product recalls. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always do a very good job of broadcasting their recalls, so consumers need to take a proactive approach to discovering if they have any defective products. Concerned consumers should frequently go to to search for recalled products by category or keyword.


But what if you don’t hear about a recall—or a company fails to issue a recall before you are harmed by one of their products? In that type of situation, how do you know whether you have a strong case against the company?


Proving Liability for a Defective Product


Proving Liability for a Defective Product

Fortunately, the people and companies who create and sell consumer goods are typically held to strict liability in defective product cases. This means that a plaintiff only has to prove that a consumer product is unreasonably dangerous in order to hold the manufacturer, designer, or marketer accountable. There are three main ways that a product may be found defective:


Product defects. Product defects affect an individual product rather than an entire line and typically occur at the manufacturing stage. For example, if a kitchen chair manufacturer failed to add several screws to one of their chairs and it collapsed when the person who purchased it sat down, that person could file a claim to recover compensation for their injuries.


Design defects. This type of defect affects an entire line of products, not just a single item. A relatively recent example of this is the defective ignition switch in certain GM vehicles that would unexpectedly turn off the vehicle’s power if a driver went over a bump or jostled their keys with their legs.


Marketing defects. There may not be a design or manufacturing issue with a product, but it can still be defective if it did not come with sufficient instructions and warnings for usage and a consumer suffered an injury as a result. For example, if a brand of sleeping pills did not come with dosage instructions, the company that produced and marketed the prescription drug could be found liable in the event of an overdose.


Res Ipsa Loquitor Cases


In some cases, a product defect is so obvious that a plaintiff would not even need to prove that the manufacturer was negligent. Under the principal of res ipsa loquitor, which is Latin for “the thing speaks for itself,” the plaintiff must simply show that the product is defective and that he or she was injured by the product, and the burden of proof shifts to the defendant. Then, the defendant must prove that they were not negligent, rather than the plaintiff having to prove that the defendant was negligent. However, plaintiffs need to be careful about using this strategy, as the defendant may try to argue that if the defect was obvious, the plaintiff must have known of the danger and used it anyway.


If you are an accident victim and are unsure whether your injury was truly caused by a defective product, or are wondering how to show the court that a product is defective, talk to an experienced personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his 22-year career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for The South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars.


Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyer

Frustrated Drivers Cause More Accidents

Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyer

You hopefully already realize that you should not drive when you’re intoxicated, distracted, or overly tired. But one thing you might not realize is that your mood can also impair your driving ability and make you more likely to be in an accident. In fact, if you frequently find yourself frustrated behind the wheel, you may be taking unnecessary risks and failing to fully focus on the road.


Unfortunately, frustration seems to be a common state of mind for many drivers in Florida (and around the country) today. Some of the most frequently-cited causes of on-the-road frustration include:


Slow drivers. One of the biggest frustrations for many drivers is being held up by people who are traveling well under the speed limit; in fact, 60% of respondents in a survey reported in The Telegraph said that they experience increased stress and irritability when confronted with a car that isn’t keeping up with traffic (the respondents were British, but it’s safe to say that many American drivers feel the same way). Drivers who feel that the car in front of them is moving too slowly are more likely to tailgate and attempt dangerous overtaking maneuvers.


Long commutes. The average commute time in the US is 25.4 minutes, but in many major metropolitan areas, this time jumps to closer to an hour. It’s not too surprising that drivers who spend that much time in their car may find themselves getting more easily frustrated.


West Palm Beach Car Accident Attorney

Crowded areas. Metropolitan areas with lots of cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, and pedestrians often become congested, especially during rush hour. Drivers in these areas may also be frustrated due to less available parking and more frequent stops (in traffic and at intersections).


Texting and driving. A 2012 “drivers’ gripes” survey from Consumer Reports found that texting while driving was the behavior that most annoyed respondents, receiving an 8.9 on a 1-10 nuisance level. Texting while driving is now illegal in Florida, but unfortunately, some drivers still engage in this incredibly dangerous and frustrating behavior.


Drivers who fail to be courteous. It’s understandably annoying when other drivers tailgate, don’t wait their turn at a 4-way stop, cut you off while merging onto the highway, or engage in other uncourteous behaviors. Unfortunately, two cities in Florida—Orlando and Miami—rank in the top 10 for least courteous cities in the country.


Why Frustration Is Dangerous—and What You Can Do About It


Driving while in a negative emotional state can cause you to become distracted without you even realizing it. Some of the risks associated with frustrated driving include:


  • Impaired observation and slower reaction times
  • Becoming detached from other vehicles and drivers (i.e. starting to think of other drivers as obstacles and annoyances rather than real people), which may cause drivers to take risks that they wouldn’t have otherwise
  • Making risky maneuvers to get ahead in traffic, such as cutting over several lanes at a time, not leaving enough space when changing lanes, or even driving on the shoulder
  • Losing the ability to perform driving skills that require precise timing, such as merging onto the freeway or adjusting speed when the traffic ahead is slowing


While you might think that it’s impossible to just leave a bad mood at home, “I was frustrated” isn’t a valid excuse for getting into an accident. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your likelihood of becoming frustrated on your drive.


Boca Raton Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

Leave extra time for your commute. Sometimes the simplest solutions are also the best. If you often find yourself getting frustrated because you feel like you’re rushing to get to work or other commitments on time, factor in some extra time to the usual length of your commute as “cushioning” so that if something comes up and you are held up in traffic, you won’t be as anxious.


Find something that calms you down (but doesn’t take your attention off the road). Take deep breaths, count slowly to 10, or listen to calming music—do whatever will best help you relax without distracting you. If you get to the point where you’re so frustrated that you can’t concentrate on the task of driving, find somewhere safe to pull over until you calm down. It’s not worth taking the risk of being in a car accident just to get to your destination a few minutes faster.


Find a less stressful route. If one particular route always stresses you out and it’s feasible to take another route, do so. Even if one route is slightly longer, it may end up being faster because there is less traffic (or it may at least be more scenic and relaxing).


Don’t engage with an aggressive driver. If a driver honks, yells at you, or flips you off, don’t take the bait and retaliate. When you retaliate, you are more likely to cause the situation to escalate and make both you and the other driver more frustrated.


Be aware when you start to become frustrated while driving and do your best to change your mood. Remember, you can’t control traffic, but you can control your reaction to it.







Most Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse in West Palm Beach

Most Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse


Most Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse in West Palm Beach

As America’s population ages, more and more elderly people are moving into these nursing homes. These facilities are supposed to provide residents with the medical care, daily assistance, and social environment that they need to live comfortably, but unfortunately, far too many residents experience neglect and abuse in these settings.


Research conducted in 2000 by the National Center on Elder Abuse revealed that almost half (44%) of more than 2,000 nursing home residents had suffered some form of abuse, and an astounding 95% had either been neglected or seen someone being neglected in their nursing home. Fourteen years later, frequent news stories about elder abuse reveal that this issue has not been resolved.


If you live in a nursing home or have a loved one who lives in one of these facilities and you have experienced or witnessed any kind of abuse, the best way to put a stop to it is to come forward and hold the caregiver who is engaging in this kind of inappropriate behavior accountable. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you take legal action against an abusive party and even recover compensation for any injuries or financial harm. If you are unsure whether you should come forward because you don’t know whether a caregiver’s behavior constitutes abuse, review the most common types of nursing home abuse below.




Neglect is the most common form of nursing home abuse and is present in more than half of all reported cases. Neglect can be either intentional or unintentional on the part of the caregiver and may involve things like failing to provide basic life necessities (food, water, medicine, etc.), failing to keep a resident’s living space clean and safe, or failure to address and treat health problems.


Physical or Sexual Abuse


Physical abuse involves non-accidental, physical force used against a resident, including hitting, kicking, pushing, shaking, slapping, pinching, and burning. Force-feeding, inappropriately using physical restraints, or using any kind of physical punishment also fall into the category of physical nursing home abuse.


Sexual abuse involves any kind of non-consensual sexual act with a nursing home resident. This could involve rape, but non-physical sexual acts can also be a form of sexual abuse. These include forcing a nursing home resident to look at pornography, watch sex acts, or undress while others watch.


Psychological Abuse


Boca Raton Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Psychological abuse is not always as visible as physical abuse and neglect, but it can still be incredibly harmful to a resident’s health and mental wellbeing. Psychological abuse and manipulation may include humiliating a resident in front of other residents or caretakers, engaging in verbal insults or threats, verbal harassment, or forcing a resident into social isolation.


Financial Exploitation


Sadly, unscrupulous caregivers may take advantage of a resident’s perceived vulnerability in order to misuse their money. Acts of financial exploitation in a nursing home might include identity theft, forging a resident’s signature, stealing a resident’s income checks or other sources of money, or misusing a resident’s checks or banking accounts.


All these examples of abuse aren’t just immoral, they are illegal. If a caretaker is found to be engaging in this behavior, they may face criminal charges. However, residents and their families can also file a civil lawsuit against neglectful or abusive caretakers in order to recover money for medical bills, pain and suffering, and/or misused finances. Working with a personal injury attorney who has handled nursing home abuse cases before will give you your best chance of recovering compensation.


About the Author:

Jeffrey Braxton is a trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has devoted his 22-year career to the practice of personal injury law. As lead trial attorney for The South Florida Injury Law Firm, Jeff has litigated thousands of cases and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an exclusive group of attorneys who have resolved cases in excess of one million dollars..