
Driven To Distraction: Campaign To End Texting While Driving


Creative messaging is all around us, competing for our attention, bombarding our senses with information. Big messages call to us from wall signage, billboards, shop windows, and public transportation. Equally important are the small messages—the ones printed on coffee mugs, t-shirts, team caps, key rings. Even a small item like a wristband can attract ones attention and convey a compelling call to action.


One of the most common ways for people to send messages is texting. We love texting! It’s fun and immediate. We feel connected. In a world where we can “get the word out” around the globe in moments, social connectivity has become the norm; we constantly seek ways to reach out to others.


However, as a recent AT&T campaign advises, some messages should wait—when our eyes are drawn to texting and away from the road while driving, even if just for a few seconds, we become … distracted.


The Dangers of Distraction


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has taken a focused look at distractions and driving. NHTSA has established to define distracted driving, present personal video accounts of the results of distracted driving, and offer creative ideas for getting involved in spreading the word about the dangers of texting behind the wheel.


According to the NHTSA, distracted driving is “…any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving.” The definition goes on to include examples of distractions we may all take for granted, such as consuming food and drink, reading or looking at maps, using a GPS, putting on makeup, even conversation with other people in the car. And the most dangerous driving distraction of all … texting.


What makes texting at the wheel so dangerous? It’s a triple threat, due to the demand it makes on 1) cognitive processing, 2) manual coordination, and 3) vision. It’s challenging enough for new drivers just to stay in their own lanes. Texting while driving draws all three of these faculties away from the road ahead and redirects all of your awareness down to the little screen in your hand.


A study conducted by NHTSA revealed that texting while driving, whether sending or receiving a text, draws vision away from the road for 4.6 seconds. That seems like just a moment. Perhaps you feel quite confident that you can look away from the road for a mere five seconds and still maintain safe operation of your vehicle.


Nevertheless, did you know that if you are driving “blind” at 55 mph, in 4.6 seconds you will travel the full length of a football field?


That’s pretty sobering.


In 4.6 seconds, a child could run into the road. A biker could lose control and fall into the path of your vehicle. A light could turn red while you keep going. A pedestrian could step off a curb.


Your whole life could change. In 4.6 seconds, your life—or someone else’s—could be over.


You can find more “Driving While InTEXTicated” statistics in an excellent infographic at this link:


Preventive Action


Many high schools and other private and federal agencies around the country are seeking ways to educate people about the dangers of texting while driving.


Lancaster Online and the Palm Beach Post report the use of driving simulators at Manheim Central High School in Pennsylvania, and West Boca Raton High School in Florida, to demonstrate for students the true difficulty of operating a vehicle while texting. The participants at both schools thought it would be easy but discovered that if those simulated conditions were live, they would have caused serious, if not fatal, accidents.


AT&T’s don’t-text-and-drive campaign tagline is: “It Can Wait.” Click the “Videos” link on AT&T’s campaign site ( to watch compelling stories from survivors and family members who texted some simple message, a word or two that could have waited, and their lives were changed forever.


Get Involved


A teacher at NDSU gave each of her interns in the Sanford Respiratory Care Program a task. They were to hand out a number of “Don’t Drive InTXTicated” wristbands to their coworkers to discourage texting while driving.


One student gave them out to her PM shift coworkers, along with a card she had typed up with some statistics related to driving incidents. The cards were meant to be carried by the participants in their vehicle, handbag, or wallet, as a constant reminder of their pledge to not “drive & text.” They are proudly sporting their wristbands and carrying their reminder cards!



Texting while driving is a serious problem. 100,000 crashes each year involve texting at the wheel. Try to think of ways you can start a pledge-based don’t-text-and-drive campaign in your community, among your co-workers, and with your friends. Your “Don’t Drive InTXTicated” campaign could save a life. If just one person makes the pledge, your campaign will be a success!


Dick Nelson, CEO of MARCO Promotional Products, has worked in the industry for nearly 30 years. Dick has never thought of his work as work, but rather as an intriguing place to spend his working hours. Away from the workplace, he enjoys playing golf, much of the time with his wife, and spending time with his children and grandchildren when he can.

Dangerous Dog Breeds

The 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Dangerous Dog Breeds



When Pets Attack, They Can Cause Serious or Even Fatal Injuries


Most people like dogs. How can you resist those adoring eyes, the wagging tail, and the warm, fuzzy head that seems to appear in your lap just when you’re feeling your lowest? So many Americans like dogs, in fact, that the Humane Society estimates that 46% of US households own dogs. But not all dogs exude the same warm friendliness that your family’s Golden Retriever displays. Dog attacks are a serious problem, and an aggressive dog can cause brutal injuries that maim, permanently injure, or even kill their victims. And these attacks occur more frequently than we would like to think. According to, a site for victims of aggressive dog attacks, every day in the U.S., 1,000 people seek medical treatment for dog bites. In 2001, 42% of these attacks were on children age 14 or younger with the highest rate of attack on boys between the ages of five and nine years old.


The 10 Breeds Most Likely to Attack


The 10 Breeds Most Likely to Attack Image:


Now before you start giving Fido the wary eye, keep in mind that certain dog breeds are far more likely to attack than others. Merrit Clifton, the editor of Animal People conducted a 30-year study of all cases of aggressive dog attacks in the U.S. and Canada. Compiling massive amounts of data, Clifton concluded that these 10 breeds are responsible for the majority of aggressive dog attacks:


1. Pitt Bull – These dogs, which make up only 4.4% of the canine population, caused bodily harm to 2235 victims, over four times more than any other breed. 233 Pit Bull attacks resulted in death, and 1268 victims were maimed.

2. Rottweiler – In 30 years, Rottweilers caused bodily harm 495 times and caused 81 deaths and 277 maimings.

3. Pitt Bull Mix – Turns out the breed’s aggressive temperament is only slightly cooled by strains of other breeds. Pit bull mixes caused bodily harm to 148 victims, killed 12, and maimed 83.

4. German Shepherd – Though a popular breed, these dogs inflicted 96 cases of bodily harm, killed 14, and maimed another 59.

5. Bullmastiff – These strong, solidly built canines harmed 87 people, killing 14 and maiming 46.

6. Wolf hybrid – Because these dogs are just what they sound like – a mix of a wild wolf and another dog breed – it is not surprising that they are exceedingly aggressive animals. The study found that they caused bodily harm to 84 people, killed 19 and maimed 48.

7. Husky – Since this is another popular breed, it is alarming that Huskies caused injuries 71 times and were responsible for 24 deaths and 20 maimings.

8. Akita – These Japanese dogs with a coat similar to that of a Husky don’t look particularly aggressive, but they inflicted bodily harm 65 times, killing 8 and maiming 47.

9. Chow – Chows are not particularly large, and their fluffy coats mask an aggressive nature. Still, these dogs inflicted bodily harm 55 times, killed 7 and maimed 37.

10. German Shepherd Mix – Even with the blood of other breeds running through their veins, German Shepherd mixes caused 41 cases of bodily harm, killed 7 victims, and maimed 26.


As is made clear by the study, the dangers posed by these dogs are significant. In fact, some insurance companies will refuse to insure owners of these dogs when it comes to homeowners or renters insurance. Even more significant, some cities and even states have legislation prohibiting the ownership of certain dangerous breeds. For example, Miami-Dade County bans the ownership of Pit Bulls.


Given the significant evidence of the potential dangers of these breeds, ownership of these dogs means that owners should be vigilant in ensuring that the public is protected by keeping their dogs contained and under control. What is especially unconscionable is when dog owners allow these dogs to roam about or to come into contact with small children. Though many will argue that their bully breed or large breed dog is the most gentle, smart, and loyal companion to be found—and we don’t argue that those claims are often true—the fact is that when a large dog does attack, they generate powerful force and create substantial injuries due to their size and build. Dog owners must be held responsible for the behavior of their pets, and victims should receive financial compensation for trauma inflicted by aggressive canines.


Truckers Must Follow Strict Federal and State Laws to Maintain Safety on the Roads

Any motor vehicle accident is a serious matter, but when the accident involves a truck, the sheer power and size of the truck tends to cause more severe property damage, personal injury, and even death. This is why federal law requires truck drivers to meet certain requirements, undergo rigorous training, and comply with strict safety guidelines. A truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach is knowledgeable with regard to these requirements and will prosecute those who ignore them. A lawyer can also prosecute any trucking company that knowingly allows their employees to ignore these requirements or that hires drivers when they have sufficient reason to believe the drivers may not be sufficiently trained, safe, and responsible.


First, to qualify as a truck driver, a person must be 18 years old—21 years old to work as an interstate driver. They must have a driver’s license, clean driving record, and excellent vision. They must also be able to pass a drug test and a physical exam before employment. If a truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach discovers that one of these contingencies was not met, the truck driver and the employer could be held responsible for the accident. In order to get a commercial driver’s license (CDL), a driver must undergo training which includes driving safety regulations, truck inspection, correct driving techniques in different weather conditions, and how to turn, back up, and park a truck. If any one of these things is missing, the company providing the training displays negligence. Finally, a truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach knows the safety guidelines that truck drivers should follow. These include taking breaks every eight hours, knowing personal limits, keeping the truck in top physical condition, maintaining the proper speed, and keeping enough distance from other vehicles.


If you or a loved one has been in an accident involving a truck, you should contact a truck accident lawyer at the West Palm Beach Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm. Our knowledgeable lawyers are experienced with truck safety requirements and will conduct a thorough investigation into your accident to determine the cause and who was at fault. We understand the stress of an auto accident, and we will fight to get you appropriate compensation so that you can focus on your recovery.


When you need a truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and handle cases throughout the state, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Delray Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 on via the web at

Types of Damages for Which You May Be Eligible Following a Car Accident

When you hire a Boca Raton auto accident lawyer at the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm, you and your attorney will review your accident and determine whether you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, and if so, which types of damages you may be eligible for. In the context of a personal injury case, the term “damages” relates to the financial compensation one is eligible to receive depending upon the type, extent, and severity of the injuries and losses suffered in an auto accident. There are seven types of damages that may be available to accident victims and their families, and your Boca Raton auto accident lawyer will evaluate each one to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation possible.


Property damage refers to the money needed to make repairs to your vehicle and any other belongings that were damaged in the accident. Your Boca Raton auto accident lawyer will compile the expenses you have already incurred due to the accident, as well as a reasonable estimation of future medical costs. After an auto accident, you may need time off of work for recovery, doctor’s appointments, or hospitalization, making lost wages the third type of damages.


Disability claims make up the fourth type of damages, whether the disability is temporary or permanent. Disability damages include the cost of hiring caregivers, as well as compensation for job loss due to disability. Funds awarded for pain and suffering make up the fifth type of damages. The sixth type covers any other accident-related costs not covered by the other five types. Finally, if the car accident was fatal, the victim’s family may file for wrongful death damages, which cover funeral costs and compensation to replace the money that the deceased would have earned to support dependents.

Insurance companies will often balk at paying all the damages to which you believe you are entitled. When you hire a Boca Raton auto accident lawyer at The South Florida Injury Law Firm, you will get a lawyer who understands insurance companies and accident law and will fight to get you every bit of the damages you deserve. At the same time, we understand that auto accidents are traumatic, and we unburden you of as much difficulty as we can so that you may focus on physical recovery and emotional healing.


When you need a Boca Raton auto accident lawyer, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and handle cases throughout the state, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Delray Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 on via the web at

Did You Know That You Don’t Necessarily Have to Slip and Fall in a Slip and Fall Case?

If you have suffered an injury while in a commercial establishment or at another’s residence, friends and family may suggest that you consult with a West Palm Beach slip and fall lawyer in order to determine whether or not you might be able to pursue compensation from the property owner. In many instances, a viable slip and fall case exists even if you did not actually slip, or for that matter, fall.


Although you will often hear of slip and fall injuries, the actual term for such cases is premises liability because you are seeking to hold the owner of the premises on which you were injured liable for your injuries. Often, such cases involve a victim who slips on a slick floor and falls, and so they have come to be known as slip and fall cases despite the fact that neither element is essential to a premises liability case. For example, if you are shopping in a West Palm Beach wholesale club and one of the shelves is stacked with merchandise such that the shelf becomes unstable and topples over on top of you causing serious injury, you may have a premises liability suit despite the fact that you did not slip or fall.


Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your injuries, if you have been injured because of a property owner’s negligence, your West Palm Beach slip and fall lawyer at the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm will have the experience necessary to review your case and determine the extent to which the property owner may be held liable for the medical costs and other expenses related to your injury. Get the remuneration that you may be due by calling The South Florida Injury Law Firm today.


When you need a West Palm Beach slip and fall lawyer, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and handle cases throughout the state, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Delray Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 or via the web at

Wouldn’t It Just Be Easier to Take the Settlement?

Often, after you have been in a car wreck, you just want to be done with the hassle of it all. Even if you suffered fairly serious injuries, the temptation can be to just accept whatever settlement the insurance company offers and move on. After all, you may wonder, isn’t dealing with a personal injury attorney just more trouble than it is worth given everything you’ve already been through? However, it is essential to consult with a West Palm Beach auto accident lawyer to make sure that your rights are protected and that your claim is not undervalued by the insurance company.


Though meeting with an auto accident lawyer may seem like one more hassle in a series of hassles following your accident, it is often the only way you can ensure that you will be adequately compensated should you need future medical treatments or care. If you accept the settlement that is initially offered by the insurance company, it is usually on the condition that you will no longer be able to claim any other benefits even if you should require additional medical attention. Your auto accident lawyer will work to ensure that you not only have the funds available to cover any current medical expenses, but that any future costs will be remunerated, as well.


Your West Palm Beach auto accident lawyer at the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm has the experience and the expertise to negotiate assiduously on your behalf following your auto accident. In addition, your lawyer will work closely with your medical team so as to be clear regarding the level of care you might require in the future on account of your injuries. Get all of the care you will need with the help of an auto accident lawyer with The South Florida Injury Law Firm.


When you need a West Palm Beach auto accident lawyer, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and handle cases throughout the state, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Delray Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 or via the web at

Boca Raton Pedestrian Killed Crossing Street

A Boca Raton woman was killed recently when crossing the street. If you have lost a loved one due to the negligence or recklessness of another, a wrongful death lawyer can help you to pursue justice on behalf of the deceased, as well as any financial remuneration that may be available to compensate not only the emotional but the financial loss you have suffered. Obviously, no wrongful death lawyer assumes that pursuing such compensation will assuage your grief, but it can help you and your family to find resolution and to know that you will not be flung into financial duress because of the loss of your loved one.


The recent accident in Boca Raton occurred when a 46-year-old woman was attempting to cross the street and was struck by a vehicle driven by a 20-year-old female. The pedestrian was taken to Delray Medical Center where she later died. According to the police report, the investigation into the accident was ongoing. Whether your loved one was the victim of a wrongful death caused by a car accident or from some other incident, your wrongful death lawyer will fully evaluate the case and will help you to pursue whatever damages you may be due.


If you and your family are grieving the untimely and unjust loss of a loved one, contact a Boca Raton wrongful death lawyer at the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm. Your lawyer will have the expertise to handle your case with sensitivity and compassion while aggressively pursuing the justice you and your family may be due. Contact the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm today.


When you need a Boca Raton wrongful death lawyer, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and handle cases throughout the state, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Delray Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 or via the web at