delivery driver broward accident lawyer

Amazon Prime Day Deliveries and Accidents

On October 13th and 14th, Amazon Celebrates Prime Day(s).

Prime Day is the perfect time for shoppers to score up to 50 percent off on popular categories, like tech, electronics, Amazon devices, home, kitchen, clothing, shoes, wellness, and more.


With the uncertainty and the strain that COVID-19 has had on the 1.7 million small and medium sized businesses around the world that sell their goods on Amazon, the event could provide much needed relief.


It’s been a convenience for many to be able to get in on these online deals and get in hand within 2 days and in some cases, the very same day. Amazon is able to get to your doorstep even faster these days since they moved away from using standard services like UPS and FedEx and instead uses Amazon’s gargantuan logistics network to deliver its own packages.


Amazon Delivery Drivers and Florida Laws

Throughout Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties,  we’ve started seeing a lot more Amazon delivery trucks on the road and so have the number of accidents involving Amazon delivery drivers.

amazon prime delivery vehicle accident information

Although many Amazon delivery vehicles are completely free from incident, the number of accidents of Amazon-involved trucks have only grown over time.

Amazon delivery drivers have the same responsibilities under Florida law to drive their vehicles in a safe manner as all other motorists. This includes a duty to protect all other people they may encounter while behind the wheel.

This extends to:

  • Other drivers
  • Passengers in other vehicles
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists




Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accidents

If an Amazon Prime or Grocery delivery driver fails in this responsibility, and someone is injured, that person can file a lawsuit alleging that the driver’s negligence caused their injuries. Unfortunately, even the clearest example of truck driver negligence may fail to bring compensation if a plaintiff does not act in time.


When in an accident involving an Amazon delivery vehicle, you may have a right to receive compensation. You should immediately contact an experience commercial vehicle accident lawyer, like those at The South Florida Injury Law Firm to arrange a free, no obligation, review of the facts in your Amazon delivery accident case and a discussion of the legal options that may be available to you.


covid-19 coronavirus accidents

COVID-19 Auto Accidents in South Florida

COVID-19 has created a dramatic shift in all of our lives and even on our South Florida roadways. With residents holed up at home, working remotely and running fewer errands than ever, rush hour traffic has dipped considerably. Shuttered bars and restaurants has meant fewer drunk drivers on the roads and less auto accidents.


Those who must and do go out may be under the impression that the roads are safer due to this dip in traffic congestion we’ve seen throughout the state. They have evidence to support that belief too.


Florida drivers were involved in 9,469 crashes in June compared to 31,128 in 2019.


However true, that belief for many drivers contributes to the most serious and fatal auto accidents that can happen.



The Need For Speed

A recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) stated that many drivers across the U.S. are pushing the needle to speeds greater than 100 mph. FHP have also reported drivers are traveling at speeds of 20-40 mph over the posted speed limit on average.

“Law enforcement officials have the same mission as health care providers — to save lives. If you must drive, buckle up, follow the posted speed limit and look out for pedestrians and bicyclists. Emergency rooms in many areas of the country are at capacity, and the last thing they need is additional strain from traffic crash victims,” said GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins.



coronavirus south florida auto accidents

Caution Your Confidence

The roads may appear empty and safe for you to push the pedal a little further. Just a few MPH over the speed limit is no big deal, right?

Out of the 9,469 crashes in June, 54% were speed related and 37% of those were fatal.


Due to distracted driving, unsafe road conditions and a myriad of circumstances we’ve seen can happen here at The South Florida Injury Law Firm, we know the roads are never as safe as they may seem.

It’s difficult to foresee auto accidents, the injuries that can come from them and the lifelong effects they have. It can put even a bigger dent in finances that COVID-19 have already burdened so many with. It is even worse when you know somebody else through their negligence caused you suffering, and that’s why you need to fight hard to get compensated for your loss. Be cautious and remember these steps we’ve put together for you to be better prepared:



What to do at the scene of an auto accident during this time of COVID-19

  • Get medical attention for those who are injured.
  • Still Practice Safe Distance. Stay 6 feet away from the other driver.
  • If you are able to without discomfort, pay mind to and keep your mask on.
  • Get the name and the driver’s license of the driver of the car that caused the collision.
  • If the driver leaves, get the license plate number of the car. If this is not possible, at least get a description of the car including the make, model, color, and any descriptive information you can.
  • Call the police. If the car leaves, do not endanger yourself by following or chasing it. The police will do their best to track down the culprit.
  • Wait in a safe place for the arrival of the police.
  • If there are witnesses, try to get their names, contact information, and statements.
  • Take photos of the scene of the accident as well as of the damage to your car.


As soon as possible with auto accidents, make your own written statement about what happened. Include as many details as you can about how the accident occurred. Note exactly where the accident occurred, whether there were traffic lights or a stop sign, what you observed the other driver doing, and any other information that seems relevant.


If someone sustains a head wound, broken arm or puncture wound, the injuries are obviously serious, and medical assistance should be sought immediately. But many times, accidents result in aching or overall soreness. It can be tempting to shrug this soreness off, as the pain may even subside over the following days. Not seeking medical attention can be a major mistake.



Get an Attorney

When searching for the best personal injury lawyers in South Florida, or if you have experienced an auto accident or injury, be sure to check for experience, track record, and reviews from their past clients.

Our team have 100+ years of combined legal experience, so we’ve handled just about every kind of injury and accident case you can imagine. We also come from diverse legal backgrounds that help us when preparing for cases, counting a former public defender and a lawyer who worked for insurance companies and knows their tactics among our partners.

During this time, we urge you to be safe on the road and if you have been in an accident, know that you deserve to be compensated for your pain and suffering – and those responsible deserve to be held accountable for their actions. That was The South Florida Injury Law Firm’s goal when it was founded in South Florida in 1991, and it has remained the centerpiece of the firm’s mission ever since that time.

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What Are Your Rights When Involved In A South Florida Trucking Accident?


Nowadays, many more trucks are entering our roadways, sharing the same space we use in our everyday life. Product demand has significantly increased, and so does the congestion of commercial trucking. Unfortunately, with the increased numbers of trucks entering service they bring with them an ever-increasing number of accidents and resulting injuries.

A central question in most truck accident cases is whether the trucker’s actions violated their duty of care. Some trucking accidents make this question abundantly clear: if a police officer cites a trucker for speeding, failing to yield, or carrying too much weight, the law assumes that the trucker is at fault for any ensuing accident. However, in other cases, a more in-depth investigation is required to prove trucker fault, for which a South Florida truck accident attorney can provide significant assistance in collecting evidence.

Trucking Accident Common Factors


Poor Vehicle Maintenance


Ensuring that a vehicle is maintained correctly is essential for every driver, and it’s vital to the safety of commercial truck drivers. Commercial vehicles experience more wear and tear than ordinary cars as trucks are driven for hundreds of miles every day. If routine maintenance is skipped, it could lead to mechanical problems or equipment failure that could lead to an accident. Something as simple as a worn brake pad could be the difference between stopping in time and causing a multi-car pileup. Victims of a commercial trucking accident should have the company’s maintenance records checked to see if repair negligence contributed to the collision.


Incentivize Programs that Promote Unsafe Truck Driving


While it’s easy to blame the driver involved in the accident, looking at the underlying issues may solve the root problem.  Shippers and logistics firms may inadvertently create dangerous driving conditions by the way they pay drivers. For example, some compensation programs encourage faster vehicle speeds or more hours of continuous vehicle operation than would usually be unadvisable. Giving drivers unrealistic schedules encourage drivers to hurry, despite the safety risks involved.

Improper Cargo Loading


Commercial trucks carry so much cargo that weight imbalances can significantly affect the safety of the vehicle. Cargo that has been loaded incorrectly can cause accidents in several ways.

The shipment could fall off and become a hazard to other drivers, and the cargo itself could affect the vehicle’s steering. To prevent these issues, truckers and cargo loading teams have to abide by industry-specific rules when it comes to loading the bed of a commercial truck.

These rules determine limits for weight, size, length, width, and load height. The rules also specify special methods of securing cargo for transportation.

What Are Your Rights When Involved In A South Florida Trucking Accident? 1 Truck Accident Lawyer West Palm Beach South Florida Injury Law Firm 

South Florida Truck Accident Laws


Truck drivers have the same responsibilities under Florida law to drive their vehicles in a safe manner as all other motorists. This includes a duty to protect all other people they may encounter while behind the wheel. This extends to:

  • Other drivers
  • Passengers in other vehicles
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists

If a truck driver fails in this responsibility, and someone is injured, that person can file a lawsuit alleging that the driver’s negligence caused their injuries. Unfortunately, even the clearest example of truck driver negligence may fail to bring compensation if a plaintiff does not act in time.

According to Florida Statute §95.11, plaintiffs must file a case within four years of the date of the accident if they hope to collect compensation. Insurance companies may break off all settlement negotiations if this time has passed. This makes it important to act quickly when considering a claim.

What Are Your Rights When Involved In A South Florida Trucking Accident? 2 Truck Accident Lawyer West Palm Beach South Florida Injury Law FirmCommon Injuries related to South Florida Truck Accidents


Even truck accidents that occur at low speeds place great strain on the bodies of the occupants of smaller vehicles. Even if their bodies do not come into direct contact with the truck, their car may be subjected to significant force or perhaps even crushed.

This can result in life-threatening injuries. It is not uncommon for the victims in these accidents to suffer:

  • Broken bones
  • Separated joints
  • Severe cuts
  • Burns
  • Concussions
  • Paralysis

Any form of physical injury is enough to make a claim. A complete claim should also demand compensation for lost wages and mental anguish. A truck accident law firm in South Florida can work with clients to understand the full impact of the accident on their lives and receive the compensation they deserve.



Far too often injury attorneys treat trucking accident cases like car accidents.  One can easily understand the force from a 60,000 pound truck striking a family vehicle are significantly higher than the force from a 7,500 pound pickup truck or 3,500 sedan traveling the same speed.  This difference in force often results in much more serious injuries, even death.

Attorneys specialized in trucking accidents know that car accidents and trucking accidents are not the same.  Beyond the federal regulations that apply to commercial trucking, drivers must also undergo extensive training.  18-wheelers simply do not operate the same as family-size passenger vehicles. They are harder to maneuver and some operations that can be done in family passenger vehicles are strictly prohibited by 18-wheel operators.


Post-Accident Checklist


After any type of traffic accident, you should run over a checklist of information to get from other drivers or passengers who were involved: insurance information, injuries, names and contact information of witnesses, etc.


Hopefully, knowing this information and practicing safer driving will help you reduce the chances of getting into a truck accident. But if you or someone you love is injured in a crash with a truck due to another’s negligence, you should know what to do next. The first and most important thing to do is check to see if you or anyone around you is injured and, if so, instantly seek medical attention.


The next step you take should be contacting a skilled Florida accident attorney who will look into the incident. Your lawyer will likely have to ask you a lot of questions, so it’s helpful to prepare yourself ahead of time.


Researching and slogging through legal meetings may be the last thing you’re interested in doing after getting hurt in an accident, but it’s worth it. Medical bills can pile up fast, and that’s not even dealing with money you lose due to not being able to work and other expenses. These are things that can seriously derail your life, and if someone else is responsible, you shouldn’t have to pay for their mistake.

Truckers Must Follow Strict Federal and State Laws to Maintain Safety on the Roads

Any motor vehicle accident is a serious matter, but when the accident involves a truck, the sheer power and size of the truck tends to cause more severe property damage, personal injury, and even death. This is why federal law requires truck drivers to meet certain requirements, undergo rigorous training, and comply with strict safety guidelines. A truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach is knowledgeable with regard to these requirements and will prosecute those who ignore them. A lawyer can also prosecute any trucking company that knowingly allows their employees to ignore these requirements or that hires drivers when they have sufficient reason to believe the drivers may not be sufficiently trained, safe, and responsible.


First, to qualify as a truck driver, a person must be 18 years old—21 years old to work as an interstate driver. They must have a driver’s license, clean driving record, and excellent vision. They must also be able to pass a drug test and a physical exam before employment. If a truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach discovers that one of these contingencies was not met, the truck driver and the employer could be held responsible for the accident. In order to get a commercial driver’s license (CDL), a driver must undergo training which includes driving safety regulations, truck inspection, correct driving techniques in different weather conditions, and how to turn, back up, and park a truck. If any one of these things is missing, the company providing the training displays negligence. Finally, a truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach knows the safety guidelines that truck drivers should follow. These include taking breaks every eight hours, knowing personal limits, keeping the truck in top physical condition, maintaining the proper speed, and keeping enough distance from other vehicles.


If you or a loved one has been in an accident involving a truck, you should contact a truck accident lawyer at the West Palm Beach Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm. Our knowledgeable lawyers are experienced with truck safety requirements and will conduct a thorough investigation into your accident to determine the cause and who was at fault. We understand the stress of an auto accident, and we will fight to get you appropriate compensation so that you can focus on your recovery.


When you need a truck accident lawyer in West Palm Beach, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and handle cases throughout the state, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Delray Beach, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and all other cities and counties. We have years of experience and success in handling cases like yours. Contact us for a free case evaluation at 954.764.7377 on via the web at