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Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida

As personal injury attorneys in South Florida, we know that spring break can be a time of fun and relaxation for many people. Unfortunately, it can also be a time of increased risk on the roads, as more tourists and party-goers flock to the area.

According to a study conducted by the University of Miami, the 14 most popular spring break destinations, including South Florida, saw a 9.1% increase in auto accidents

Here, we’ll take a closer look at the issue of car accidents during spring break in South Florida and what you can do if you are involved in an accident.

Why Are Car Accidents More Common During Spring Break?

Spring break is a time when many college students and tourists come to South Florida to enjoy the warm weather and beach parties. While this can be a fun time, it also means that there are more people on the roads, and many of them may not be familiar with the area or local driving laws. This can lead to a higher risk of accidents, particularly if drivers are distracted, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or simply not paying attention to the road.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 1 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Common Causes of Car Accidents During Spring Break

At South Florida Injury Law Firm, we have seen firsthand the devastating consequences of car accidents during spring break. Here are some of the factors that can contribute to car accidents during this time of year:

Increased traffic

With more people on the roads during spring break, traffic can be heavier and more congested than usual. This can lead to more accidents, especially in areas where there are a lot of tourists and visitors who may be unfamiliar with the local roads.

Impaired driving

Unfortunately, spring break is also a time when many people engage in excessive drinking and drug use. This can lead to impaired driving, which is a leading cause of car accidents during this time of year.

Distracted driving

With so much to see and do during spring break, it’s easy to become distracted while driving. This can include texting or using social media, taking photos or videos, or even just looking at the sights and sounds around you.

Road construction

There is a number of ongoing road construction and maintenance being performed on major roads throughout South Florida and is also a common time for road construction projects to begin, which can lead to traffic disruptions and increased risk of accidents.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 2 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Driving under the influence

Many people come to South Florida to party, and unfortunately, this often leads to an increase in drunk driving accidents.


With so many people on the roads, drivers may feel pressure to get to their destination quickly, which can lead to speeding and reckless driving.

Inexperienced drivers

Many tourists and college students may not be familiar with the area or local driving laws, which can lead to confusion and accidents.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 3 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

What Should You Do If You’re Involved in an Accident During Spring Break?

If you are involved in a car accident during spring break in South Florida, it’s important to take the following steps:

Call the police

Even if the accident seems minor, it’s important to call the police and have them document the accident. This can be important if you need to file a claim with your insurance company or if you need to pursue legal action.

Seek medical attention

Even if you feel fine after the accident, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention to make sure that you don’t have any hidden injuries. Some injuries, like whiplash or concussions, may not show symptoms right away.

Gather evidence

Take photos of the accident scene, get contact information from any witnesses, and make note of any relevant details about the accident.

Exchange information

Be sure to exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver involved in the accident.

Contact an attorney

If you’ve been injured in an accident during spring break, it’s important to contact a personal injury attorney who can help you understand your legal options and pursue compensation for your injuries.

How Can You Stay Safe During Spring Break?

If you’re planning to visit South Florida for spring break, there are several things you can do to stay safe on the roads, including:

Avoid distracted driving

Put your phone away and avoid other distractions while driving.

Don’t drink and drive

If you plan to drink, make sure that you have a designated driver or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft.

Obey traffic laws

Follow the speed limit and other traffic laws to avoid accidents.

Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention to other drivers and pedestrians on the roads, and be aware of any hazards or obstacles.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 4 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Spring break can be a fun and exciting time in South Florida, but it’s important to remember that the roads can be dangerous during this time. By following the tips outlined in this blog post and staying aware of your surroundings, you can help reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident. If you are injured in an accident during spring break, be sure to contact an experienced personal injury attorney.

At The South Florida Injury Law Firm, we have extensive experience helping clients who have been injured in car accidents during spring break. We understand the unique challenges that this time of year can present, and we are dedicated to helping our clients get the justice and compensation they deserve.

If Convicted of North Carolina Identity Theft, You Will Face Serious Penalties

How Florida Motorcycle Accidents are Caused by Cars

Although we often first think of losing control in the rain or taking a surprise backroads curve too sharply, but many Florida motorcycle accidents are actually caused by passenger cars.

In a previous post, we shared that, at the time, four of the five most common motorcycle accidents involved a passenger vehicle, and a quick online search today will show that the consensus is that “vehicles turning left in front of you” is still the number one cause of motorcycle crashes.

Despite best efforts to educate, according to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles the number of motorcycle accidents continues to creep up each year.

If you or a motorcyclist you know has recently been involved in a crash, keep an eye out for developing injuries – you have four years from the date of the accident to file a claim with the help of a personal injury attorney. In the meantime, let’s take a look a few other common ways cars can cause you to wreck on your bike.

When You Can’t Tell Them to Stay in Their Lane

Those drivers who don’t use turn signals, are daydreaming (or worse, device-using) drifters, or split-second road-ragers – they are all completely oblivious to your bike, and they’re all changing lanes without warning.

Unfortunately, most drivers simply aren’t programmed to seek out motorcyclists, and the vast majority don’t have experience riding one themselves. Governmental and other safety organizations continue to work on that from an education perspective, but when you’re the one taking the biggest risk on the roadways, you’ve got to take the extra measures to keep yourself self out there.

Rule of Thumb: If you can’t see them, they can’t see you. Check their mirrors. If and when you’re out of their sights, maneuver the bike until you’re confident they know you’re there.

Rear-Ends – Yours and Theirs

Just like with any fender-bender, when the vehicle driver behind (or in front) of you isn’t paying attention to the road, the chances of an accident increase.

If a distracted driver looks down at their phone, say, and a light begins to turn before they return their attention to the road, they may need to slam on the brakes. Unfortunately for motorcycle riders, this can mean flipping over the top of your bike. Or perhaps the opposite situation happens. You’re stopped in front of a passenger vehicle at a light and it changes. If they react faster than you and weren’t really paying attention (maybe that just noticed the light change out of the corner of their eye), you may end up sprawled across their hood.

Remember, you don’t have the same amount of “fender” to bend, so you’re more likely than they are to sustain a serious injury.

Rule of Thumb: Create your own crumple zone. Pull over to the outer limit of your lane, preferably toward the shoulder.

When One Door Opens

Fort Lauderdale Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

You know the comedy scene in the movie – the motorcycle rider drives down the road a little too close to a row of parked cars and – bam! – Joe Schmoe in the land yacht swings his door wide open without looking, pulling the equivalent of a vehicular clothesline.

Only when it happens to you, you’re not a stuntman, and that bike isn’t a prop. Did you know there’s actually a name for the door’s-width space between parked cars and the lane of traffic? It’s called “The Death Zone.”

Rule of Thumb: Avoid driving in this area if and when possible. When it is absolutely unavoidable, go extra slow. Riding at low speed and being vigilant in watching for signs of activity inside the parked cars can save you from serious injury.

Between the Lines

How Florida Motorcycle Accidents are Caused by Cars 5 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Speaking of riding between cars, The American Motorcyclist Association reports that Utah recently legalized filtering motorcyclists between lanes of stopped traffic. As this type of legislation continues to expand across the nation, it’s important to keep in mind: just because you can doesn’t mean you should ride between lanes. If and when you do, all we can say is to be extremely careful.

Again, it comes down to the fact that car drivers don’t always know you’re there. When they aren’t aware, there’s no reason for them to leave much space between their vehicle and the one in the next lane over, leaving all the risk on you. Riders end up easily being knocked into oncoming traffic by drivers merging too quickly or without signaling. Even slight swerves can cause you to react poorly.

Rule of Thumb: Unless you are absolutely unable to avoid it, don’t ride the lines, stay between them.

Of course, sometimes you can be as careful as humanly possible and a negligent driver will still cause you to get hurt in a crash. If this happens to you, remember that you should never have to pay for their mistake. Florida has personal injury laws to protect people in exactly these situations – use them.

When you’ve suffered a serious injury, the medical bills begin to accumulate quickly. If your injuries were caused by the negligence of another driver or other responsible party, you may be entitled to substantial compensation.

When you consult with an accident attorney in South Florida, your personal injury lawyer can evaluate your case and the specifics of your motorcycle accident to determine the extent to which you are due financial remuneration.

Conveniently located for residents of Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach and South Florida, The South Florida Injury Law Firm are in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. However, if you have the need, your South Florida personal injury attorney can visit you in your home or, if necessary, in the hospital. To contact an  injury lawyer with The South Florida Injury Law Firm you can call 954-488-JEFF anytime 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Or fill out the convenient online form for a free case evaluation. Remember, the consultation is free and you will owe nothing until recovery of benefits is made.

South Florida Bicycle Accident Lawyer

How Florida Drivers Cause Bicycle Injuries

Cycling is not only a convenient and healthy way to get around in Florida, but it’s widely accepted as an effective means of reducing congestion on the road and improving the quality of our environment.

However, the relationship between drivers and cyclists in Florida has always been tinged with antagonism. Motorists often complain that cyclists don’t follow traffic laws. Conversely, cyclists feel that drivers are inconsiderate and unwilling to share the road, causing bicycle injuries.

While obviously this is not true across the board for both groups, it is absolutely true that many bicycle-car crashes in Florida can be attributed to reckless and negligent drivers. Unfortunately, when drivers engage in reckless or negligent behaviors, it is bicyclists’ safety that becomes the most compromised, with a high percentage of accidents resulting in serious injuries — and even death.

Given the fact that cyclists are surrounded by much larger, faster, and stronger vehicles, it’s no wonder that this is the case. How bad is it? In 2019, for instance, over 840 bicyclists in the US died in accidents with automobiles.

How are drivers responsible? Any person operating a motor vehicle on Florida roads has a duty of reasonable care to other road users — including cyclists.

Therefore, a driver who fails to act with reasonable care by, for instance, violating traffic laws can be charged with negligence if they hit a bicyclist as a result.

There are many different ways a driver’s negligence can cause a bicycle accident in Florida.

Bicycle Injuries Caused By Intoxicated Drivers

Intoxication with either drugs or alcohol impairs a person’s driving capabilities in numerous ways. Intoxicated drivers are also less aware of other road users like bicyclists. It’s thus very easy for a drunk driver to drive right into a bicyclist on the road.

Making Dangerous Turns

Some drivers make the mistake of turning in front of an oncoming cyclist at an intersection. This can easily result in a crash — especially if the driver misjudged the speed of the cyclist.

A dangerous left-hand turn could potentially cut off the cyclist’s path and cause a collison. A right-hand turn, on the other hand, could easily knock over the cyclist or force him or her into the path of another oncoming vehicle. Either way, such dangerous turns may end up causing bicycle injuries or even killing the cyclist.

Refusing to Yield

Some drivers seem to think that they do not have to yield to bicyclists at all. Others neglect to yield because they were looking out for other vehicles on the road rather than bicycles. Either way, refusing to yield can lead to a crash.

Passing Dangerously

Many drivers do not give bicyclists enough space when passing their bicycles on the road. Consequently, the cyclist may be side-swept by the vehicle’s side-view mirror. Also, if the vehicle is an unusually large one, it may cause a strong draft force that pushes the cyclist off the road or into traffic.

South Florida Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Not Looking in the Mirror as They Back Up

Sometimes, drivers pull out of their driveways or parking spaces without looking in their mirrors — or even over their shoulders. Such a driver may fail to see an oncoming bicyclist and end up hitting and injuring them.

Disregarding Dedicated Bicycle Lanes

When driving in Florida, you always have to watch out for bicyclists if you’re driving near bicycle lanes. In particular, extra care is needed at intersections and driveways.

Carelessly Opening Car Doors

When drivers park their vehicle parallel to the road, one of the things they’re supposed to do is check to see if there are any approaching bicyclists. If there are any, drivers must wait for them to pass before opening their door.

Unfortunately, inattentive drivers may barely glance into their mirrors before opening their car doors. A bicyclist who comes in hot will inevitably ride right into the open door. If the cyclist tries to swerve to avoid the door, they may end up swerving into oncoming traffic and causing an accident with a different vehicle.

Boca Raton Injury Attorney

Regardless of what happened in your particular situation, if you were injured in a car-bike accident due to the negligent actions of a driver, you owe it to yourself — and other cyclists — to fight for the compensation you need to recover and get back on the road. Do not allow yourself to simply become another statistic in Florida’s ever-growing number of bicycle crashes. File an injury lawsuit and you can shine a light on bad driver behavior and potentially keep others like you from having to endure a similar fate.

If you’ve been involved in an accident, our South Florida attorneys are ready to defend your rights. The South Florida Injury Law Firm legal team will invest time, energy, and resources to help you get the settlement you deserve – ideally without ever having to go to trial. However, our lawyers will not hesitate to take your case to trial if it becomes necessary to obtain the compensation you need to move forward with your life.

How Florida Drivers Cause Bicycle Injuries 6 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm
Contact the Injury of Law Firm of South Florida to speak to a skilled attorney now.

Teaching Teens to Drive Safely

Teaching Teens to Drive Safely

Few things are scarier than a teenager who has just gotten his or her driver’s license. But if that teenager is your son or daughter, they’re going to be looking to you to teach them how to drive safely.

Statistics show us that teaching teens to drive safely is crucial not just to keep them safe, but also to make sure that others don’t get hurt. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 2,800 teens in the United States ages 13–19 were killed and about 227,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2020.

And even though people 15-24 years old only represent 14 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 30 percent ($19 billion) of the total costs of car accident injuries among males and 28 percent ($7 billion) of the total costs of car accident injuries among females.

That’s why safe driving is an invaluable skill for teens to learn and practice. And what better way to learn than from their parents?

If you are currently trying to teach your teen to drive safely or will be doing so sometime in the future, here are a few things you should make sure they learn.

The value of seatbelts.

Seatbelts are always required! But besides “Click It or Ticket,” seatbelts are also lifesavers. In 2021, only 56 percent of teens involved in fatal car crashes were wearing seatbelts, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And only about 80 percent of teens even admit to wearing seatbelts – the lowest percent of any age group.

Since seatbelts can reduce serious injury and death from a crash by nearly half, make sure your teen knows that seatbelts aren’t optional – even if they’re just driving a short distance.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving

Many teens love the freedom that comes with driving, but often forget about the responsibility that comes with it. Teens – and anyone who is behind the wheel – should focus solely on driving and ignore distractions. That includes texting, eating, drinking, playing with the radio, putting on makeup, and even talking to passengers.

Although all other activities should halt when driving, using a smartphone is the biggest distraction because it can use up to 37 percent of your brain power – which is 37 percent of your brain not focused on driving.


Driving with one passenger for 16- and 17-year-olds has been shown to increase the likelihood of a crash by close to 50 percent. For this reason, you should limit the number of passengers your teen is allowed to have in their car. As they gain experience and confidence, you could loosen your restrictions. The more people in a car, the more distractions that are available.

Night driving

Driving at night is riskier for teens than driving during than day due to visibility issues in the dark, slower response times, and simple lack of experience. So you should limit your teen’s night driving when they first obtain their license.

Our state also recognizes the risk in night driving and has set restrictions based on age. For the first 3 months of having a license, a 22-year old can only drive during daylight hours. After 3 months, they are allowed to drive until 10 p.m. Sixteen-year-olds can drive until 11 p.m. and 17-year-olds can drive until 1 a.m. Once someone turns 18, however, there are no restrictions.

Rules of the road

When anyone has a license, they are consenting to follow the rules of the road. This means that they have to brake at stop signs and red lights, use signals to turn, drive within the speed limit, and follow any other road signs or regulations. By adhering to the rules of the road, the chance of an accident is greatly reduced. So if your teen is caught breaking any of these rules by a police officer, they should know not only will they have to deal with the traffic ticket, but they will also have to deal with consequences at home.


Boca Raton Distracted Driving INjury Lawyers

Drinking and driving. Although anyone under age 21 is not allowed to consume an alcoholic beverage, many teens still do. With this in mind, it’s imperative make sure your child knows the dangers involved in driving while under the influence of alcohol or any drug. DUI accidents, unfortunately, are often the most serious and potentially fatal accidents and your teen should never drive if they’ve been drinking. Tell them that regardless of the time or where they are, they should always call you for a ride instead of choosing to drive home.

Teens love the independence that comes with being able to drive, but as a parent, you should remind them that driving is a privilege. And if they break the rules or don’t drive safely, teens should know that their driving privilege could be taken away for the safety of themselves and everyone else on the road.

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Car Accidents in South Florida: How to Find the Right Attorney

South Florida is known for its heavy traffic and busy roads, which can unfortunately lead to a high number of car accidents. There are a number of reasons why accidents occur, including:

  • Heavy traffic: South Florida is known for its busy roads, which can lead to congestion and long commutes. Many do not pay attention as well in heavy traffic, creating avoidable accidents.
  • Inclement weather: South Florida is prone to hurricanes and heavy rain, which can make driving conditions treacherous. Wet streets and limited visibility can easily cause a wreck.
  • Distracted drivers: With the increased use of cell phones and other electronic devices while driving, distracted driving has become a major concern on the roads and responsible for a number of accidents throughout Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties each year.
  • Aggressive drivers: Some drivers in South Florida are known for their aggressive driving habits, which can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Poor road conditions: Some roads in South Florida may be in poor condition, with potholes, construction, or debris that can be dangerous for drivers.
traffic accidents in miami dade county

It’s important to be aware of these potential hazards when driving in South Florida and to take appropriate safety precautions such as wearing a seatbelt, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions while driving to prevent being an accident statistic.

According to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, in 2021, there were over 400,000 car accidents in Florida, which resulted in over 250,000 injuries and over 3,000 deaths.

car accident in broward county

If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, it’s important to have the right legal representation on your side. But with so many car accident attorneys to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start.

First and foremost, you want to make sure that the attorney you choose has experience handling car accident cases. Ask about the attorney’s track record in terms of settlements and trial verdicts, and look for testimonials or reviews from past clients.

Secondly, it’s important to find an attorney who is a good fit for you and your case. Some attorneys may specialize in specific types of accidents, such as truck accidents or motorcycle accidents, while others may have experience handling cases involving serious injuries or wrongful death.

Car Accidents in South Florida: How to Find the Right Attorney 7 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Another important consideration is the attorney’s fee structure. Some attorneys may work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if they win your case. Others may charge an hourly rate or a flat fee. Make sure you understand the attorney’s fee structure and are comfortable with it before moving forward.

Finally, it’s a good idea to schedule a consultation with the attorney to discuss your case and get a sense of their communication style and approach.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident in South Florida, it’s important to take the time to find the right attorney for your case. By doing your research and being selective, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome.

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Too Many Car Accidents That Happen On St. Patrick’s Day End Tragically


Not everyone is lucky on St. Patrick’s Day.

Over the last five years, there have been more than 325 lives lost in drunk-driving accidents on St. Patrick’s Day across the nation. And despite efforts from both law enforcement officials and the public to curb drunk driving, you can be certain that there will be dangerous drunk drivers on the road this St. Patrick’s Day.


If you plan on celebrating this year, you can help ensure the safety of you and your family by drinking responsibly and taking certain precautions. Below, we’ve listed some tips for preventing accidents on the roads this St. Patrick’s Day.



Avoid the roads on St. Patrick’s Day.

If it’s possible, it’s a good idea to avoid driving entirely on St. Patrick’s Day. The roads will be crowded with drivers traveling to and from celebrations, many of whom may be dangerously intoxicated. If you walk to nearby destinations rather than driving, you’ll be able to enjoy yourself without worrying about how you will get home, and minimize your chances of getting in an auto accident.

Too Many Car Accidents That Happen On St. Patrick’s Day End Tragically 8 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Be an alert pedestrian.

Unfortunately, even abstaining from driving isn’t always enough to eliminate your chances of becoming a victim of an auto accident. Florida is particularly infamous for pedestrian fatalities, and many of its cities rank among the most dangerous for pedestrians in the world. And with a higher number of intoxicated drivers on the roads, the danger only increases for those traveling on foot. You can minimize your risk as a pedestrian on St. Patrick’s Day by crossing at designated areas, staying alert and off your cellphone, and wearing bright colors. In honor of the day, you can even choose Kelly green.

Too Many Car Accidents That Happen On St. Patrick’s Day End Tragically 9 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm


Be a wary bicyclist.

The roads of Florida are already dangerous for bicyclists, but on St. Patrick’s Day, risk of bicycle accidents double. If you must cycle on St. Patrick’s Day, be very wary of cars driving recklessly, carelessly, or too fast. Drunk drivers will not be looking out for cyclists, so you must be looking out for them.

Boca Raton Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Find a designated driver.

If you do drive to a St. Patrick’s Day celebration, make sure you find a designated driver if you plan on drinking. Even the slightest buzz can impair your driving abilities, and you don’t want to risk getting into an accident or being charged with a DUI. If you can’t find a designated driver, consider some other means of transportation, such as a cab, ride share, or public transport.

Too Many Car Accidents That Happen On St. Patrick’s Day End Tragically 10 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmBe a cautious driver.

If you aren’t drinking this St. Patrick’s Day but know you’ll be driving, remember to do so with extreme caution. Just because you’re behaving responsibly doesn’t mean other drivers will do so, and a drunk driver’s reckless driving could easily cause damage to your car and person. Stay as alert as possible, obey traffic signals, and refrain from using your cellphone. Also keep an eye out for pedestrians, who may drunkenly stumble off the sidewalk or ignore crossing signals.

Too Many St. Patrick’s Days Have Ended in a Tragic Car Accident

Unfortunately, these precautions can only reduce your risk of accident, not eliminate it entirely. If you or someone you care about is injured on St. Patrick’s Day due to a drunken driver, you should contact a Florida auto accident lawyer. A lawyer can help you hold the driver responsible for his or her actions, and help you secure maximum compensation for medical bills, repairs, and overall pain and suffering.


Too Many Car Accidents That Happen On St. Patrick’s Day End Tragically 11 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

rental car accidents lawyer

Who Is Liable in Florida If a Rental Car Driver Hits You?


What are your chances of getting hit by someone driving a rental car in Florida?

Every year, the state of Florida has 15 million active drivers on its many roads and highways. About 250,000 drivers end up in car crashes annually in Florida. Since almost 125 million visitors come to enjoy Florida every year, you may end up with injuries from a car accident with them.


What are most of these visitors driving?
Rental cars. In our state, they’re not just everywhere – they’re everywhere all year long.
That means your chances of being involved in a car crash with a rental car driver are far higher than in most other states.

Who Is Liable in Florida If a Rental Car Driver Hits You? 12 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmWho will be held responsible if a rental car driver hits you? The answer depends on several different factors.


Factors Involved in Rental Car Accident Liability


  • Rental companies require renters to carry insurance.
  • Drivers should be covered under their personal auto insurance policies, but this isn’t always the case.
  • Some drivers may opt to buy a collision-damage waiver through the rental company.
  • In Florida, renters have $10,000 in secondary coverage through the rental company, which means it only comes into play after their personal auto insurance has been exhausted.
  • The situation gets complicated because different states have different requirements for auto insurance. For example, many companies offer no-fault insurance, but some states don’t require it.
  • Additionally, many insurance companies will still cover the insured if they are driving a rental vehicle, but not all of them.
  • Because of these discrepancies, if you are injured in an accident, it’s essential to get the rental car driver’s personal insurance information.


These questions are important to consider:


  • Who was driving the rental car at the time of the accident? Only certain drivers are covered by the rental agreement. Immediate family members are covered, but other drivers may not be covered, even if permission was granted by the renter.
  • What kind of rental vehicle was being driven? Some vehicles do not have any coverage available, such as vans, pickup trucks, and U-hauls. Your claim may be denied with vehicles like these.
  • Where was the rental driver headed? Certain insurance coverage only applies to particular areas. Check with the insurance company for details.


Auto Accident Liability Quirks Specific to Our State


In Florida, liability is determined by a comparative negligence system. Each person will be held liable for damages according to the portion of their fault.


For example, one driver may be held 70 percent at fault for speeding, while the second driver will be held 30 percent at fault for failing to signal. That means the first driver would be ordered to pay 70 percent of the second driver’s damages, and the second driver would be required to pay 30 percent of the first driver’s damages.

Who Is Liable in Florida If a Rental Car Driver Hits You? 13 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmWhen the renter allows someone other than an immediate family member to drive the rental vehicle, complicated problems can arise. In one case, the renter had given permission to a non-family member to drive the car, and that person allowed another unauthorized person to drive the vehicle.


One person died and two others were seriously injured in a crash caused by the third driver. After a lengthy legal process, the Florida Supreme Court said that the original renter’s insurance company was responsible.


If you are injured by a rental car driver, waste no time in contacting an experienced Florida car accident attorney familiar with collision cases like yours. They will help you learn who is liable for the damages and help you receive the highest possible compensation for your injuries. Schedule your free initial consultation today.




traffic accidents south florida attorneys

A New Report Reflects A Dramatic Increase in Auto Accident Related Deaths

Roadway safety and Auto Accidents have worsened nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic and shows no signs of improvement.

Recently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued a new report that details 31,720 people were killed on U.S. roadways in the first nine months of 2021, a record 12% increase from the same period last year.

A New Report Reflects A Dramatic Increase in Auto Accident Related Deaths 14 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm
from the NHTSA:
NHTSA projects that an estimated 31,720 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes from January through September 2021, an increase of approximately 12% from the 28,325 fatalities projected for the first nine months of 2020. The projection is the highest number of fatalities during the first nine months of any year since 2006 and the highest percentage increase during the first nine months in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System’s history.


Also in the report, Florida saw 304 fatalities, 169 were pedestrians and 45 were bicyclists. The number of hit-and-run accidents in 2021 went up by 17% compared to 2020.Auto accident rates are already bad, but they are likely to get even worse during the summer months. Auto accidents are also the leading cause of personal injury in the United States and the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death.


With these new statistics from the NHTSA, it indicates that your odds of being involved in a motor vehicle accident one day are pretty good.

Of course, you can only control your own actions. If you are injured in an auto accident due to another’s negligence reach out to a Florida personal injury lawyer and make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

If you are ever hurt in an auto accident, the attorneys at the South Florida Injury Law Firm are ready to discuss your incident and determine whether you have a valid accident claim.

Car accidents are serious matters, both medically and legally. The South Florida Injury Law Firm includes experienced and driven attorneys with the litigation skills you need to obtain the highest compensation possible in your injury verdict or settlement.