ride sharing uber lyft car lawyers

Injured in an Uber or Lyft Accident? Here’s What You Need to Know


Uber and Lyft have really made getting around town a lot easier. The apps are simple to use, the cars are relatively inexpensive, and getting a ride only takes a few minutes.

Injured in an Uber or Lyft Accident? Here's What You Need to Know 1 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

However, as wonderful as Uber and Lyft are for convenience when you need a quick lift, it is important to remember that the drivers are like anyone else who you trust to get behind the wheel. Accidents happen.


Since ridesharing apps are a fairly new trend, questions about liability and insurance can be confusing. Read below to get a better understanding on what your options are after getting into an auto accident involving a rideshare company in Florida.


What Is HB221?


Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft are praised for their innovation, but it often causes confusion and debate over legal issues. They have a different business model than most taxi companies (all Uber and Lyft drivers are considered independent contractors) and are held to different standards than taxis.


Florida is starting to clear up some of the confusion about the standards rideshare drivers are held to, though. In the beginning of April, Florida’s House of Representative passed HB221. In addition to requirements regarding background checks, the bill requires all rideshare drivers to hold insurance to cover $50,000 for death or bodily injury per person, $100,000 per incident, and $25,000 for property damage.


While these amounts are far more than most drivers in Florida are required to carry, requiring bodily injury insurance brings in the question of fault. If you are in an accident, it is important to take note of any unsafe behaviors displayed by the Uber/Lyft driver, or any other drivers involved.


The bill is on its way to the Senate, but it still has a decent journey ahead before it can become law. Why is the legislature even going to the trouble? Because Uber and Lyft won’t cover everything.


Uber’s and Lyft’s $1 Million Insurance Policies


Florida is putting these requirements on rideshare drivers to cover incidents that Uber or Lyft will not.


Both companies boast $1 million insurance coverage, which is great for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians who are injured while a ride is taking place. The coverage does not, however, cover drivers who don’t have customers in their car – even if they are on their way to pick a customer up. Again, Uber and Lyft drivers are considered independent contractors, so they do not have to cover their drivers if they do not have an Uber customer in their car.


If you are an Uber driver, talk to your insurance company about coverage while you are driving. While many insurance companies offer a rideshare-specific policy, others will not cover accidents while you are driving (you may be considered “on the job”). Even if you have a rideshare insurance policy, check in with the provider about what may change if HB221 is signed into law.


Boca Raton Uber Auto Accident Attorney

Even if your car is not involved in the accident, treat this crash like any other auto accident. Collect the names, insurance providers, and contact information of everyone involved. Record witness testimony and take photos of the accident. Seek medical help within 14 days of your accident in order to receive compensation from your PIP coverage – you may receive compensation quicker if you go through your personal insurance company.


As the laws regarding Uber and Lyft are on the verge of changing, navigating your insurance after an accident may be more confusing. Talk to a South Florida lawyer about your options for receiving compensation for your Uber accident lawsuit after being injured in a ridesharing accident.



thanksgiving black friday car accidents

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Accidents in South Florida

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are almost here, and people everywhere are getting ready for the feasting and family fun. However, while you prep for the festivities, it’s important to be aware of the fact that auto accidents spike over the Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend.


In fact, compared to the two weeks before Thanksgiving weekend and the two weeks afterward, the national auto accident rates significantly increase. This makes sense, because according to a report by AAA auto club, over 90 percent of those traveling on Thanksgiving do so by automobile.

More cars on the road mean more opportunities for crashes to occur, and Florida residents know that our roads are dangerous enough without extra traffic.

You and your family could be at risk if you are traveling for the holiday. Stay safe by learn what dangers you could face and how to avoid them.


What to Watch Out For and How to Stay Safe


If you are going shopping on Thursday or Friday, know that most accidents happen in parking lots. Be careful as both a driver and a pedestrian, staying alert to everyone around you.


If you observe smart driving tips from Wednesday through Monday of the busy holiday weekend, you’ll put yourself in a lower risk category for an accident. Here are several steps you can take to drive safer this Thanksgiving:


  • Get your oil changed, fluids checked, and tires aired up before you hit the road.
  • Make sure your windshield wipers are in good condition.
  • Don’t let your gasoline level get too low at any point of the trip.
  • Wear your seat belt. One report by the NHTSA states that over 60 percent of fatalities in Thanksgiving weekend car crashes occur due to not being buckled in.
  • If you’ve had anything to drink, let someone else drive. According to the same NHTSA report above, four out of every 10 fatal car crashes over Thanksgiving involve drunk driving.
  • Don’t drive with distractions, especially your phone. Also resist the temptation to eat, change the radio settings, or reach for something while driving.
  • Stay within speed limits. Leave early to avoid rushing.
  • Be a courteous driver. Don’t tailgate or make rude gestures. Yield to other drivers – it’s not worth risking a dangerous road rage incident.


Boca Raton Construction Zone Auto Accidents


  • Slow down in construction zones.
  • Don’t drive fatigued—it can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. Take frequent breaks and switch drivers if possible.
  • For extra safety, keep your lights on. Make sure your lights are clean so they are fully visible.
  • If you are shopping on Black Friday, park as far away as possible and use extra caution backing out.

What If You Are in a Thanksgiving Accident?


Enduring an accident over Thanksgiving weekend can be a harrowing and painful experience. If someone else caused a crash that caused you injuries and vehicle damage, you should not be held responsible for the costs involved.


To hold someone else legally responsible, you must be able to prove they acted with negligence. This means they should have known how to drive responsibly but failed to do so, which caused losses on your part.


Acts of negligence while driving include the following:


  • Failure to yield to another driver or pedestrian
  • Failure to turn headlights on
  • Failure to adjust to weather-related road conditions
  • Distracted driving
  • Recklessness in a construction zone
  • Tailgating
  • Switching lanes without a signal
  • Pulling out in front of other drivers
  • Speeding
  • Fatigue
  • Driving while intoxicated—this type of negligence causes almost one-third of all fatalities among car crashes in Florida each year


Boca Raton Drunk Driving Car Accident Attorney


Unfortunately, Thanksgiving weekend has highest number of drunk driving deaths for all holidays. Additionally, tens of thousands of non-fatal accidents also occur over Thanksgiving weekend. If you are involved in an accident this Thanksgiving, it’s important to get the legal help you need as soon as possible.


Our firm has successfully handled many car crash cases. Our seasoned legal team can help you get the compensation you deserve if you have been injured in a car crash. We know how to fight the insurance companies who may resist paying your claim. We can represent your best interests in court by finding the best evidence to support your case. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.




south florida accident behind the wheel distractions

The South Florida Seven Most Dangerous Driving Situations

It’s your car—the vehicle that gets you to work every day, that carries your groceries home, shelters you and your family on road trips. For many Americans, it can be nearly impossible to see their beloved motor vehicle as a hazard.


Massive, heavy, and fast-moving, cars can become dangerous weapons when driving improperly or recklessly. Every year, motor vehicle crashes claim the lives of nearly 37,000 Americans and leave an additional 2.35 million seriously injured, according to data from the Association for Safe International Road Travel.


Too often, fatal auto accidents are caused by driver error or negligence. Below, we’ve listed seven of the most dangerous things drivers do behind the wheel that frequently lead to tragic accidents.



Driving While Distracted

Many are often surprised to learn that distracted driving is the leading cause of auto accidents, surpassing even drunk driving according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. To combat the scourge of distracted driving, Florida lawmakers have passed legislation that prohibits texting while driving and enacted measures to discourage this behavior.

However, texting and driving isn’t the only dangerous distracted driving behavior. Making phone calls, fiddling with GPS or music systems, grooming, and even talking to passengers are all examples of activities that can take a driver’s attention away from the road and lead to serious accident. In many cases, simply being lost in thought can be enough of a distraction to cause a serious auto accident. You can prevent distracted driving accidents by making a conscious effort to keep your eyes, hands, and attention away from distractions and on the road.


Driving While Intoxicated

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs may seem like an obvious danger, yet hundreds of thousands of Americans are still involved in drunk driving crashes each year, according to reports from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Drinking not only impairs a driver’s ability to drive, but to react to things occurring around them and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous situations. That’s why it’s a good idea to avoid driving entirely after drinking even in moderate amounts, opting instead to ride with a sober friend or take a cab or public transportation.


The South Florida Seven Most Dangerous Driving SituationsDriving Drowsy

Driving while tired may feel like a necessary evil after a long day of work or a restless night, but doing so can endanger not just the driver, but everyone else on the road around them. When a driver’s body is sleep deprived, their reaction time is slowed and they can quite easily fall asleep at the wheel. Driving drowsy increases the likelihood of serious, often fatal accidents. You can do your part to prevent these types of accidents by pulling over to a safe place to rest if you catch yourself drifting off.

Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Driving Above or Below the Speed Limit

When it comes to speeding, the science behind its dangers is clear. Based on the laws of physics, the faster a car is driving, the more severe the potential accident will be. However, some studies have found that driving below the speed limit can be dangerous too, since it can disrupt the flow and predictability of traffic. The bottom line: follow posted speed limits and pay attention to the average speed of the other drivers around you to avoid speed-related crashes.


The South Florida Seven Most Dangerous Driving Situations 2 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmDriving with Road Rage

When stress and frustration turn into road rage, accidents and undesirable confrontations follow. Road rage may include making obscene gestures, yelling insults, or purposely driving in an unsafe manner. If you believe another driver on the road is experiencing road rage, stay calm, and try to move away from him or her as soon as possible.

Driving With Road Rage

Driving without a Seatbelt

According to government reports, seatbelts save more than 13,000 lives nationwide every year. It may seem harmless to hop in the car without putting on a seatbelt if you’re just heading around the corner, but a large number of crashes occur at low speeds and close to the point of embarkation. Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened before starting up the engine, and double-check to ensure your passengers do the same.

The South Florida Seven Most Dangerous Driving Situations 3 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm


Failing to Yield

Running red lights, breezing through stop signs, and failing to yield the right of way can lead to serious collisions. Freeway merge ramps in particular can become death traps when drivers fail to observe traffic laws and signs. Make the roads safer for you and everyone around you by adhering to traffic laws and keeping an eye on things happening around you.


The 7 Most Dangerous Things Drivers Do behind the Wheel

Of course, just because you practice safe driving doesn’t mean other drivers on the road will do the same. If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident due to another’s dangerous driving behavior, consult with a knowledgeable Florida auto accident attorney.


A skilled personal injury lawyer may be able to help you hold the other driver accountable for their reckless or negligent behavior, and obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other costs related to recovery. By holding the driver responsible for their dangerous decisions, you can help make the road safer for yourself and your community.



south florida thunderstorm rain auto accidents

Keeping Safe While Driving In South Florida Rain

Living in South Florida, it’s inevitable to deal with rain. According to statistics by US Climate Data, the West Palm Beach alone area receives 62 inches of precipitation annually. When researchers ranked the top 10 wettest cities to live in, two of which are in South Florida (Miami and West Palm Beach).


Driving  in South Florida is a dangerous and even deadly situation to be in under wet conditions. More than 7 thousand people lose their life in weather-related auto accidents.
According to statistics by US Climate Data, the West Palm Beach area receives 62 inches of precipitation annually.
When researchers ranked the top 10 wettest cities to live in, two of which are in South Florida (Miami and West Palm Beach).


The AMA (American Meteorological Society) published a study that highlights the increase of dangerous road conditions and the elevated risk involved.


“[Scott] Stevens, a data analyst and meteorologist at the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies, and colleagues looked at 125,012 fatal car crashes in the Lower 48 states from 2006 to 2011, factoring in how many cars are on the road, to calculate the risk of a fatal accident. While other studies have used police reports and the nearest weather station to calculate rain and snow conditions, Stevens said his is the first study to use more precise weather radar data. It was able to distinguish how hard the rain or snow was falling to come up with results showing an increase in fatal crashes even in rain of less than one-tenth of an inch per hour.”


All the evidence points to the same: when the road is wet, your chance of being involved in an accident can drastically increase. As the visibility level lowers due to rain and how the road becomes slippery when water has accumulated on it.

Hydroplaning becomes an issue when rain is especially heavy – a common occurrence in Florida. Hydroplaning refers to a situation when a car starts to slide uncontrollably because of the tires encountering more water that it can scatter. As the water carries the car, the brakes and other controls become useless. Quick turns and movements on wet roads can also cause the vehicle to hydroplane as well.



The Hazard of Hazard Lights

You may see other drivers with hazard lights flashing to indicate they are moving slower than surrounding traffic during stormy conditions. But in Florida, it’s actually illegal to use hazard lights while driving unless you are part of a funeral procession. Flashing lights were designed with the express purpose of indicating a hazard to other drivers, and they should only be activated when your vehicle is a hazard on the side of the road. Using them under any other circumstance is not only unnecessary, but it also causes confusion. If it’s raining, the only lights you should turn on are your headlights.

Rainy weather may make driving more difficult, but it does not relieve drivers of their responsibilities behind the wheel. With proper vehicle maintenance, knowledge of local laws and a bit of common sense, you can travel safer during a downpour along with a helpful tips to keep in mind.



Keeping Safe While Driving In South Florida Rain 4 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

5 Tips to avoid an auto accident
in slippery road conditions

Check Tire Pressure Regularly
Tires with weak tread may not grip a wet road as well as newer tires with thicker tread. Make sure your tires are safe for the roads.
Before setting out when rain is present or forecasted, it is even more important than normal to make sure your tires are in good shape and have adequate tread depth since bald tires can increase the risk of hydroplaning.

Gust Awareness
Drive at a speed that compensates for high speed gusts that can otherwise impact your vehicle.
Watch out for larger vehicles.
Larger vehicles are much harder to control when it is windy and can have difficulty staying in their lane.

Maintain Distance
Maintain a large distance with the car in front of you. Cars may have difficulty stopping due to wet conditions. Brake earlier than usual, and apply less force to increase the stopping distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you while also alerting the driver behind you that you are reducing your speed.

Know Anything Can Happen
Often times during storms, other drivers fail to drive safely. Make sure to watch around you and drive defensively.

Get There Safe, Not Fast
Getting to your destination without an accident is more important than keeping a schedule. Maintain a safe speed limit and be sure to obey all traffic rules and signals. Drive more slowly, take turns slowly, and be sure to give your fellow motorists ample following distance.

In other words, when it rains, whether heavy or light, slow it down. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others when driving in the rain is adjusting how you drive according to the current weather conditions.



Keeping Safe While Driving In South Florida Rain 5 Auto Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Have you been involved in an
auto accident under rainy conditions?

Sadly, even riders who follow the above tips can still end up hurt by a reckless or distracted driver.
Determining which driver is at fault for an accident requires an investigation of the collision. The investigation involves the review of all pieces of evidence that are available, such as photographs or video surveillance of the accident, testimony from any witnesses to the accident, and a digital reconstruction of the accident that incorporates all relevant factors, such as the rainy weather.

If you were hurt in an auto accident because of a drunk, distracted, or otherwise reckless driver, you can call The South Florida Injury Law Firm anytime at (954) 488-JEFF – we’re available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Complete our online form to get a free case evaluation and our team will assist with the legal aspects of your claim so you can focus on your health . Remember, the consultation is completely free! That means you don’t owe us anything until we recover for you.

delivery driver broward accident lawyer

Amazon Prime Day Deliveries and Accidents

On October 13th and 14th, Amazon Celebrates Prime Day(s).

Prime Day is the perfect time for shoppers to score up to 50 percent off on popular categories, like tech, electronics, Amazon devices, home, kitchen, clothing, shoes, wellness, and more.


With the uncertainty and the strain that COVID-19 has had on the 1.7 million small and medium sized businesses around the world that sell their goods on Amazon, the event could provide much needed relief.


It’s been a convenience for many to be able to get in on these online deals and get in hand within 2 days and in some cases, the very same day. Amazon is able to get to your doorstep even faster these days since they moved away from using standard services like UPS and FedEx and instead uses Amazon’s gargantuan logistics network to deliver its own packages.


Amazon Delivery Drivers and Florida Laws

Throughout Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties,  we’ve started seeing a lot more Amazon delivery trucks on the road and so have the number of accidents involving Amazon delivery drivers.

amazon prime delivery vehicle accident information

Although many Amazon delivery vehicles are completely free from incident, the number of accidents of Amazon-involved trucks have only grown over time.

Amazon delivery drivers have the same responsibilities under Florida law to drive their vehicles in a safe manner as all other motorists. This includes a duty to protect all other people they may encounter while behind the wheel.

This extends to:

  • Other drivers
  • Passengers in other vehicles
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists




Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accidents

If an Amazon Prime or Grocery delivery driver fails in this responsibility, and someone is injured, that person can file a lawsuit alleging that the driver’s negligence caused their injuries. Unfortunately, even the clearest example of truck driver negligence may fail to bring compensation if a plaintiff does not act in time.


When in an accident involving an Amazon delivery vehicle, you may have a right to receive compensation. You should immediately contact an experience commercial vehicle accident lawyer, like those at The South Florida Injury Law Firm to arrange a free, no obligation, review of the facts in your Amazon delivery accident case and a discussion of the legal options that may be available to you.


injury law firm james white car accident death patriots

Fatal Car Accident of Miami-Dade Police Capt. Tyrone White

On a Sunday afternoon in September, one car overturned and erupted in flames, the other was left badly damaged after a car accident at the intersection of Griffin Road and Southwest 118th Avenue in Cooper City.


Tyrone White, captain of the Miami-Dade Police Department, was killed in the automobile accident.
Tyrnoe White’s wife and the mother of James White, Lisa,  remains in the hospital.
The accident is actively being investigated by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.



White is the father of New England Patriots running back and Fort Lauderdale native, James White, who had been told of the tragic accident only 90 minutes before Sunday’s night’s 35-30 loss against the Seattle Seahawks. He had been listed by the Patriots as inactive for the game due to personal reasons.



During NBC’s broadcast, sideline reporter Michelle Tafoya said Patriots owner Robert Kraft offered to fly White immediately to Miami, but White declined and elected to remain in Seattle.

White has played for the Patriots for seven years. He’s been a captain for the last three seasons.

The New England Patriots’ players dedicated their team’s 36-20 victory over the Las Vegas Raiders the following Sunday to running back James White

It’s an unfortunate reality that fatalities can be a result of an auto accident throughout South Florida every day. Circumstances behind them are sometimes preventable and consequences of carelessness, negligence or intoxication while behind the wheel. Intoxication is a leading cause of crashes and can end in devastating injuries or even death.




When someone is injured in a car accident, they can sue the at-fault driver for compensation for sustained injuries. If a fatality is involved, surviving family members can bring the lawsuit against the at-fault driver.



Wrongful Death Legal Rights


A wrongful death is one that is caused by another person’s or business’ criminal, intentional, reckless, or negligent actions. Every case has their own set of circumstances surrounding the case, and an attorney will need to analyze them to see whether you have a valid wrongful death claim.

In an auto accident, the driver might be responsible if they:

  • Proof of intoxication or under the influence of drugs
  • Engaged in distracted driving
  • Evidence of careless error, (example:  failing to look in their rearview mirror when passing or backing up)
  • Drove recklessly or aggressively, by speeding, swerving, or passing on the right

Additionally, a business can be held responsible in a wrongful death case. By example, a defective airbag, brakes or seatbelts malfunctioning might have been the root cause of death in the accident.



 If you lost a spouse, parent, child, or relative due to the negligence of another person or entity, you should talk to a lawyer immediately to learn more about your rights.

Also, surviving family members could be entitled to compensation for losses associated with the wrongful death case, including:

  • Loss of care
  • Loss of companionship
  • Lost wages and benefits that the deceased would have earned had they lived
  • Emotional grief

How to calculate these losses can be difficult. Lost wages and benefits are somewhat speculative, especially if your loved one was young. No one knows with confidence what jobs they would have worked and how much they would have made.

Regardless, an experienced and knowledgeable wrongful death auto accident attorney will be able to estimate these amounts with you.




Although difficult to talk about, the fact is that driving a car is dangerous.
Almost 3 million Americans find themselves in a hospital emergency rooms annually because of auto accident injuries. Much of the time, the damage is invisible at first glance.
About 50% of ER visits are due to trauma from a car accident.


If your loved one was killed in a car accident in Florida, you may be entitled to seek remedy in the form of a wrongful death lawsuit. This is a civil action that allows immediate family members to seek compensation from drivers who were careless, reckless, drunk, distracted, aggressive, tired or inexperienced and in turn caused a death.

An attorney will be able to uncover evidence of liability you would never be able to get to on your own, using legal tactics such as depositions, interrogatories, expert testimony, and more.
We will fight to get you the best possible compensation from the parties who are responsible. Call today for a free case review. We’ll look at all the facts of your case and let you know what options are available in your situation.


attorney fights for you

The Injury Law Firm Continues Fighting for You

Accidents haven’t stopped,
so we haven’t either.

We’re successfully navigating the ongoing pandemic by serving clients remotely and taking on your personal injury cases.



Communicating with Our Clients

As the pandemic has pushed law firms across the country to close down their offices, The South Florida Injury Law Firm has never stopped working. We know that you rely on us to provide professional legal services, which is why we made it a priority to use the right tools to help us work with our clients remotely.



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For immediate attention, our attorneys are always available to help by cell phone and text message. 



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Just as we’ve always done, our team is working with clients through email. 



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Our firm is able to offer help to potential clients by having virtual meetings through Zoom and enabling face-to-face communication. Video conferencing makes it more efficient to talk to not only clients but our staff too as we manage the law firm remotely. 






Serving South Florida

In Florida, Broward County tops the charts with the most auto accidents of any county. These accidents impact thousands of residents each year, but many victims aren’t sure what to do about their injuries or damaged property. Trying to get help from their car insurance company proves frustrating and they often accept wholly undervalued settlement offers.



The South Florida Injury Law Firm proudly serves Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties



Collecting Signatures

We’ve gone paperless! Given recent social distancing guidelines, we’re using the latest tech to help collect signatures safely and remotely. Do you think you have a case? Right now, we’re able to help you securely sign up from the comfort of your home using e-signature technology, Docusign. You won’t have to worry about showing up in person again.




connecting with south florida injury law

Online Presence

We’ve always believed in having a strong online presence to offer information to potential clients in any of their desired outlets.


Our website is easy to find and navigate so you can learn more about the legal services we offer, our attorneys, and results. You can also find all our contact information on our website and social media platforms. And if you think you have a case, you may fill out our convenient online form for a free case evaluation.

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You can also find all our contact information on our website and social media platforms.

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Let Us Handle Your Case Remotely

The South Florida Injury Law Firm continues fighting for you anytime, anywhere. Our attorneys are happy to speak with you by phone or video conference without having to worry about going out to another public place and risking exposure.

To contact an accident lawyer, you can call The South Florida Injury Law Firm anytime at (954) 488-JEFF – we’re available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Complete our online form to get a free case evaluation. Remember, the consultation is completely free! That means you don’t owe us anything until we recover for you.

covid-19 coronavirus accidents

COVID-19 Auto Accidents in South Florida

COVID-19 has created a dramatic shift in all of our lives and even on our South Florida roadways. With residents holed up at home, working remotely and running fewer errands than ever, rush hour traffic has dipped considerably. Shuttered bars and restaurants has meant fewer drunk drivers on the roads and less auto accidents.


Those who must and do go out may be under the impression that the roads are safer due to this dip in traffic congestion we’ve seen throughout the state. They have evidence to support that belief too.


Florida drivers were involved in 9,469 crashes in June compared to 31,128 in 2019.


However true, that belief for many drivers contributes to the most serious and fatal auto accidents that can happen.



The Need For Speed

A recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) stated that many drivers across the U.S. are pushing the needle to speeds greater than 100 mph. FHP have also reported drivers are traveling at speeds of 20-40 mph over the posted speed limit on average.

“Law enforcement officials have the same mission as health care providers — to save lives. If you must drive, buckle up, follow the posted speed limit and look out for pedestrians and bicyclists. Emergency rooms in many areas of the country are at capacity, and the last thing they need is additional strain from traffic crash victims,” said GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins.



coronavirus south florida auto accidents

Caution Your Confidence

The roads may appear empty and safe for you to push the pedal a little further. Just a few MPH over the speed limit is no big deal, right?

Out of the 9,469 crashes in June, 54% were speed related and 37% of those were fatal.


Due to distracted driving, unsafe road conditions and a myriad of circumstances we’ve seen can happen here at The South Florida Injury Law Firm, we know the roads are never as safe as they may seem.

It’s difficult to foresee auto accidents, the injuries that can come from them and the lifelong effects they have. It can put even a bigger dent in finances that COVID-19 have already burdened so many with. It is even worse when you know somebody else through their negligence caused you suffering, and that’s why you need to fight hard to get compensated for your loss. Be cautious and remember these steps we’ve put together for you to be better prepared:



What to do at the scene of an auto accident during this time of COVID-19

  • Get medical attention for those who are injured.
  • Still Practice Safe Distance. Stay 6 feet away from the other driver.
  • If you are able to without discomfort, pay mind to and keep your mask on.
  • Get the name and the driver’s license of the driver of the car that caused the collision.
  • If the driver leaves, get the license plate number of the car. If this is not possible, at least get a description of the car including the make, model, color, and any descriptive information you can.
  • Call the police. If the car leaves, do not endanger yourself by following or chasing it. The police will do their best to track down the culprit.
  • Wait in a safe place for the arrival of the police.
  • If there are witnesses, try to get their names, contact information, and statements.
  • Take photos of the scene of the accident as well as of the damage to your car.


As soon as possible with auto accidents, make your own written statement about what happened. Include as many details as you can about how the accident occurred. Note exactly where the accident occurred, whether there were traffic lights or a stop sign, what you observed the other driver doing, and any other information that seems relevant.


If someone sustains a head wound, broken arm or puncture wound, the injuries are obviously serious, and medical assistance should be sought immediately. But many times, accidents result in aching or overall soreness. It can be tempting to shrug this soreness off, as the pain may even subside over the following days. Not seeking medical attention can be a major mistake.



Get an Attorney

When searching for the best personal injury lawyers in South Florida, or if you have experienced an auto accident or injury, be sure to check for experience, track record, and reviews from their past clients.

Our team have 100+ years of combined legal experience, so we’ve handled just about every kind of injury and accident case you can imagine. We also come from diverse legal backgrounds that help us when preparing for cases, counting a former public defender and a lawyer who worked for insurance companies and knows their tactics among our partners.

During this time, we urge you to be safe on the road and if you have been in an accident, know that you deserve to be compensated for your pain and suffering – and those responsible deserve to be held accountable for their actions. That was The South Florida Injury Law Firm’s goal when it was founded in South Florida in 1991, and it has remained the centerpiece of the firm’s mission ever since that time.