south florida accident fault law firm

Single-Car Crashes: Are They Always the Driver’s Fault?

Recently 3 people were killed after a Range Rover had collided into a car on Sunset Drive in Miami. 

The crash occurred just before 6 a.m. at the intersection of Sunset Drive and Southwest 92nd Avenue.

Now, on its face,  the sounds pretty cut-and-dry. After all, it’s certainly not unheard of for inexperienced drivers to get into accidents – or to not be able to control their vehicles.


Moreover, most single driver accidents are caused by the person driving the vehicle in question. Perhaps they made a driving mistake. Or crashed due to distracted driving. Maybe they were drinking.


Because of these things, it’s easy to simply assume that the driver is the one to blame for the crash – but what if they weren’t?


In Florida, if you are involved in a one-vehicle accident, it is not automatically your fault in every circumstance. Sometimes it may be due to another’s negligence, and if this is the case, you may be able to recover damages from them. Today we’ll explain the ways a single car crash may not be your fault and how you can get help if you have been injured.


Unpreventable Situations


Sometimes situations occur that you have no control over but cause an accident anyway. These are the types of situations that may have caused your auto accident.


  • You may react to a cyclist who swerves into your lane or suddenly passes you by veering onto the shoulder, which causes you to crash into the guardrail.
  • You might be forced to hit a building to avoid hitting a pedestrian who jumps out in front of you.
  • You might crash into a road sign if a person unexpectedly opens the door of their parked car.
  • You may unintentionally run off the road and damage a fence if another driver tosses litter onto the highway and it lands on your windshield.
  • You may swerve to avoid a blown-out tire from a tractor trailer and cause damage to a highway overpass support.
  • You may run into a tree if you suddenly react to rocks hitting your windshield from a dump truck in front of you.
  • You may have a single auto accident if a deer, dog, cat, squirrel, hawk, or any other animal enters your driving path.


In many of these cases, another person or entity may be held responsible due to negligence.


For example, a truck hauling gravel may be held liable for not properly securing its load. A tractor trailer truck company with a tire blowout may be liable for lack of proper safety inspections. A cyclist or pedestrian who was not obeying traffic laws may be held accountable for negligence.


It all depends on your situation and the knowledge of a skilled Florida criminal attorney who can advise you on your case.


Single-Car Crashes - Are They Always the Driver's Fault - Road Issues

Road Problems


The government is responsible for maintaining safe roads. If you have a single auto accident due to poor road design, a malfunctioning stoplight, a missing road sign, or a pothole, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the government entity with jurisdiction over the area.


These types of lawsuits are extremely particular and have special restrictions, though, so it’s essential that you work with a knowledgeable attorney on any government entity case.


Additionally, if the road problem was caused by an oil spill from a leaking or overturned truck, you may have grounds to sue the trucking company for negligence. Again, you will need the expertise of an experienced auto accident lawyer to seek damages in this case.


Manufacturing Defects


It’s possible that your accident occurred due to a defect or malfunction in your vehicle. It may have occurred during the vehicle’s manufacture, such as a bad computer chip. It may also be a defect in a part added to your vehicle, such as a new battery, tires, or brake pads.


If your attorney can prove that the vehicle or product manufacturer was negligent, you may have grounds for a product liability lawsuit. These types of cases can be highly complex, and it’s essential for you to work with an attorney who has proven success in these types of cases.


Get Legal Help for Your Auto Accident


Don’t assume responsibility for damages that resulted from your auto accident until you speak to a lawyer. Your attorney will know if the other party can be held responsible for negligence, and they may need to pay for your injuries and damages.


Get Legal Help for Your Florida Auto Accident


Call for a free case review today. We’ll help you understand how the laws apply to your specific case.






How to Keep Your Kids Safe as They Head Back to School

Back To School Time: How to Keep Your Kids Safe

The school year started with in-person classes in Broward County and Miami-Dade County today. In Miami, 350,000 students and about 18,000 teachers, including 300 new hires, returned to classrooms on Monday for their first day of the 2021-22 school year. In Broward, 257,000 students and 1,040 new teachers were hired for this school year.

“Today is the day, as I often say, is the equivalent of reawakening the sleeping giant from its summer nap: return to school,” superintendent Alberto Carvalho said Monday.

A new school year means a lot of different things for both kids and parents. Kids get to experience new teachers. Learn new things. Fret over changing social situations. Parents get to watch their kids continue to grow. Reclaim some of their time. Come up with new ways to make sure homework and studying are being done.


There’s one big thing about going back to school that impacts both kids and parents, though:



We spend inordinate amounts of time making sure we have the correct school supplies and clothes. The right kinds of food for lunch. That we get out the door early enough to make it to school on time.


Compared to these things, safety tends to get the short shrift – and that’s a mistake.

While generally speaking schools tend to be fairly safe, there are still all kinds of ways that kids can get hurt either in class or going to and from school.


The best way to avoid injuries related to common back-to-school accidents is to know what they are and how they happen.


To and From School


Bus Safety

If your child rides the bus, make sure that they know how to behave in and around them. Never walk toward a bus unless it has come to a complete stop. Always cross in front of a bus rather than behind, and make sure you are at least 10 feet ahead to ensure the driver can see you. Stay in your seat whenever the bus is moving. Don’t stand up to get off until the bus has come to a complete stop. Keep your body parts in the bus at all times.


Caution for Pedestrians

The first rule of walking safety is that kids should never walk to school alone until they are old enough to do so. At a minimum, this means that they should be at least 10 years old. Even then, you should plan a walking route with your child and practice it together. Make sure that this route sticks to sidewalks as much as possible and avoids intersections. If possible, have your child walk with other children who also walk to school. Older kids should also be reminded that part of safe walking involves being alert – that means keeping their head up and their ears free to hear what’s going on around them instead of losing themselves in their phones or music.


Automobiles and Teens.

For both younger kids and teens, car crashes are the leading cause of death. If you or friends drive your children to school, make sure that everyone involved understands the importance of using appropriate child safety restraints at all times. Older kids and teens need to continue wearing seatbelts, and teens who drive themselves to school should have a refresher on safe driving techniques.


While at School


Playground safety.

Over 20,000 kids visit emergency rooms each year for playground accidents. Teach your kid to play safely and watch out for other kids while running around and climbing. Part of this is choosing age-appropriate equipment to play on. Not only does this mean they need to be old enough to engage in “big-kid” activity, but also the opposite – it can be dangerous for bigger kids to play on equipment meant for little ones. Also show them how to watch for potentially dangerous items, such as hooks and bolts that are sticking out or equipment that has rusted.


Sports Safety.

Hundreds of thousands of kids are injured in sports-related incidents every year, and many of these occur in school-sponsored sporting events. Many of these are freak accidents that would have been difficult to avoid, but it is still valuable to teach your child about potential dangers and how to protect their bodies, particularly as they relate to head injuries, such as concussions.


Health safety.

Schools are like giant petri dishes where illnesses grow and blossom quickly. While it is almost guaranteed that your child will end up sick at some point over the course of the year, there are still things you can do to minimize the risk. Make sure they know to wash hands frequently, especially before eating and after going to the bathroom. Teach them to cover coughs and sneezes. Get them vaccinated.


South Florida Child Injury Lawyer


Follow these tips and your child is far more likely to get through the school year relatively unscathed – at least as far as illnesses and injuries are concerned. In the event that your kid gets hurt due to another’s negligence, learn what you can do to hold them accountable and fight for compensation.






What Can Happen When Floridians Slip and Fall


A lot of people don’t take slip and fall injuries very seriously, but they are incredibly common and often have devastating results.

Case-in-point: they are a leading cause of emergency room visits in Florida.


Now, this doesn’t mean that every single fall someone experiences leads to a severe injury. Exactly what harm results from an individual fall depends upon the force and distance of the fall, the surface that the victim falls on, and how the victim lands. Some of the most common injuries, however, involve the back, spinal cord, hip, and head.


Below, we’re going to go over several common – and serious – injuries that can result from a slip and fall.



Back injuries


Back injuries are some of the most common slip and fall injuries, and can leave victims debilitated for long periods of time – and potentially permanently. Compression fractures of the spinal vertebra may occur, especially in persons over 50 who suffer from osteoporosis or other conditions that weaken the bones. Slips and falls can also lead to a slipped or herniated disc, which can be painful and debilitating if left untreated.

Additionally, injuries to the back can lead to severe chronic pain, and may even make victims unable to work, resulting in lost wages. Seeking treatment and rehabilitation as soon as possible after a back injury can minimize lasting impacts.


Spinal cord injuries


The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that runs down the middle of the back. Injury to the spinal cord disrupts communication between the body and brain, and in the worst cases can even leave victims partially or fully paralyzed below the point of the injury.

Spinal cord injuries originating from slips and falls are typically caused by fractured vertebra that damage the spinal cord tissue or compress nerves, preventing the transmission of neural signals.

Injuries to the spinal cord are some of the most serious slip and fall injuries, as victims can be left permanently disabled. This can compromise quality of life, and results in high medical bills and lost wages, meaning that victims are unable to provide for their families.


Hip fractures


Of all fractures that can result from slips and falls, hip fractures lead to the greatest number of lasting health problems and deaths. Hip fractures may be more common in elderly victims with osteoporosis or other diseases that compromise bone strength. These types of injuries almost invariably require costly surgery to repair the break and potentially replace the hip.


Traumatic brain injuries


Did you know that falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries, especially in young children and persons over 65? Approximately 2.5 million people suffer from traumatic brain injuries annually, and over 50,000 die from these injuries.

Thankfully, most traumatic brain injuries are mild and do not result in lasting damage, though any head injury should be considered a medical emergency, as imaging is necessary to rule out hemorrhaging on the brain. A severe traumatic brain injury can lead to loss of motor skills, cognitive impairment, memory loss or even death. Moreover, costly medical bills are likely, particularly if the patient is uninsured.





Hold Responsible Parties Accountable for Slip and Falls That Occur Due to Negligence


Here’s the good news: slip and fall injuries are often preventable. They tend to occur due to unsafe conditions.


Boca Raton Slip and Fall Lawyer


This means that if you have suffered a slip and fall injury on someone else’s property, you may be able to seek damages to cover your medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. A personal injury attorney can determine whether filing suit may be appropriate, and help you get the compensation you deserve.




hurricance injury attorney

Hurricanes and Florida Electrocution Injuries


If you are hurt by an electrical injury in Florida, you need to know why they happen and how negligence is to blame for many common injuries. We’re going to detail some of the most common injuries due to electrocution in Florida and how you can get help if negligence is involved.


How Electrical Injuries Happen in Florida

In the U.S., around 1,000 people die and another 4,000 experience injuries due to electrocution every year. Many of these injuries occur on the job when the controlled flow of electricity is disrupted – particularly in construction. Those who work in construction and related industries are at the highest risk for electrocution injuries.

Additionally, numerous Americans visit the emergency room every year with electrical injuries sustained at home. Power tools, appliances, cords, and electrical outlets are all reasons both children and adults experience electrical injuries in their homes.

Here are the most frequent reasons electrical accidents occur.


Exposed power lines

Storms or winds frequently cause power lines to fall, which presents a dangerous electrocution hazard to anyone nearby, especially if water is present.

Lightning strike

Though injuries due to lightning strikes are rare, lightning can cause long lasting or deadly consequences.


Hurricanes and Florida Electrocution Injuries 1 Electrocution South Florida Injury Law FirmFailure to shut off power before working

This type of oversight can cause serious or fatal injuries on the job or in the home.

Power source touches ladder

This is a common reason for job-related electrical injuries. Employees must be properly trained to use ladders in a safe way to reduce the risk of electrocution.

Water conducts electricity

Anytime water comes into contact with an electrical source, the risk of danger or death exponentially multiplies. If another’s negligence caused electricity to contact water, you may be able to sue for damages.

Motor vehicle battery causes electrical shock

A faulty motor vehicle battery could cause an electrical injury, especially to someone who is not experienced in handling batteries.

Power tool or appliance failure

When an appliance or power tool isn’t working properly, an electrical injury can result. This could be due to a manufacturer’s defect or attributed to an employer’s failure to remove faulty tools from the work inventory. A knowledgeable attorney will be able to tell what parties may be held legally responsible for this type of injury.


Types of Electrocution Floridians Should Watch Out For

There are four main types of electrocution that can occur:


Arc flashes typically cause only skin-level injuries.


Arc flashes may ignite surrounding materials or clothing, resulting in serious burns.


The circuit travels through the person with a definite entry and exit point.



Electrical current affects a person’s whole body at once.

The level of injury someone suffers will depend on both the level of voltage and the length of exposure to the electrical current. If you experienced any of these injuries and you believe someone else may be at fault, you may be able to file for a personal injury lawsuit.



The Most Common Electrocution Injuries in Florida

These are the most common types of injuries that can result from electrocution.

  • External burns
  • Internal burns
  • Heart damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Loss of limbs
  • Seizures
  • Loss of concentration
  • Loss of memory
  • Lack of coordination
  • Loss of balance
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

If you suspect an electrical injury, look for these possible indicators:

  • Irregular heart beat
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Burns on the skin
  • Broken bones

As you can imagine, any of these injuries could require hospitalization, surgery, or months of therapy. If they happened due to another person or entity’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to pay because they made a mistake. A skilled Florida personal injury attorney can advise you on your legal rights if you believe someone else is at fault for your electrical injury.



How a Knowledgeable Florida Lawyer Can Help with Your Electrical Injury


There are a number of ways that an experienced Florida injury attorney may be able to help if you suffer an electrocution accident.

  • They can look at the facts of the incident to help you determine if you have rights to compensation.
  • They can help you determine which party or parties may be responsible based on the available evidence. Some potential liable entities include employers, property owners, contractors, utility companies, and manufacturers.
  • If you were injured at home due to a faulty appliance, an attorney can assist you in filing a product liability lawsuit against the appliance manufacturer.
  • They can explain the types of damages that qualify for compensation, including things such as medical bills, lost income, and any pain or suffering you endured due to the accident.





wilton manors accident

Deadly Car Accident at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade

It was early Saturday evening in Wilton Mantors when a white pickup truck struck two people just before the Stonewall Pride Parade was set to begin. The 2011 white Dodge Ram was the lead vehichle that had lined up with other floats when it accelerated and ran over two men standing by to take part in the parade around 7 p.m. on Wilton Drive near 16th Street.


The driver of the truck that plowed into the two victims was a 77-year-old man, who police say had physical ailments that prevented him from walking the parade route and because of it, was selected to be the lead vehicle of the parade. A DUI test showed no signs of impairment on the driver’s behalf.

wilton manors parade sceneFirst responders within the crowd quickly helped the two men who were hit, performing CPR. One of the victims was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital. The second victim is expected to survive.


“It was bad,” said Keith Witusik, a mechanic at the Fort Lauderdale Garden Center. “I was like, ‘Oh my God. I can’t believe this is happening.’”

Deadly Car Accident at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade 2 Electrocution South Florida Injury Law FirmFlorida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who was at the Stonewall Pride Parade event, along with U.S. Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch, confirmed the incident on Twitter and said the driver was in custody.

Wasserman Schultz said “I am deeply shaken and devastated that a life was lost and others seriously injured at tonight’s Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade. My staff, volunteers and I are, thankfully, safe. I want to thank our first responders for their heroic efforts as both police and emergency medical personnel stepped into action quickly. We’re praying for the victims and their loved ones as law enforcement investigates and I am providing them with whatever assistance I can. I am so heartbroken by what took place at this celebration. May the memory of the life lost be for a blessing.”

Deadly Car Accident at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade 3 Electrocution South Florida Injury Law FirmWilton Manors Vice Mayor Paul Rolli said Sunday that the early investigation shows it was an accident. It has been confirmed that the driver of the truck and the victims are all members of the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus.


Those are a lot of unfair hurdles the survivor will have to overcome.

Car accidents victims are expected to take care of this process on top of the added stress of being injured, spending time in the hospital, and/or missing time from work. That’s simply not fair to car accident victims – and that’s why we are here to help you get through it together.

All car accidents are serious. Even minor collisions can lead to costly car repairs, medical treatment, and lingering injuries. Stress and financial costs associated with car accidents can quickly spiral out of control. Without proper representation, you may find yourself left holding the bag without anyone to help you.


If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a car accident in South Florida, you will want the right law firm and attorneys that can maximize the amount of money you receive for the harms and losses you have suffered. The lawyers at The South Florida Injury Law Firm have exceptional experience in dealing with all types of automobile collisions, as well as an in-depth knowledge of Florida car insurance coverage and liability laws.


Conveniently located for residents of Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach and South Florida, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. However, if you have the need, your Boynton Beach personal injury attorney can visit you in your home or, if necessary, in the hospital. To contact a Boca Raton injury lawyer with The South Florida Injury Law Firm you can call 954.764.7377 anytime 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Or fill out the convenient online form for a free case evaluation. Remember, the consultation is free and you will owe nothing until recovery of benefits is made.

The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents


Driving a truck is not an easy job. It’s very exhausting to be on the road all the time, which explains why truck drivers are known to sometimes cause accidents. And since trucks are really big compared to other vehicles you can find on the road, it’s only logical that these accidents tend to result in major damage and serious injuries.


But while it’s easy to simply blame tired truck drivers, a number of factors can be involved. Sometimes weather or road conditions play a part. Other times a defective part or improper maintenance can be the culprit. Once in a while drunk driving is even to blame. You also have to remember than when you’re dealing with a huge, heavy truck, even seemingly minor driving errors can lead to big problems. And, of course, it’s really important to mention that a lot of these accidents actually happen because of car drivers that make driving errors in close proximity to a truck.


Below you’ll find several of the most common reasons that truck accidents occur. Hopefully this information will help teach you how to driver safer and prevent you from being involved in this type of accident.


So, why do truck accidents happen? Here are some behaviors that car drivers often engage in – so that you can avoid them!



Boca Raton Truck Accident Lawyer


The car driver misjudges the speed of an approaching truck at an intersection, and makes a left turn in front of the truck

It’s incredibly important to remember that trucks take time to slow down. Because of this, it’s probably best to wait for a truck to pass if you’re unsure about its speed. Remember that as soon as you start second guessing if you can make it, just stop and wait until the truck is gone to continue driving.





Unexpectedly changing lanes in front of a truck

Remember that you should always give a truck some space when you decide to change lanes in front of it. This is important because you can never know when the truck driver might decide to speed up. They need to see you in time in order to know if (and how much) they should slow down.





Driving while in the No-Zones

The so-called No-Zones are areas where the driver of the truck is less likely to notice you due to limited (and in some cases zero) visibility. There are three types of No-Zones – Side No-Zone, Rear No-Zone, and Front No-Zone. The most dangerous of these three are undoubtedly the right side No-Zones, as trucks are known to make wide right turns.




Not slowing down or speeding up when the truck starts to change lanes

Being indecisive while driving is what causes a lot of traffic accidents. When a truck driver next to you starts signaling that they want to change lanes, it’s very important that you either slow down or speed up. What’s even worse than not making a decision is changing your mind while in the process of choosing one of the two previously mentioned options.


West Palm Beach Truck Accident Attorney


Now it’s time to see some of the common errors truck drivers make while in traffic:


Falling asleep behind the wheel

Tired truck drivers causing accidents was mentioned above, but it bears repeating. Truckers have to constantly be on the road, and more often than not they simply don’t get enough sleep. Extreme weariness can lead to the truck driver falling asleep behind the wheel and causing an accident.


Unrealistic schedules of companies that hire the truck drivers

Why don’t truck drivers simply stop and sleep when they get tired? Because in order for them to meet their incredibly tight deadlines, they are often encouraged to keep going and drive much faster than they should. Although drivers are aware that this goes against safety precautions, they still do it because it’s often the only way to keep their jobs.


Insufficient training

Unfortunately, this is also true a big reason for accidents. These days, many truck drivers don’t go through proper training before they’re given their first job.


Hopefully, knowing this information and practicing safer driving will help you reduce the chances of getting into a truck accident. But if you or someone you love is injured in a crash with a truck due to another’s negligence, you should know what to do next. The first and most important thing to do is check to see if you or anyone around you is injured and, if so, instantly seek medical attention.


The next step you take should be contacting a skilled Florida accident attorney who will look into the incident. Your lawyer will likely have to ask you a lot of questions, so it’s helpful to prepare yourself ahead of time.

Researching and slogging through legal meetings may be the last thing you’re interested in doing after getting hurt in an accident, but it’s worth it. Medical bills can pile up fast, and that’s not even dealing with money you lose due to not being able to work and other expenses. These are things that can seriously derail your life, and if someone else is responsible, you shouldn’t have to pay for their mistake.



injury law firm bicycle accidents_0001_morning-ride_t20_z9VwYn

Cyclist Accident in Pembroke Pines by Westfork Plaza

The cyclist accident involved a 15-year-old cyclist from Pembroke Pines who was riding his bicycle Monday when he was struck by a car, authorities said.


The boy, who was not identified by Pembroke Pines police, was riding on the sidewalk eastbound on the 15800 block of Pines Boulevard near Westfork Plaza when he tried to cross the entrance of the shopping plaza. The 68-year-old driver turned to exit the mall and dragged the cyclist under her vehicle, police said they found in a preliminary investigation.


cyclist accident attorneys

Bike riding is a four season activity in the Sunshine State, whether you cycle for your commute, exercise, or fun. Unfortunately, its year-round popularity may also put you at a higher risk of being hurt in a bicycle accident.



Data regarding bike collisions should be of particular importance to anyone living in Florida, the #1 US state for fatal bicycle crashes.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2020, 127 Florida bicyclists lost their lives in bicycle accidents. Notably, this statistic appears to be heading in the right direction as 155 Florida bicyclists lost their lives in bicycle accidents in 2019.

According to a AAA study, fifty-three percent of motorists say one of their concerns is not having enough room to drive around cyclists. Similarly, 53 percent of motorists say they worry about cyclists swerving or falling into traffic, 35 percent are concerned they won’t see the cyclist in the first place, and 34 percent are uneasy about cyclists using the middle lanes in traffic. The study also noted:

  • 36% do not wear a helmet while riding a bicycle
  • 56% ride with traffic; 21% ride against traffic
  • 74% of those who ride against traffic do so because they prefer to see approaching vehicles



Most of the deaths are due to relatively mundane mistakes on the part of both bikers and motorists.

According to the NHTSA, the following statistics pertain to bicycle accidents in Florida as well as accidents across the US:

  • 38 percent of fatal cyclist accidents were caused by a biker or motorist failing to yield the right of way
  • 10 percent were due to a biker wearing clothing that’s difficult to see at night
  • 8 percent were caused by a failure to obey traffic laws, and another 8 percent happened because the cyclist or motorist made an improper turn.


The majority of serious and fatal cyclist accidents occur when a driver fails to yield to a cyclist at an intersection. Other bicycle accidents can occur on crowded side-streets, parking lot entrances/exits, or when a cyclist emerges from in between parked or stopped vehicles.


Cyclist Accident in Pembroke Pines by Westfork Plaza 4 Electrocution South Florida Injury Law Firm


Unfortunately, bicyclists tend to suffer catastrophic injuries when they are hit by large, fast-moving vehicles. As a result, they often need extensive medical care and may be unable to work for weeks or months. In severe cases, these injuries can result in disability, preventing the victim from ever working and earning a living.


The condition of the 15 year old who was involved in the cyclist accident has yet to be confirmed. Police are still investigating the scene by Westlake Plaza in Pembroke Pines.


What to Do After a Bike Accident


The most important thing to do after the accident is seek medical attention. Even if you believe you were not seriously injured, see a doctor and receive a professional medical diagnosis. You should also contact an attorney as soon as possible, as you only have three years from the date of the accident (in most cases) to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Florida bike accidents can leave serious injuries. As South Florida personal injury attorneys, let us help you obtain the compensation you deserve. You focus on getting better. Let us worry about your case.

Avoid Florida Car Crashes and Stay Safe with These Top Safety Features

Avoid Florida Car Crashes and Stay Safe with These Top Safety Features


Voice assist. Self-parking cars. Forward collision warnings.

There are many possible safety features you can get for cars today, but not all of them are created equal. Some are incredibly useful and drastically reduce your chances of getting into an accident (or increase your chances of survival if you are in one), while others fall more into the “luxury” category.

With that in mind, we thought we would look at some of the best, most effective safety features available in automobiles today. Some of these are more-or-less standard on most vehicles, while others need to be added on… for an additional price.


Yes, we’re starting with both the obvious and (hopefully) unexpected choice. Why seatbelts? Because they work. According to the CDC, wearing a seatbelt is the best way to reduce serious injury or death when someone is in a crash.

These days, though, seatbelts are also getting some nice new bells and whistles. Adjustable upper belts change the positioning of the shoulder belt, both to make it more comfortable and potentially to help avoid serious injury for those who might otherwise have the “shoulder” belt across their neck. Pretensioners are designed to instantly remove all slack from seat belts in the event of an impact.

Automatic Emergency Braking

The basic idea is that your car will automatically apply the brakes to slow or stop the vehicle if it senses an impending crash. This can help minimize the impact – and possibly avoid it altogether.

With distracted driving at an all-time high, it’s no wonder that this feature will become standard by 2022.

Adaptive Headlights

Headlights are great… until you find yourself driving on a winding road at night or approaching sharp corners. Because until you turn your entire car in the right direction, you won’t be able to see anything.

Adaptive headlights are designed to eliminate this problem by pivoting depending on how you move the steering wheel. In other words, as you turn the steering wheel left to make a left turn, the lights will focus in that direction before the car turns, giving you extra time to react to previously unseen dangers.

Blind Spot Monitoring

Have you ever checked for cars and started to change lanes – only to have an unseen vehicle next to you lay on the horn? Probably.

Blind spot monitoring aims to change that. It scans the rear corners of your car and lights up your side mirrors when it detects a vehicle there. The catch: the blind spot warning only turns on when you use your turn signals.

360-Degree Parking Camera

If you’ve ever tried to back into a tiny space in a South Florida parking garage, you can already imagine how valuable this piece of safety technology is. You can literally see all around your vehicle as you pull in, almost like you’re playing a video game where you’re outside of the car.

Obviously, it’s not going to protect you from any fast-moving collisions, but it can stop you from smacking into something – or someone – while trying to park.

Technology Can’t Always Save You, But It Can Help

South Florida Car Accident Lawyer

Obviously, newer and better safety features won’t stop every crash or injury that might occur. Everyone makes bad decisions while driving sometimes. And even if you make all the right choices, that doesn’t mean the other driver will.

Still, utilizing the safety features that work the best and make the most sense for you can go a long way towards reducing your risk and minimizing the suffering you endure if you ever are in an accident.



workers compensation injury law firm south florida

Three Most Common Florida Workers Compensation Injuries



If you have suffered an injury while on the job and accrued medical expenses or been forced to miss work as a result, you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim to cover your expenses. If your loved one died as a result of a workplace accident, you may also be eligible to receive benefits.


However, before you accept any settlement, it is prudent to consult with an aggressive Florida workers’ compensation attorney to make sure that you have received the maximum benefits and the compensation you deserve for your injury. Workers’ compensation claims can be filed for many reasons, but here are some of the most common workers’ compensation injuries in Florida.




Physical overexertion is a common cause of workers’ compensation injuries. This usually results from conducting a repetitive task (for example, factory work) too many times and without adequate rest, from lifting heavy objects, or from working in a non-ergonomic position.


Most overexertion injuries begin with acute pain (such as back pain), and can easily be resolved if they are treated and working conditions are improved. However, failure to address overexertion can result in chronic, debilitating conditions.


If your employer has required that you work in conditions that result in overexertion injuries, advise your employer or seek guidance from a workers’ compensation attorney on how to properly file a claim. Make sure that you know your rights and have consulted a workers’ compensation lawyer, who can help you determine what is your best course of action.


Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slip and fall cases are eligible for a workers’ compensation claim so long as they happen during the course of employment.

A slip, trip, or fall accident occurs when a worker slips on a smooth surface, trips over something, or otherwise falls, either directly to the ground or from a raised surface such as a ladder or staircase. The most common workers’ compensation injuries resulting from these accidents are back, spinal cord, neck, arm, wrist, leg, and foot injuries. These injuries are often painful and debilitating, so may force you to miss work while you recover. A skilled workers’ compensation attorney can advise on how to pursue lost wages and medical treatments.


Boca Raton Workers' Compensation Lawyer




Struck By or Against Object


If you are struck by or against an object, such as machinery, vehicles, another worker, tools, or other objects, you may sustain a serious injury. The type of injury resulting from these accidents depends upon what you are struck by, where you are struck, and the amount of force with which the object strikes you. Some of the most common injuries are hand or foot injuries, head injuries, and back or neck injuries. If you fall as a result of being struck, you may also sustain injuries from the fall.


A workers’ compensation claim is fairly common in these cases, which your workers’ compensation attorney can help you file. However, if this accident occurs due to unsafe conditions, like faulty equipment, a personal injury lawsuit may also be applicable.


The best way to know for sure whether or not you have a viable case? Talk to a knowledgeable and local Ft. Lauderdale attorney with experience handling Workers’ Compensation claims as well as third-party claims. When you have good legal counsel by your side, you can rest assured that your rights will not be taken away from you. The South Florida Injury Law Firm is conveniently located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our attorneys have successfully represented clients throughout Florida, including Broward County, Indian River, Okeechobee, Martin County, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and other cities and counties.




You're in a Car Crash – What Florida Law Requires You to Do

Auto Accident in Plantation Leaves 2 Dead on Sunrise Boulevard



  • A deadly auto accident happened in Plantation Florida near 441 on NW 47th Avenue and Sunrise Boulevard.
  • Two people were killed in a sedan after being hit by an SUV.
  • The impact tore the sedan’s front and rear axles completely off.
  • Sunrise Boulevard  was completely reopened just before 1PM



According to initial reports by Plantation police, the Honda sedan was attempting to turn from the eastbound lanes on Sunrise Boulevard with the intention of either going north on 43rd Avenue or making a U-turn to go west on Sunrise Boulevard. Lanes of West Sunrise Boulevard in Plantation were closed in both directions shortly after 5 a.m. By 9:45 a.m., only the two left lanes had remained closed.





The Honda can be seen missing its entire front end and almost appears to be split in half. The Mercedes SUV sustained significant front end damage. The accident is still under investigation by Plantation police and fire departments and charges are reportedly pending related to the accident.



auto accident on sunrise boulevard

Every driver has a responsibility to drive in a cautious and courteous manner. With so many drivers sharing Florida roadways, no amount of defensive driving can protect you from the negligent and reckless behavior of another driver.


For many Floridians, it isn’t if you will be involved in a crash, but when.


If you find yourself in a car accident, there are a number of different things that you should probably do. Get yourself medical help. Take pictures and gather evidence. Call a lawyer. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and even confused following a car accident. Let alone the concerns surrounding medical bills, repair needed and whether or not you will be able to return to work.


In fact, we’ve written guides about what to do after a crash. However, you don’t have to do many of those things. If you wanted to, you could skip a lot of them.


Not all of them, though. There are some things that Florida law actually requires you to do if you are involved in a crash. Below, we’re going to go over what those are.

Stop at the scene of the auto accident


Hopefully, this goes without saying, but you cannot simply drive away after the car crash. You must first stop and fulfill the other duties detailed below first. Otherwise, it could be classified as a hit and run.

Hurt in a Florida Spring Break Car Crash? You Can Fight BackIf you leave a crash where someone else was injured, this is a third-degree felony, and you can face up to five years in prison or five years of probation, a $5,000 fine, and driver’s license revocation. If someone dies in the car crash, then it is a first-degree felony, with penalties of up to 30 years in prison, a $10,000 fine, and driver’s license revocation. There is a mandatory minimum prison sentence of two years if you were driving under the influence.


If it is only property that was damaged, then it is a second-degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.


Get help for anyone who has been injured


If the other person requires or requests medical treatment, you are obligated to provide “reasonable assistance.” This means things like transporting or making arrangements to transport the person to a doctor or hospital. Often, your best course of action is to call 9-1-1.


Move your car out of the way


If your car is blocking traffic, you are required to move your car or call for help, such as from a tow truck, if you are unable to do so.


Provide your name and address to the other driver


You must also show your driver’s license or permit and vehicle registration number if requested. In the situation where the other person is not able to receive that information, then you are required to report the crash.


Provide information to investigating police officers


You must share your driver’s license, vehicle registration, address, and other information. Don’t discuss fault at this point. Just answers questions honestly. You never know what the other driver may or may not have been doing.


Boca Raton Car Accident Attorneys

Report the accident in some cases


You are required to report the accident to the local police department, sheriff, or the Florida Highway Patrol if there are injuries, death, or damage over $500. You are also required to do so if either driver is intoxicated.


You don’t have to file a crash report if the investigating officer does so, but you should confirm that they actually did so. Also, your crash report should include up-to-date information about your car insurance.


Once you do these things, you can be on your way if you wish. However, you could be missing out if the other driver’s negligence caused the accident. This is something that’s not always easy to tell when you’re involved. The best way to know for sure is to reach out to a knowledgeable Florida car crash lawyer and talk to them about your case.